HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 11 02 Minutes COUIICIL OF LOCAL GOVERIIMEIITS III 8EMIl10LE COUIITY November 26 1988 The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County was held at the Seminole County Services Buildingl Sanfordl F1orida.I on WednesdaYI November 21 1988 at 7:00 p.m. ~1nJ8 PRESEIIT: Commissioner Lee Constantinel Altamonte Springs Councilman Thomas K.. MahoneYI Lake Mary Commissioner Hank HardYI Longwood Councilman Jane Deesl OViedo Mayor Bettye Smithl Sanford - Chairman Nancy Warrenl Seminole County School Board Commissioner Bill Kirchhoffl Seminole County ~ER8 AB8EIIT: Mayor OWen Sheppardl Casselberry Commissioner Bill Jacobsl Winter Springs ALSO PRESEIIT: Ken Hooperl County Administratorl Seminole County Frances Chandlerl Principal Plannerl Seminole County Ralph Bermetl Citizen's Outlook Mary Mantzarisl Administrative Aidel Seminole County Call to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairmanl Mayor Smith. PledR of ADmance ADDroval of Minutes Motion by Councilman Jane Deesl seconded by Commissioner Tom MahoneYI and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of September 7 and October 51 19881 as submitted. Treasurer.. Report The Treasurerl Commissioner MahoneYI reported the balance as unchtmged at '366.68. Council of Local Governments November 2, 1988 Page 2 Old Business No report. llew Business Host Presentation Seminole County Administrator K.en Hooper introduced Principal Planner, Frances Chandler who gave a presentation on the County's Land Use Map. Ms. Chandler gave an overview of the land use changes and noted the procedures used to update the Land Use Map. Copy of map was distributed to the members. Mayor Smith commended Ms. Chandler for her presentation and the excellent land use map. Procedures for Resolution of DiSDUtes Mayor Smith advised that at the last meeting no quorum was present. She advised the Dispute Resolution was discussed. but no action taken. Mayor Smith then proceeded to review the document. A. Notification of Dispute - The mediator would do the notification. Left out all the mechanisms for Dispute Resolution. This will be left up to the mediator. B. Who would. be the mediator? The decision was made that a protess1onal firm would be asked to mediate. A Ust of avallable people who did mediations professionally will be developed and they will be taken on a rotating basis if approved by everyone concerned. Lengthy discussion ensued with regard to the procedures to follow for mediation, the timetable involved, the basis of mediation and the costs involved. Motion by Commissioner Constantine, seconded by Commissioner Mahoney, and unanimously carried, to have the Chairman put together a Un of Dispute Resolution procedures for the next CaIno meeting, to be approved as a body and brought back to the respective Commissions. Council of l.oc8l Governments November 2, 1988 Page 3 Senlinole Countv Elmressway Authortt~ Motion by Commissioner Kirchhoff, seconded by Councilman Jane Dees, and unanimously carried, to reappoint Commissioner Paul Tremel and Mayor Bettye Smith to the Seminole County Expressway Authority. The Chairman will send a letter to Jerry Britton advising of the reappointments. Discussion of Decemller Agenda Items School Board Member Nancy Warren advised she will be out of town on December 7, 1988 and would avPleciate the meeting at the School Board be postponed to January. Mayor Bettye Smith advised she will contact the City of Winter Springs to request the December meeting be held there. One item on the December agenda will be the Dispute Resolution. The status of School Rezonings will be placed on the agenda for January. other Businea Motion by Commission Constantine, 3eCOnded by Councilman Dees, and unanimously carried, to adopt Resolution No. 88-1 commending Commissioner Bill Kirchhoff for his services to Seminole County and five years as a member of Calno. Commissioner Kirchhoff thanked the members for the Resolution and stated it was a pleasure to serve on Calno and noted the many accomplishments made by CaIno as a body. Commissioner Constantine advised that the Altamonte Springs COmmission voted unanimously to prepare a resolution which will be sent to other governments and Calno expressing concern and hope that the Seminole County Commission will bring back the issue of the three-day waiting period for gun control. The City of Altamonte Springs will adopt such a Resolution addressed to Seminole County, at the November 15th meeting; copies will be sent to CaIno and the other government entities. Councilman Dees advised that the Mayors of the Nation are taking disadvantaged children to Disney on November 18, 1988. The School Board is providing the transportation. The Cities were asked to take 30 disadvantaged children per city to celebrate the 60th Birthday of Mickey Mouse. .-. Council of Local Governments November 2, 1988 Pa2e4 The members then discussed the Task. Force on Solid Waste Management Meeting and appointment of representatives from the Cities and the School Board. Commissioner Constantine requested that Gun Control and the Task Force on Solid Waste be placed on the next agenda. ReDOrb frmn Members: Altamonte 8'Dr1n2! - Commissioner Constantine advised that the therapeutic p301 for the special population was opened in early October. The Project Apricot Wastewater Treatment Facility was opened and the entire Apricot Project has been implemented. Commissioner Constantine discussed the recent hostage situation and the problem with the media. On October 15, the American Legion gave the City a special award, in conjunction with the state of Florida, for the hiring of the handicapped. Commissioner Constantine discussed the Special Population project, the Haunted House. which was recently purchased by this group. on December 5, Florida Hospital will have the second lighting of the love light trees which benefits the nursing scholarship program. On November 13. 1988. Commissioner Constantine invited all to a thank. you party at Fuddruckers Restaurant, in recognition of all who supported him for his tenth anniversary as Commissioner for the City of Altamonte Springs. Lake ~ - No official report. Discusssed. the drug testing project. Oviedo - No official r8)X)rt. stated that they are muddliYlg along on projects that seem to be quick and easy but just drag out, especially intergovernmental coopeJ ation projects. Sanford - November 11. 1988. there will be a Veterans Day parade at the lakefront under the flag. The Golden Age games start November 1, 1988. Seminole Countv.: - No report. School Board - No official report. Nancy Warren advised that they are in the midst of re20ning which should be completed by the January meeting. Council of Local Governments November 2, 1988 Page 5 Commissioner Constantine wished all those up for election the best of luck. Commissioner Constantine advised that the City is planning a celebration at the Mall on December 5 or 4 for the two local Olympians. Councilman Dees clarified her statement with regard to negative intergovernmental projects, noting that all projects take long. Reference was made to the Lawton House and Mitchel Hammock Road projects. Councilman Dees stated that invitations will be issued to officially open the side of Mitchel Hammock Road that has been open and dedication of the bridge to the City of Oviedo's former Building Official. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. mm