HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 04 05 Minutes
AprilS, 1989
The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole
County was held at the Lake Mary Commission Chambers, 158 North
Country Club Road, Lake Mary, Florida on AprilS, 1989 at 7:00 p.m.
Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs
Mayor Owen Sheppard, Casselberry
Commissioner Thomas K. Mahoney, Lake Mary
Commissioner Hank Hardy, Longwood
Councilperson Jane Dees, Oviedo
Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford
Commissioner Jennifer Kelley, Seminole County
Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board
Mayor Leanne Grove, Winter Springs
Commissioner David Mealor, Lake Mary
Cindy Wright, Seminole County
Bill Colbert, City Attorney, Oviedo
Cathy Savino, Industrial Development Commission
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lee Constantine.
Moved by Commissioner Kelley, second by Councilman Dees to approve
the minutes of March 8, 1989. Carried unanimously.
No report due to Commissioner Mahoney's absence.
a) Dispute Resolution (Bill Colbert)
Mr. Colbert said he thought the consideration of a dispute agree-
ment was a step in the right direction. He said Chapter 164 of the
Florida Statutes was an attempt by the leg islature to try and
provide for dispute resolutions and the shortcoming of that statute
was that it pertained mainly to suits. He said most of the things
that had gone on in court between cities and counties were appeals,
not the filing of a complaint in a straight-forward lawsuit.
Councilman Dees had given him a draft that CALNO had considered and
he tried to broaden the Resolution and wrap it within Chapter 164
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which he didn't think they could avoid because it was a statute of
state-wide application. He said he felt by interlocal agreement, a
local government in Seminole County could agree to do more than
Chapter 164 required but couldn't do less. He said if there was a
dispute and one local government was considering taking action
against another local government who was a member of CALNO, they
would be obligated to notify that party in writing which then
requires a meeting of the two governments within thirty days. If
the two entitites could not resolve their differences, it would
then be referred to mediation which must take place within sixty
days. He said if the parties reached an impasse, then any party
was free to go to court.
Mr. Colbert said he tried to incorporate some saving provisions
whereas if there was a bona fide emergency there was a way to get
around the agreement. He said there was also a paragraph that
provides if there was a statute of limitations problem or appeal
problem where a local government would lose the ability to take
action if something wasn't filed that they would be free to file
it, but as soon as it was filed the local government would be
obligated to ask a judge to abate it while they go to mediation and
try and solve it.
Councilman Dees said she is very happy with this document and asked
if it needed to go to all Cities first.
Commissioner Constantine said he believed as an adoption process,
CALNO would vote to support this and take it back to their respec-
tive commissions and get it approved. He thanked Mr. Colbert for
his work, time and effort on this document, and fel t this was a
document everyone could work and live with.
Mr. Colbert offered his assistance if needed further.
Commissioner Kelley referred to Section 5 regarding selection of a
mediator and asked who makes the final decision for a mediator.
Mr. Colbert said there was a mediation process which was recognized
in the Statutes. He said Seminole County has a mediation process
would would require a recognized mediator on the list.
Moved by Councilman Dees, second by Nancy Warren, that CALNO accept
the Interlocal Agreement on the Dispute Resolutions and recommend
approval by the seven municipalities, the County and School Board
and ask its representatives to go back to its respective Commis-
sions and vote to support this Interlocal Agreement. Carried
b) Interlocal Agreement on Solid Waste Management Act - Cindy
Wr i9ht
Ms. Wright said the solid waste management had been broken into
subcommittees and passed out progress reports of the subcommittees.
She said at the last CALNO meeting, she presented a draft of the
interlocal agreement which had been drafted by the County and
reviewed with the Solid Waste Task Force. They had requested that
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the Task Force members take the Agreement back to their cities and
city attorneys and provide comments by April 6th. The reason for
such a short turn around time is that they were looking at mid May
for presentation to the State along with the grant application.
She said they hoped to present the final agreement to the County
Commission at their May 25th meeting and then send it back to the
cities for their May meetings. She said the Task Force will meet
on April 20th and hoped they could reach a consensus in order to
have the agreement to the cities for their first May meeting in
case any concerns needed to be addressed.
Mayor Sheppard emphasized that this was a big thing and the County
would be responsible to have the collection facility and the cities
would be responsible to make the collection and transport it to the
collection facility. He asked if the Task Force would be helping
the cities work up a program or if they be on their own.
Ms. Wright said the County would make that available to the cities
and work with them or they could proceed under their own program.
Commissioner Constantine said the City of Winter Park could do this
for an additional $1.70 per household.
Commissioner Mealor said in serving on the Recycling Task Force,
they looked at trips generated, equipment, time on the road and
other variables and felt $2.70 was close overall average. Commis-
sioner Mealor said Lake Mary's report would be submitted on Friday.
c) Finalization of legislative package for 1989
Commissioner Constantine asked for any addi tions or changes for
each item in the legislative package.
1. Definition of Enclave - no opposition.
2. Annexation of Enclaves without Dual Referendum
Commiss ioner Dees said perhaps Commiss ioner Kelley had a problem
with this because the areas they were talking about were beneficial
for the County to get ride of, and Commissioner Kelley said they
had no problem with annexation.
3. State Funding Mandates - State Mandated Programs without
Funding - no opposition.
4. Moderation of Concurrency Requirement in Growth Management
Commissioner Constantine said he is concerned with this issue
because he thought moderation was a question of leniency on concur-
rency and concurrency in its pure state was that the infrastructure
would be in place when the impacts took effect and firmly believed
in that.
Councilman Dees said she didn't like the way it was worded.
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Mayor Sheppard said he felt the wording was too broad and needed to
concentrate on concurrency.
Commissioner Kelley said it may be that the counties were trying to
stay away from the word "concurrency" until they know what they
were talking about and got settled in on it.
After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed to change the wording as
"CALNO endorses that the State place the same planning stand-
ards that apply to local governments. State must fund State
facilities such as roads. If comprehensive planning is to
succeed, all levels of government which provide infrastructure
mus t be fully acc oun table to the publ ic . CALNO w ill oppose
any leg islation which attempts to transfer State or Reg ional
responsibilities to the local level."
Commissioner Constantine said the issue of street lights were
discussed at the last meeting.
Mayor Hardy said one of the Department of Transportation's require-
ments for installing street lights was that the city maintain them
with the city's costs being electricity and maintenance.
5. Use of Turnpike money to complete Expressway
Commissioner Constantine said if anyone had a problem with this
issue, to please let him know.
Moved by Councilman Dees, second by Commissioner Mealor, to approve
the five items discussed for the Legislative Package for CALNO to
go to the Legislative Delegation for the 1989 Session: (1) Defini-
tion of Enclave; (2) Annexation of Enclave without Dual Referendum;
(3) State Funding Mandates; (4) Moderation of Concurrency Require-
ment in Growth management Plan; and (5) Use of Turnpike Money to
Complete Expressway. Carried unanimously.
a) Host Presentation
Due to Commissioner Mahoney's absence, there was no presentation.
b) Motion Picture and Television Permitting - Cathy Savino
Ms. Savino said the Economic Development Commission (EDC) is the
official economic development agency for Orange, Seminole and Lake
Counties as well as the City of Orlando. She said three years ago,
with the two motion picture studios coming in the area, the local
governments met and decided it would be a good idea to make one
uniform procedure and consider a one-stop permitting proposal.
Ms. Savino said the movie "Parenthood" was currently being filmed
in Central Florida and as a result, $20 million was being dropped
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into the Central Florida market over an eight week period of actual
production. For every dollar they spend in the market, it would
turn over to the community they happened to be in 3.57 times. She
said all it took was a little cooperation, education and assistance
on the city's and county's parts to reap all the benefits.
Upon questioning by Mayor Sheppard, Ms. Savino said the EDC paid
her bills. She said they were paid by the counties of Seminole,
Orange and Lake to be their official economic development agency.
Commissioner Constantine said this was a service they have taken
upon themselves to provide and the counties and cities were not
obligated to accept it.
Councilman Dees said if someone wanted to shoot part of a film in
more than one town, instead of all of the cities having to get
involved, they would go to see the Motion Picture and Television
Permitting people, sign all the agreements between each city, send
the agreements to the respective cities and it's done. She said
she would presume they would keep up with what each city's require-
ments were and make sure they comply.
Commissioner Eckstein said the City of Sanford unanimously approved
the one-stop permitting but there were some questions and concerns.
He said when "Superboy" came to Sanford, there were complaints
about traffic being tied up and also about the crew's food being
catered so the local vendors could not take advantage of selling
food, and asked where the economic development comes from.
Ms. Savino said the economic development came from the off duty
officers they hire, the location fees paid to the businesses being
used, etc. She said they hired a catering company to travel wi th
them and she had no control over that. Sometimes they used stu-
dents for extras in movies which was a nice field day for the kids.
Ms. Savino asked that CALNO read through the sheets she passed out.
She said basically, they were gathering the information and coming
to the respective cities' heads of departments to work out all the
details such as the schedule, where they want to shoot, a summary
of the activities for each location such as if they will have
stunts, explosives, fireworks/firearms, temporary structures, etc.
Upon questioning by Commissioner Constantine, Ms Savino said permit
costs range from $35 to $50 to fill out the paperwork.
Ms. Warren said the school board was a different bureaucracy and
would require different policies, and Ms. Savino said she would be
happy to work with them.
Upon questioning by Commissioner Mealor, Ms. Savino said the
producers pay for all the police time, etc. Ms. Savino said they
cover all the expenses and one reason they like it going through
their office is so they could make sure the company is real and
would really pay their bills. Ms. Savino said she would be happy
to speak to any commission upon request.
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c) Discussion of May Agenda Items
Commissioner Constantine said a couple of months ago there had been
discussion about the School Board impact fees and asked if May was
a good time to put that item on the agenda.
Ms. Warren said they would be more ready for a presentation a
little later than May.
Commissioner Constantine asked if anyone had a problem in changing
the next meeting to May 10th as legislative days in Tallahassee are
scheduled for May 3rd and 4th.
There was no opposition to this request.
The June meeting was set for June 10th in Oviedo.
Ov i ed 0
Councilman Dees said they performed their City Manager's evaluation
last week and was published in the paper before the evaluation was
actually done. She encouraged the cities to stop supporting the
Orlando Sentinel when the Sentinel didn't support the the cities.
She said she could see no reason to demand the evaluation three
days before the evaluation was due and publish the results the day
of the evaluation. She said there was nothing bad in the evalua-
tion but what would have happened if there had been.
Lake Mary
Commissioner Mealor said they were pleased that Winter Park's loss
would be Lake Mary's gain in the acquisition of a new City Manager,
John Litton, who would be on board April 10th. He said it was felt
that Mr. Litton would be a very successful City Manager.
Seminole County
Commissioner Kelley said last Friday she went on a County Develop-
ment Block Grant (CDBG) bus tour which was very depressing, but
realized other districts had the same problems. She said she was
disappointed that the only person from the press was Mark Barfield
from the Sanford Herald who took pictures and did a very nice
article on those blighted areas.
Commissioner Constantine said last year a representative of the
Block Grant Program came to Altamonte Springs for their endorsement
and he had asked if the money could be used for enforcement pur-
poses and things such as street lights which would make it safe.
The representative told them "Yes" but had never thought of that.
Commissioner Constantine said he felt it makes a lot of sense to do
things to protect the community as well as paving the streets.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.