HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 05 10 Minutes COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY May 10, 1989 The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Semi- nole County was held at Longwood City Hall, 175 West Warren Avenue, Longwood, Florida on May 10, 1989 at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs Mayor Owen Sheppard, Casselberry Commissioner Thomas K. Mahoney, Lake Mary Commissioner Hank Hardy, Longwood Councilperson Jane Dees, Oviedo Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford Commissioner Jennifer Kelley, Seminole County Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board Mayor Leanne Grove, Winter Springs x X X X X X X ALSO PRESENT Commissioner Phil Kulbes, Winter Springs Ralph Bormet, Citizens Outlook Nancy Imperiale, Orlando Sentinel Mark Thornton, United Parcel Service Bob Hayes, United Parcel Service Bob Horning, United Parcel Service CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lee Constantine. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Counc ilperson Dees, second by Commiss ioner Eckstein to approve the minutes of April 5, 1989. Carried unanimously. TREASURER'S REPORT Commissioner Mahoney reported a balance of $366.00. OLD BUSINESS a) Dispute Resolution Mayor Sheppard asked that a termination clause be added to the dispute resolution. He said he had attempted to speak with Bill Colbert regarding proper language but had been unsuccessful. He suggested that a termination clause be added to permit each City to terminate annually with 60 days notice. Members were requested to obtain agreement from their municipalities by the next meeting. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY. MAY 10. 1989 P ag e 2 b) Solid Waste Management Act All cities will approve the Interlocal Agreement on solid waste within the deadline. c) Spring Elections Mayor Hardy reported that Longwood held a Special Election 10th and Jeff Morton was elected Commissioner. Mayor advised that 486 persons voted out of the 5,269 eligible for a 9.2% turnout. on May Hardy voters After discuss ion, Chairman Constantine said there was a lack of consensus among the members for a Spring election and no further action would be initiated by CALNO. NEW BUSINESS a) Host Presentation Mayor Hardy introduced Mark Thornton, UPS Projec t Eng ineer. Mr. Thornton gave a very informative briefing on the 200,000 square foot building being constructed in Longwood. He said an addi- tional 200,000 square feet would be added at a fu ture date. In response to ques t ions, he said the fac il i ty would serve Seminole County and Apopka and said certain drivers would be taken from Orlando. Mr. Thornton said the facility would be constructed at the Florida Central Commerce Parkway to replace the 10,000 square foot facility located approximately 1/2 mile away. Mr. Thornton said UPS is owned by the employees, managers and supervisors, and there was good teamwork. Mayor Hardy said UPS had very courteous drivers and commended Mr. Thornton on their training program. b) Legislative Update Councilperson Jane Dees reported that members of the legislature were receiving messages written on blocks of wood from the members of the Home Builders Association. c) Replacement for Expressway Authority Paul Tremel recommended Commissioner Mahoney as his replacement on the Expressway Authority and he thanked CALNO for the opportunity to serve as a member of the Authority. Chairman Constantine read a letter from Casselberry Commissioner Mary Lou Miller volunteering for the position. Commissioner Mahoney said he would be interested in serving on the Authority. Moved by Mayor Sheppard, second by Commissioner Kulbes to nominate Commissioner Miller. Moved by Commissioner Mahoney, second by Chairman Constantine to nominate Commissioner Mahoney. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY. MAY 10. 1989 P ag e 3 Commissioner Mary Lou Miller was elected by a voice vote and the members made the vote unanimous. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS Winter Springs Commiss ioner Kulbes said the Ci ty was process ing a 9 mill ion dollar Bond issue which would be used for a super park, 1 Or 2 fire stations and to improve City Hall. Commiss ioner Kulbes said the Commiss ion was cons ider ing creating districts for members of the Commission and requiring that they be elected from districts. He said their attorney was working on the legislation. Ov i ed 0 Councilperson Dees said Oviedo was excited about the new park. Seminole County Commiss ioner Kelley reported that the Board of Commiss ioners had disapproved Sheriff Polk's additional tax request by a vote of 3-2 due to the concern abou t br ing ing up two tax inc reases on the ballot. She said the request will be brought up again in 1990. Commiss ioner Kelley said the latest figures on the Local Option Gas Tax had been distributed to the cities. Longwood Mayor Hardy announced that Jeff Morton was elected by 90% of the voting public as District III Commissioner. Mayor Hardy reported that Longwood has been selected for a $120,000 grant to develop Candyland Park. Altamonte Springs Chairman Constantine said the Ci ty would have picnic on May 16th honoring volunteer board members. Chairman Constantine said the Ci ty had honored 30 employees who had more than 15 years of serv ice. Thirty percent of the employees were from the Fire Department and 20% were from the Public Works Department and Bill James, Leisure Services Director was among the employees. Chairman Constantine said the Sentinel Building on S.R. 436 has been sold. He said the building contained 140,00 square feet of space and would be used for retail/commercial development. The June meeting will be held in Oviedo. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.