HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 02 15 Minutes COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY February 15, 1989 The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Semi- nole County was held at Westmonte Park, 624 Bills Lane, Altamonte Springs, Florida on February 15, 1989 at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs Mayor Owen Sheppard, Casselberry Commissioner Thomas K. Mahoney, Lake Mary Commissioner Hank Hardy, Longwood Councilperson Jane Dees, Oviedo Commissioner Whitey Eckstein, Sanford Commissioner Jennifer Kelley, Seminole County Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board Mayor Leanne Grove, Winter Springs x X X X X X X ALSO PRESENT Cindy Wright, Seminole County Ralph Bormet, Citizen's Outlook Ron Grasha, Deputy Director of Leisure Services, Altamonte Springs Chris Fecht, Therapeutic Coordinator, Altamonte Springs CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lee Constantine. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Counc ilperson Dees, second by Mayor Sheppard to approve the minutes of January 4, 1989. Carried unanimously. TREASURER'S REPORT Not available. OLD BUSINESS a) Presentation by Sandra S. Goard This will be rescheduled to the March meeting. b) Dispute Resolution Mayor Sheppard pointed out conflicts with State Statutes. Item 2 requiring notification by certified mail is not a State law. State law requires public notice and that arrangements be made for emergency purposes to preclude public notice. Under Item #4 State law requires that the mediation hearing be a public hearing. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY. FEBRUARY 15. 1989 P ag e 2 Commissioner Constantine said nothing in this agreement is meant to be in conflict with State law and changes would not be diffi- cult to make. After a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the Council to have their City attorneys review this and put this on the agenda for next month. NEW BUSINESS a) Host Presentation (Therapeutic Pool for Special Population) Tour was given at the end of the meeting. b) Cindy Wright, Interlocal Agreement on Solid Waste Management Act Ms. Wright passed out a synopsis of the impact of the Solid Waste Managemen t Ac t and the issues that need to be add ressed. All cities and counties are required to have a program in place by July I, 1989. The State has identified grant funding potentials and guidelines. The interlocal agreement will allow the cities and county to work together to obtain g rant fund ing and determine ways to disburse those funds. The grant funding application is due to the State by mid-May. A draft of the agreement will be available to the Task Force for their review by mid-March and to the Cities for their review shortly after that. She offered to give a presentation to the Cities if necessary. After a brief discussion it was decided that each representative will give presentations to their City to save time and then determine if Ms. Wright needs to make an individual presentation. c) Cathy Savino, Economic Development Council (Motion Picture and Television Permitting Ms. Savino was unable to attend. This will be rescheduled for the March meeting. It was clarified that the Ms. Savino's office will be coordinating permitting with the motion picture and television representatives. d) Discussion of Legislation for 1989 Commissioner Constantine said the cities have supported stopping State mandates. He asked Commiss ioner Kelley to pu t something together from the County for the next meeting. Mayor Sheppard asked if the Ci ties can apply to Tour ist Develop- ment Committee for resort tax funds. Commissioner Constantine said they are now accepting applications. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY. FEBRUARY 15. 1989 P ag e 3 It was the consensus of the Council to have Sandra Glenn, TDC Chairman, at the next meeting. e) Discussion of March Agenda Items No other i terns were added to the agenda except those continued from this meeting. f) Other Business g) Members' discussion of local concerns Councilperson Jane Dees said only 3 of the 7 cities were repre- sented at the last School Board meeting. The School Board can't enforce and collect impact fees, the cities and county must do it for them. Commissioner Eckstein said the HBA is concerned that they will not have ample time to review documents regarding impact fees to be sure they are fair and reasonable. The Board discussed in general options of the School Board to raise funds to build more schools including a bond issue and use of lottery funds. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS Ov i ed 0 The Annual Appreciation Banquet was held for all City volunteers, Board members and long term employees. Their annual retreat is scheduled for end of March. Sanford The City Clerk/Finance Director retired and the Deputy City Clerk is now City Clerk and they have hired a new Finance Director. Ramp fees at the marina have been lifted. They are investigating the impact of spraying on the lake for mosquitos. 5b) Host Presentation Ron Grasha, Deputy Director of Leisure Services took the members on a tour of the Therapeutic Pool which is used by about 110 people daily. There being no further business, the regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments adjourned at 8:30 p.m.