HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 02 21 Minutes COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY February 21, 1990 The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Semi- nole County was held at City of Lake Mary Public Safety Complex, 235 Rinehart Road, Lake Mary, Florida on February 21, 1990. MEMBERS PRESENT Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs Mayor Andrea Dennison, Casselberry Commissioner David Mealor, Lake Mary Commissioner Hank Hardy, Longwood Councilperson Jane Dees, Oviedo Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford Commissioner Jennifer Kelley, Seminole County Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board Commissioner Cindy Kaehler, Winter Springs x x X X X X X ALSO PRESENT Phil Penland, City Manager, Altamonte Springs Bob Stevens, Parks & Recreation Department, Casselberry John Litton, City Manager, Lake Mary Skip Fowler, City Attorney, Altamonte Springs CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lee Constantine. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Commiss ioner Mealor, second by Counc ilperson Dees to approve the minutes of January 3, 1990 with the amendment on Page 4 under Lake Mary's report with the correction "dedicated to the memory of Harry Benson," and also Ci ty Hall plans will go to Council in "February 1990." Carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS a) Insurance Update Mr. Penland stated that a meeting was held in the insurance consultant, Siver Associates of Tampa. They discussed the possi- bility of a self-insured program for the cities, county and school board. The school board has entered into a three year labor package and would not be able to participate at this time. He explained that the personnel and finance people of the different organizations are to meet with Gallagher and Bassett and elaborate on the types of coverage each city offers and the possible solu- tions to insurance costs. Mr. Penland explained that this report will take several months. The total employees involved will be 2500 employees at a cost now of approximately $8 million. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY FEBRUARY 21, 1990 P ag e 2 b) Solid Waste Task Force Councilperson Dees stated that the task force reviewed the Solid Waste Element for the County Comprehensive Plan thoroughly. One item removed was the segment that requires construction sites to bury their debris on site as opposed to having it hauled off site. The segment will read the trash will be hauled off site. The next meeting of the Task Force is February 22nd at 3:00 p.m. in Casselberry. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Litton gave a brief overview of the state of the City. He said Lake Mary has a new City Hall under construction and dedica- tion is scheduled for July 14th. A subject Lake Mary has taken a stand on is the burial of power lines on Lake Mary Blvd. The power company is not cooperating at this time, they do not feel they should have to pay for the I ines to be underg round. Mr. Litton stated the City staff has also become very energetic in the acquisition of land or the development of active and passive parks. This is the first year Lake Mary has had a paid Fire Department and they do provide EMS service. Mr. Litton noted that he was working on first response agreements with Seminole County to work together on answering fire calls. The Public Works building has its own garage area and administrative offices. Commissioner Constantine presented to Mr. Li tton Thomas Mahoney in apprec iat ion of his serv ice in past two years. a plaque for CALNO for the c) Discussion of Dues and Stationery Commissioner Constantine noted that CALNO needs updated stationery and costs were submitted to the treasurer. He noted that dues should also be collected from each entity in the amount of $25.00. Moved by Councilperson Dees, second by Commissioner Mealor to request dues in the amount of $25.00 from each entity and new stationery be purchased. Carried unanimously. d) Discussion of Legislative Package Commissioner Constantine noted that the Florida League of Cities introduced a legislative package. The members agreed that a policy statement specific to the needs of Seminole County unani- mously agreed to by CALNO be submitted to the Florida Legislative Delegation. Commissioner Constantine stated he will have the legislative package from the Florida League of Cities sent to each CALNO member so they may rev iew and submi t ideas for a pol icy statement. At the next meeting the main agenda item should be a policy statement for the Florida Delegation. Commissioner Constantine said last years statement was for flex- ible financing for all local governments. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY FEBRUARY 21, 1990 P ag e 3 e) Arbor Pr09ram Mr. Stevens noted that representatives from each County, City and various schools in the Orange-Seminole County areas held a commit- tee meeting. The Committee discussed what type of activity the various entities would be conducting for Arbor month; whether something could be coordinated together; and to let the media know what is being planned in each city. April is Arbor Month and the last Friday is Arbor Day. The Committee is contacting some of the local nurseries and the Forestry service and will let the Cities and Counties know what is available. Commissioner Hardy suggested that CALNO plant a tree at a neutral location i.e, Library. He will have suggestions for the next mee t ing . f) Discussion of Local Concerns Commissioner Mealor addressed Non-Ad valorem Assessment Procedures for 1990. Mr. Litton noted that all the changes and requirements in the laws make non-ad valorem assessments a very difficult process. He said this was one vehicle in which neighborhoods could previously enhance their environment, without a long drawn out planning process which is very laborious. Special assessments are no longer an attractive alternative. The suggestion was made to have Mr. Suber, Seminole County Property Appraiser, address CALNO on this issue. g) Other Business Commissioner Constantine introduced Skip Fowler who addressed the Central Florida Commuter Rail Authority. Mr. Fowler stated the agency was created in 1989 and is a legis- lative state agency serving the four county-area to provide commute rail service to residents of said counties. The basic thrust of the authority is to seek to acquire the CSX track from Seminole south through the Airport and along the 1-4 corridor. The Committee would consider the potential growth in these areas and the cost of the line would be between $150 and $200 million. He noted that they are hoping to have some funding from UMPTA. The Authority meets monthly and will form a technical committee and requested planners from each City/County participate so everyone will have input and information on the suggested corri- dors. He requested that everyone contr ibute at least $3,000 to help support the commuter rail line. He would like to discuss this issue with the Commissions of each city and/or county. If anyone has anyone questions they can call him at 425-2684. Councilperson Dees stated literature will be distributed from the Tr i-Coun ty League of Cities on Arnendmen t 3 - to stop the state from mandating policy without funding the mandates. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY FEBRUARY 21, 1990 P ag e 4 h) Discussion of April Agenda The April meeting will include Legislative Package, Arbor Program Update; and discussion on Solid Waste Task Force. e) Election of Officers Councilperson Dees nominated second by Commissioner Kelley. Commissioner Hardy as Carried unanimously. Chairman, Councilperson Dees nominated Commissioner Eckstein as Secretary/ Treasurer. Commissioner Eckstein deferred nomination. Councilperson Treasurer of unanimously. Dees nominated CALNO, second Commissioner Mealor as Secretary/ by Commissioner Kelley. Carried REPORTS F ROM MEMBERS Seminole County Commissioner Kelley said she sent to the GIS Computer Seminar at Buena Vista which was on combining efforts in order to have a base map which all cities and counties would work together so everyone would have the same updated map. There should be two groups 1) Management - would be making policy decision and they could use CALNO for these decisions; and 2) Technical Group - would include engineers and planners. Sanford Commiss ioner Eckstein said he proposed a boombox ord inance in Sanford and many people have a problem with the loud stereos. The ordinance states that noise cannot come from a vehicle from 50 feet and a building from 100 feet and is treated as a moving vehicle violation with a #32.00 fine. He noted that in residential communities new skateboard ramps are a conditional use, whereby, if the neighbors say it allows ramps this would be fine, if not it will be voted down. There will be setbacks in the ordinance as well. Longwood Commissioner Hardy stated they won the case where they were sued by Hockenberry for removing the person from the Commission Chambers. This sends a good message that there are rules to be abided in the Commission meetings. Casselberry Mr. Stevens announced that Casselberry is work ing on ideas to commemorate their 50th anniversary. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY FEBRUARY 21, 1990 P ag e 5 Altamonte Springs Commissioner Constantine announced that A1tamonte Springs has become a Tree City, USA. He stated he had attended a program at Howey in the Hills by UCF in conjunction with Harvard JFK School of Government. This should be a yearly event and they send nominations to attend this program that each person should consider attending this 3-day intensive seminar on rules and regulations of local governments. The City collected 1600 Christmas trees for recycling. Reclaimed water is in over 300 residential units in the city and 262 commer- cial sites. The Pretty City Cat Show is February 24th at West- monte Park. All sixty-six Police Officers are now certified in CPR. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8: 40 p.m.