HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 06 07 Minutes COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY June 7, 1989 The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Semi- nole Count was held at Oviedo City Hall, 20 East Broadway, Oviedo, Florida on June 7, 1989 at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs Mayor Owen Sheppard, Casselberry Commissioner Thomas K. Mahoney, Lake Mary Commmissioner Hank Hardy, Longwood Councilperson Jane Dees, Oviedo Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford Commissioner Jennifer Kelley, Seminole County Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board Mayor Leanne Grove, Winter Springs x X X X X X X ALSO PRESENT Skip Fowler, City Attorney, Altamonte Springs Penny Fleming, Seminole County Management and Budget Director Jean Kassab, Seminole County Senior Budget Management Analyst CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lee Constantine. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Councilperson Dees, the minutes of May 10, 1989. second by Mayor Sheppard to approve Carried unanimously. TREASURER'S REPORT Chairman Constantine reported that the treasurer's report was unchanged from the last meeting. OLD BUSINESS a) Update on Dispute Resolution It was reported that all cities were in agreement with the Inter- local Agreement with the exception of Paragraph 12 and that had now been resolved. All that remains is for each city to sign the ag r eemen t . b) Update on Solid Waste Management Act Mayor Sheppard reported that all seven ci ties in the County had signed the Interlocal Agreement, so that the way has been cleared COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY, JUNE 7, 1989 P ag e 2 to proceed with the grant for the implementation of the program. The cities that already have trash collection will continue with their own, and the County had been asked to consider handling the recyclables, which will be mandatory at an average cost per resident of $3.00. It was suggested that this could be charged to the individual tax bill because of problems with adding this charged to the utility bills. The recycling subcommittee is meeting on June 8, 1989. c) Legislative Update Mr. Fowler reported that the Central Florida Commuter Rail Au thor i ty was added to the Tr i County Rail Au thor i ty and passed this session. The first route will be Sanford to Lake Mary along the 1-4 spine, Longwood, Altamonte Springs, Maitland, Orlando and to the Airport. A special taxing district was discussed. NEW BUSINESS a) Host Presentation Mr. Eugene Will iford, Ci ty Manager, presented draw ings and plans for the new Oviedo City Hall. The buildings are "Cracker" style architecture with a metal roof, brick construction and of a rural nature, with a veranda all around the administration building. The two buildings are approximately 15,000 square feet each, with provisions for additional buildings at a future date and a comple- tion date of January 8. The low bid for construction was 2.65 million dollars, approximately $70 per square foot for the admini- stration building and $60 per square foot for the Public Safety Building. b) Local Option Gas Tax Ms. Fleming and Ms. Kassab spoke about the Local Option Gas Tax Formula that would go into effect on January 1, 1990. Ms. Fleming explained that the LOGT was established in 1986 by interlocal agreement with the County's rate fixed at 63.6% and the Cities rate of 36.4% based on a five year rolling transportation expen- diture history, and the annual audit. Exceptions to the formula in the form of developer credits issued against revenue this year were Altamonte Springs and Oviedo. Ms. Fleming requested that special procedures be established for future exceptions in the form of a copy of the developers agree- ment with contractor certification to be forwarded to their office for verification. After extensive discussion, Councilperson Dees moved to allow credits in the figures for gas tax distribution on the basis of a three year even distribution of whatever certifiable amount of c red i tis . Ms. Fleming asked for clarification of certifiable. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVJ~;BJilVI~N':I'_~ IN__~~JVIINQLECQl.JN':I'X,_I!JNg:___I,__]._989 Page 3 Chairman Constantine stated that a developers agreement would be sent to her office with an actual dollar figure of the improve- ments. She would then take that figure in the year in which it is received and spread over the next three years. Councilperson Dees then rephrased the motion to: allow credits in the figures for gas tax distribution on the basis of a three year even distribution of whatever the certifiable amount of credit as provided by a developers agreement, Motion was seconded by Mayor Sheppard and carried unanimously. c) Members Discussion of Local Concerns Altamonte Springs has signed an Impact Fee Agreement with Seminole County which was approved two weeks ago regarding the funding for collector roads. The City of Sanford is working on a resolution asking the County Commission to reconsider the penny sales tax for the Sheriff's Department by referendum this fall, and asked for the support of CALNO in the form of a resolution. Commissioner Eckstein was asked to bring the resolution before the next CALNO meeting. d) Other Business e) Discussion of JulY__fuI~!}<:!~ There will be no meeting in July, the next meeting will be August 2nd. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS Winter Spring~ Mayor Grove reported that the City had closed on a 9 million dollar bond issue wi th 3.5 million for recreation improvements, 500,00 for a new fire station and the rest to refinance the previous bonds. She also reported that June 24th is the City's 30th birthday with a celebration in Sunshine Park. Sanford Commissioner Eckstein reported that the City is receiving bids for a new fire station and are meeting with the County on Monday for some sort of mutual aid package. Oviedo Longwood Mayor Hardy said that they have a new City Admini strator Mike Ables and that their parks and recreation program was sold out within 30 minutes on opening day. COUNCIL OF LOCAL Goyg;Rl'lM~N'J:'~:LJNJ?_~MINOLECQYNT~L____~JJ.m]LJL_1~_89 Page 4 Casselberry Altamonte Springs Commissioner Constantine reported the approval of fluoridation in the water supply system and that the Future Visions Forum will be held on Saturday from 8:30 to 2:30 with consultants for an update on future planning for the City. He reported that the Al tamonte Mall had submitted plans for a 450,000 square foot expansion with 2,000 covered parking spaces and a future expansion of an additional 240,000 square feet making a total of 1.75 million square feet. Commissioner Constantine reported that the Charity Challenge would be on July 15th and 16th behind the Altamonte Mall and would be televised statewide. There being no further business, the meeting adj ourned at 8: 45 p.m.