HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 12 06 Minutes COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY December 6, 1989 The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Semi- nole County was held at Altamonte Springs City Hall, 225 Newbury- port Avenue, Al tamon te Spr ing s, Flor ida on December 6, 1989 at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs Mayor Owen Sheppard, Casselberry Commissioner David K. Mealor, Lake Mary Commissioner Hank Hardy, Longwood Councilperson Jane Dees, Oviedo Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford Commissioner Jennifer Kelley, Seminole County Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board Mayor Leanne Grove, Winter Springs x x X X X ALSO PRESENT Robert McMillan, Acting County Administrator Randy VanDerWorp, Acting Deputy County Administrator CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lee Constantine. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Commissioner Kelley, second by Commissioner Eckstein to approve the minutes of November 8, 1989 with the amendment reflect Commissioner Eckstein's presence at the meeting. Carried unani- mously. TREASURER'S REPORT Not available. OLD BUSINESS a) Update of County Commissioner Kelley stated Mr. McMillan and Mr. VanDerWorp and Larry Sellers Managers. Roger Neiswander has been consultant. is Acting County Manager are Acting Deputy County retained as the County's Mr. McMillan offered his assistance to the Cities. Commissioner Constantine said he is concerned about the ongoing negotiations between several Cities and the County and how they are affected. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY - DECEMBER 6, 1989 P ag e 2 Mr. VanDerWorp said Pam Hastings and Jerry McCollom will be handling impact fees. Gary Seller will be dealing with water and sewer. Urban services agreements are his responsibility and meetings will be continued. A worksession is scheduled for January regarding landscaping along C.R. 427. Another worksession is scheduled for discussion of design and utilities of Lake Mary Blvd. Mr. McMillan said they are interviewing recruiting firms for hiring of a County Manager whom they hope to have hired by June. The Council discussed at length the County's new phone system and the proposed changes to the system. 6. NEW BUSINESS a) Host Presentation Commissioner Constantine ance has been postponed. circulated to each Ci ty tative. state the update on joint health insur- Al City's insurance program's have been for review by their insurance represen- b) Members' Discussion of Local Concerns c) Other Business d) Discussion of January Agenda There will be an insurance update and election of officers will be held. 7. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS Seminole County Sanford The City has enacted an ordinance regarding excessive noise from stereos and boom boxes which is treated like moving violations. Second reading is scheduled for an ordinance requiring two clerks on duty at convenience stores in the evening. Skateboarding regulations are being drafted to potentially make it impossible to have a ramp on private property. Commissioner Eckstein wished everyone well as he will not be Sanford's representative to CALNO next year. The St. Lucia Festival is coming up. A proposal has been received for planting of trees on First Street. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY - DECEMBER 6. 1989 P ag e 3 The Council discussed at length requiring ience stores. Commissioner Eckstein will ordinance to all members. two clerks at conven- send copies of their Longwood A worksession is scheduled in January for discussion of sign regulations and convenience store clerks. The Counc il d iscusssed munity's involvement in the City of Longwood. sign regulations and discussed the com- restoring a house recently condemned by Lake Mary Construction of the new city hall is progressing well. Altamonte Springs Commissioner Constantine circulated a copy of the Ci ty' s Annual Work Program. A city tour was held recently for the Commission and Department Heads. They toured the new laboratory and nursery and watched the activation of the APRICOT system at Merrill Park. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8: 00 p.m.