HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 08 02 Minutes COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY August 2, 1989 The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Semi- nole County was held in the City Manager's Conference Room, City Hall Sanford, Florida on August 2, 1989 at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs Mayor Owen Sheppard, Casselberry Commissioner Thomas K. Mahoney, Lake Mary Commissioner Hank Hardy, Longwood Councilperson Jane Dees, Oviedo Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford Commissioner Jennifer Kelley, Seminole County Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board Mayor Leanne Grove, Winter Springs x X X X X X X ALSO PRESENT Bill Simmons, City of Sanford Director of Engineering and Planning CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lee Constantine. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Councilperson Dees, second by Commissioner Kelley to approve the minutes of June 7, 1989. Carried unanimously. TREASURER'S REPORT Commissioner Constantine announced that there would be no Trea- surer's Report due to the absence of Commissioner Mahoney, and that he would check with the City of Lake Mary regarding both membership/representation at meetings and the Treasurer's Report. OLD BUSINESS a) Update on Dispute Resolution Chairman Constantine stated he believed all entities had now signed the Resolution although he had not seen the fully executed document containing all signatures. Commissioner Kelley said she would check on the status and report back at the next meeting. b) Update on Local Option Gas Tax No discuss ion. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY. AUGUST 2. 1989 P ag e 2 NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Eckstein reported that Mayor Smith was out of town and unable to attend this meeting. Commissioner Constantine said he did not have the plaque to present to her, but would have his City Clerk secure it and send it to Sanford. b) Penny Sales Tax for Sheriff's Department Referendum A discussion was held concerning the one cent sales tax for the Sher iff's Department Referendum. Commiss ioner Kelley urged all members to call their County Commissioners and state their posi- tion. The County Commission vote was 3-2 against the tax. a) Host Presentation Commissioner Eckstein introduced Bill Simmons who gave a presen- tation on reclaimed water distribution. After a brief history of the events leading up to the $3.5 million acquisition of Site 10, a 2200 acre site east of Sanford, purchased for a reclaimed water distribution area, Mr. Simmons displayed a map showing designated distribution lines. At present, Sanford is upgrading its waste- water treatment plan on Lake Monroe to produce an effluent which is classified by DER as "unrestricted public access quality", at a rate of 6 million gallons per day. Even though it has nutrients in it, it can be used for irrigation without restriction, for use on school yards, golf courses, residential yards, but not for filling swimming pools. Sanford is installing a distribution system of large diameter pipe ranging from 18" to 14", at various locations throughout the City. The location of the pipes was chosen to allow Sanford to reach and individually serve city properties, including the Mayfair Golf Course. This displaces 1.2 million gallons per day of capacity. Additionally, DER has granted Sanford a one million gallon annual daily average dis- charge into St. Johns River downstream from Lake Monroe, somewhere in the vicinity of the 1-4 Bridge. Sanford has a contract with Lake Mary for 3/4 million gallons per day for the Timacuan Golf Course, and additional potential capacity up to 4 million gallons per day. Sanford recently completed a residential promotion campaign to City residents which included one year free service together with free tap fee for a 60 day period. A brief question and answer period followed. c) Members Discussion of Local Concerns Commissioner Hardy stated he is very concerned with the situation at the corner of Highway 427 and Magnolia Avenue, near the Disco Food Store in Longwood. There have been a number of instances where people have stopped at the light, and been robbed, beaten, etc. His brother was recently stopped at the light pulled out of the car and robbed. He said he wrote a letter to Sher iff John Polk suggesting a blinking light be installed but has yet to receive a reply. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY. AUGUST 2. 1989 P ag e 3 Commissioner Eckstein said he was concerned wi th the amount of overtime Sanford is paying police and canine units for activities in Oviedo. He further stated that he will be bringing this item up at their Commission Worksession on August 7th. Councilwoman Dees said Oviedo was not ready for a canine patrol, and that she was surprised that Oviedo was not being billed for the overtime charges. Commissioner Constantine said all entities are facing significant tax increases this year, except Longwood, and he was particularly concerned with substantial increases just to maintain the current level of service. Property values in Altamonte Springs went up 7 to 8%, inflation went up 4 to 5%, and the property taxes or ad-valorem taxes have only increased 1.1%. He would like to invite the Property Appraiser to the next meeting to discuss ad-valorem taxes. Commissioner Constantine said he was also concerned over the dramatic group medical insurance increase, and that the benefits are less to the employees and the cost is at lease three time more than it was five years ago. Councilwoman Dees stated she has also noticed a decrease in the number of employees that can afford to buy insurance for their families, and it was a sad situation. Commissioner Constantine said he had been talking with Orange County and Orlando and that they had significant savings by going into a semi self insured fund. He further stated that he felt that the seven cities and county should consider such a plan. He suggested that each member ask his Ci ty Manager to appoint a representative towards this cause. It was the consensus of all present that this be done. Commissioner Constantine will ask his City Manager to coordinate a meeting of all parties concerned. d) Other Business e) Discussion of September Agenda The next meeting will be held September 6th at Seminole County. Commissioner Kelley will ask Bill Suber to attend for the host presentation. Commissioner Constantine will submit a report from his Ci ty Manager concerned the proposed self-insured insurance fund. Commissioner Constantine reported that he and Commissioner Hardy attended the funeral for Grace Bradford, a longtime Al ta- monte Springs/Longwood resident and historical preservationist. Ms. Bradford will be greatly missed and her memories treasured for years to come. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS Altamonte Springs Casselberry COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY. AUGUST 2. 1989 P ag e 4 Lake Mary Commiss ioner Mahoney reported the new Police, F ire and Public Works Building will be complete next week, and operational by September 1st. They have gone out to bid for the new City Hall, to be located at the corner of Lake Mary Blvd. and Country Club Ro ad . Longwood Commissioner Hardy reported that Longwood now has a new $350,000 ladder/pumper Fire Truck that does fit in its building. He stated he has recently seen several incidents of various Fire Departments working together, with as many as four different departments respond ing at some calls. He further reported that Longwood did not raise any taxes for the upcoming Fiscal Year, and I ike all others, had a tough time with the budget sessions. Ov i ed 0 Sanford Commissioner Eckstein reported that Sanford recently chose the architect for the new fire station. Sanford is also using a new sealer that saves roads an add i tional two to three years. He expressed empathy at the lost of Mack Blythe, a very important figure and very active person who was involved in a tragic out of state accident. Seminole County Commissioner Kelley noted that the Loitering Ordinance will be before the Board for the third time, and is being rewritten. She urged all members present to call their Commissioners and express the ire oncerns . School Board Win ter Spr ing s There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.