HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 03 08 Minutes
March 8, 1989
The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Semi-
nole County was held at Casselberry City Hall, 95 Lake Triplet
Drive, Casselberry, Florida on March 8, 1989 at 7:00 p.m.
Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs
Mayor Owen Sheppard, Casselberry
Commissioner Thomas K. Mahoney, Lake Mary
Commissioner Hank Hardy, Longwood
Councilperson Jane Dees, Oviedo
Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford
Commissioner Jennifer Kelley, Seminole County
Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board
Mayor Leanne Grove, Winter Springs
Commissioner Sandra Glenn, Seminole County
Cindy Wright, Seminole County
Sandra Goard, Supervisor of Elections, Seminole County
Bobbie Etchberger
John Casselberry, Casselberry Gardens
Nancy Imperial, Orlando Sentinel
Ralph Bormet, Citizen's Outlook
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lee Constantine.
Moved by Counc ilperson Dees, second by
approve the minutes of February 15, 1989.
Commiss ioner Kelley to
Carried unanimously.
Commissioner Mahoney reported a balance of $366.68. The Council
authorized the purchase of a plaque honoring the services of past
member, Mayor Bettye Smith.
a) Presentation by Sandra S. Goard (Elections)
Mrs. Goard discussed the potential of the cities in Seminole
County going to Spring elections. She said her office was willing
to accommodate the cities in any manner whenever the date of
elections is determined. Currently there is an Interlocal Agree-
p ag e 2
ment with six of the seven cities, whereby when a city election
coincides with a county wide election, county poll workers issue
both county and city ballots at no cost to the cities. She also
said her office would continue to provide ballot layout services,
voting equipment, computer programming services, roster of elec-
tors, ballot county services and pay for the cost of any polling
places that may be involved.
She said the Secretary of State has proposed a bill to move the
primaries to the Spring; if the cities get to the point where they
want to move their elections to the Spring and desire to have it
on a date other than the county wide election, it would be prudent
to follow that proposed legislation to see if it passes. If the
cities want to have elections on a day separate from any county or
state election, the only additional cost to the cities would be
hiring of poll workers and the cost incurred from securing polling
places; all other services will be provided at no charge.
Mrs. Goard said her off ice supports mov ing the pr imar ies back to
the Spring because turnout is much higher. She said if the
primaries are not moved to the Spring, she would support elimi-
nating the second primary because there was insufficient time
between the first and second primaries and the General Election.
It was the consensus of the Council that the issue of Spring
elections be held in abeyance until after the May election in
Longwood. This will be discussed at the June meeting.
b) Dispute Resolution
Commissioner Constantine said there were three wri tten responses
regarding this agreement.
Mayor Sheppard said he disputed this agreement because he felt it
conflicted in some ways with State Statutes. The Casselberry City
Attorney said that the "agreement is neither mandated nor neces-
sary." Mayor Sheppard said if this resolution was to addressed,
it would have to address the part regarding public notice and
publ ic hear ing .
Councilperson Dees said Bill Colbert, Oviedo City Attorney, felt
the agreement could be of real value in the case of appeals
because State Statutes can be interpreted to only cover sui ts.
She said this resolution does not replace nor conflict with State
Statutes and said Mr. Colbert would be willing to speak to the
Council regarding this resolution free of charge.
Mr. Colbert will be invited to the April 5th meeting.
c) Cindy Wright (Solid Waste Management Act)
Ms. Wr ight presented an ag reement prepared in response to the
Solid Waste Management Act, which was passed in June. The docu-
ment was prepared by a subcommittee of the Task Force. This
agreement identifies the County's responsibilities with respect to
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the Solid Waste Management Act. She said the State had given the
responsibility of meeting the Act to the County and the Interlocal
Agreement provides for the implementation of the program between
the cities and the county. The County is responsible for, not
only operating the facility as it does currently, but accepting
solid waste for operating recycling programs within the unincor-
porated county and provides the opportunity for the cities to
participate in the County's recycling program or do individual
Ms. Wright said one of the most important elements to the cities
will be the Grant funding distribution. The State has said that
counties or cities with a population of 50,000 or more are eligi-
ble for a base Grant of approximately $66,000. In addition, there
is a $1.51 per capita based upon each of the individual cities in
the county based upon 1988 population numbers. Since the county
is the only entity eligible for the Grant, based on the 50,000
criteria, they have taken the base Grant and proposed to distri-
bute among the cities and county based upon population as well as
percentage of population. Ms. Wright said this agreement identi-
fies that the county will be responsible for hiring consultants
associated with studies and making the Grant applications. She
said the State is still developing the rule identifying the
criteria to be met but indications are that mid May 1989 is the
timetable for Grant submissions to the State. She said an element
of the Grant application has to be the Interlocal Agreement or
Grant funding will be lost for that particular Grant year.
Ms. Wright said the State has not fully explained how the Grant is
to be spent but 80% has to be utilized for capital facilities and
for administrative costs associated with recycling and 20% has to
be slated for educational programs. She said the county is
willing to provide educational assistance; in fact, they have a
Solid Waste Program Coordinator on staff and they are in the
process of putting together a newsletter that will be distributed
on a quarterly basis to all Seminole County residents in an effort
to make the general citizen aware of recycling.
Upon questioning by Mayor Sheppard, Ms. Wright said there were no
objections from any of the cities.
Mayor Sheppard said the biggest obstacle to overcome would be the
cost increase to the consumer and that the educational aspect
taken on by the county will allow them to understand more fully.
Ms. Wr ight said the March 23rd meeting of the Task Force will be
held in Altamonte Springs.
d) Discussion of Le9islation for 1989
Commiss ioner Constantine said the Leg islative Delegation meeting
held recently was very well attended and that Altamonte Springs,
on behalf of CLGSC, again presented the request regarding State
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Commiss ioner Kelley stated that when the County Assoc iations met
in St. Petersburg, the major thrust was road problems i.e, DOT not
having funds. She said the mandate issue was discussed but was
not the number one priority.
Mayor Sheppard said the Tri-County League of Cities list their
goals as follows: 1) Definition of an enclave, 2) annexation of
enclaves without dual referendum, 3) cease state mandated pro-
grams/laws without funding, 4) moderation of concurrency require-
ments in growth management plan, and 5) lawyer/client relation-
ships exempting real estate purchase, lawsui ts, personnel, and
labor relations discussions from Sunshine requirement.
Commissioner Eckstein said as a teacher he was concerned that
young people are being exploited in the job market. He said they
are working more than 30 hours a week as provided under State
Statutes and more than 6 days a week. The young people are
becoming non-productive in the classroom, not doing homework, etc.
He said there is only one person monitoring the State of Florida
to make sure the young people are not exploited.
Mayor Sheppard said this was something that should be emphasized
at the local level for enforcement.
Commissioner Constantine said DOT funding and street lights should
also be placed on the list of legislative goals. He said he did
not concur with the Tri-County League's No. 4 goal the way it is
currently written and also with No.5.
Commissioner Constantine said he would like the School Board
included in the legislative discussions at the April 5th meeting.
a) Host Presentation
b) Sandra Glenn. Chairman. Tourist Development Council
Commissioner Glen said the Tourist Development Council (TDC)
Development Grant was open to community organizations or anyone
wanting to apply for funding for the enhancement of Seminole
County as a tourist/visitor attraction. Based on the number of
existing rooms and rates they have generated over the last few
years, there will be approximately $500,000 in the Grant; 25% of
this goes to the Central Florida Zoo and the remaining dollars for
any project that fits into two categories: 1) non-profit organiza-
tions which sponsor cuI tural prog rams, etc., or 2) annual or
continuing projects of non-profi t organizations which serve to
enhance the overall image of Seminole County as a tourist destina-
tion. The TDC and the County Commissioners said that the first
dollars awarded will commence after October 1, 1989 and they are
suggesting that it be a one-year project to be completed within
that budget year. The Council will be accepting applications
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between April 10 and 14 and conducting interviews during the week
of May 15th. Any grant mon ies used for enhancemen t of park s/
marina/soccer field, would only be in addition to not in place of
and should not be deleted from any city's budget.
Commissioner Glenn said the Grant monies cannot be used to hire
staff, to operate a facility or for roads; it has to be basically
utilized for capital improvements. The list of things the monies
cannot be used for comes from the Tourist Development Tax Law.
Commiss ioner Eckstein said the
mar ina launching fees, pend ing
He asked if erosion problems
possibly qualify.
City of Sanford is eliminating
sec ond read ing of the ord inance .
related to the "Romance" could
Commissioner Glenn said under the grant, a facility does not have
to be free of charge. Leasing out to a private enterprise would
be part of an ongoing operation not an enhancement to the existing
facili ty.
Commissioner Glenn said the TDC was chosen by the Board of County
Commissioners; members are comprised of representatives from the
Chamber of Commerce and from the tourist industry.
Applications for the Grant can be obtained form the Office of
Management and Budget and should be submitted by April 10, 1989.
c) Discussion of April Agenda Items
Commissioner Constantine said the items will include 1)
lative package, 2) Dispute resolution wi th Bill Colbert,
Cathy Savino for Motion Picture and Television Permitting.
Leg is-
and 3 )
d) Other Business
Councilperson Dees encouraged the cities to take advantage of a
free computer service from the County Tax Assessors Office to the
city's building departments which would enable the cities to have
data regarding property records.
e) Members Discussion of Local Concerns
Commissioner Constantine said the Council has asked the County to
revisit the issue of firearms.
Commissioner Kelley said this would be coming back.
Commissioner Constantine asked Commissioner Kelley to check on the
progress of the Local Option Gas Tax Distribution slated for May.
Altamonte Sprin9s
The City is, after a lot of study, going to a private concern for
street sweeping and is saving money.
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Lake Mary
They will be moving into their new Public Works and Public Safety
Facility before the end of summer. Ground breaking for the
Administrative Facility will probably take place in July.
They are in the process of hir ing a Ci ty Manager and would be
presented with three candidates before the end of the week.
They have requested to the County that C.R. 427 be landscaped when
it is widened and Longwood has agreed to maintain it.
They are still working on becoming a tree city.
A special election will be held on May 8, 1989.
Seminole County
Commissioner Kelley said she has been working a project called
nAdopt-A-Roadn for the involvement of clubs and organizations.
Commissioner Kelley said she would like input regarding the 7 cent
gas tax for beautification of roads.
There being no further business, the regular meeting of the
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County adjourned.