HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 08 03 Minutes
A regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole
County was held at Longwood City Hall,175 West Warren Avenue,
Longwood, Florida, on Wednesday, August 3, 1988.
Mayor Bettye Smith, Chairman
Commissioner Lee Constantine
Mayor Owen Sheppard
Commissioner Thomas Mahoney, Treasurer
Commissioner Hank Hardy
Council Member Jane Dees
County Administrator Ken Hooper
Altamonte Springs
Lake Mary
Seminole County
Ralph Bormet
Dave McIntosh
Elaine Apter
Citizens Outlook
Charter Advisory Group
League of Women's Voters
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Minutes The minutes of July 6, 1988 were approved
as submitted.
4. Treasurer's Report
The Treasurer's Report was approved as submitted.
5. Old Business
6. New Business
a) Host Presentation - Commissioner Hardy welcomed the members
to the City of Longwood. Commissioner Hardy introduced Chris Nagle
who gave a presentation on a newly enacted Land- scape Ordinance
for the City of Longwood.
b) Dave McIntosh briefed the members on the second draft of the
proposed Home Rule Charter for Seminole County. Mr. McIntosh
stated that the Charter Advisory Committee had recommended that
Section 1.4 of the proposed Charter read: - Municipal ordinances
shall prevail over County ordinances to the extent of any conflict.
The members discussed the proposed change and agreed that
subject should be discussed further at the next CALNO meeting.
c) Mayor Smith distributed copies of proposed procedures for
resolution of disputes between local governments. It was agreed
that the proposed dispute resolution procedures be placed on the
agenda for the next meeting.
d) Discussion of September Agenda Items
The next meeting will be held in Sanford. It was agreed that
there would not be a Host presentation so members could consider
Section 1.4 of the proposed charter and also the proposed
resolution procedures for disputes between local governments.
7. Reports from Members:
Altamonte Springs Commissioner Constantine reported that
Altamonte Springs had been working on the budget.
Casselberry - No report
Lake Mary - Commissioner Mahoney said Lake Mary was considering
the possibility of entering an inter-local agreement for first
response for fire protection and he said representatives of the
City might call staffs of the various cities for information.
Longwood -
by the work on
said Longwood
vendors but the
Commissioner Hardy apologized for the traffic caused
the railroad crossing on SR 434. Commissioner Hardy
had considered an ordinance restricting hot dog
ordinance had been voted down because it was too
Oviedo - Council Member Dees said the City had selected a site
on Alexander Blvd. for a new City Hall near the Alfaya Woods
Planned Unit Development.
Sanford - Mayor Smith stated Sanford had held an appreciation
night for approximately 200 people who had served on various boards
and committees. Mayor Smith said Sanford was very pleased with the
beautififul landscaped medium which was made possible by the joint
efforts of the Women's Club and the Sanford Chamber of Commerce.
Seminole County - Mr. Hooper said the Board of Commissioners
had worked on the budget and said the millage rate would remain the
same for incorporated areas and he said there would be a slight
increase, 1/2 - 1/4 mill, for the unincorporated areas.
Winter Springs - Absent
Mayor Smith said the next meeting would be held in Sanford.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 P.M.