HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 07 06 Minutes 070688. COLG COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COONTY A regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County was held at the City of Lake Mary Commission Chambers, 158 N. Country Club Road, Lake Mary, Florida, on July 6, 1988 at 7:00 P.M. M~M~~RS RBES~~1~ Mayor Bettye Smith, Chairman Commissioner Lee Constantine r-1ayor OWen Sheppard Commissioner Thomas Mahoney, Treasurer Commis sio ne r Hank Ha rdy Mayor Leanne Grove County Administrator Ken Hooper Sanfo rd Altamonte Sprgs. Casselbe rry Lake Ma ry Lo ngwo od Winte r Spr ings Seminole Co. Q1H~BQ RB~Q.gN1~ Ralph Bormet Citizens Outlook 1 . Call to 0 rde r 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approval of Min utes Minutes of the June 1, 1988 meeting were approved unanimously with corrections notated by Mayor Bettye Smith. 4. Treas ure r' s Report Treasurer l1ahoney reported no expendi turesi remains at $366.68. balance 5. Old Business None 6. New Business a) Host Presentation - Lake Mary Commissioner Randall Morris gave a presentation on the establishment, working methods, and the interjurisdictional cooperative success of the Lake Mary Boulevard Corridor Committee. Commissioner Morris attributed the success of the committee to the composition of the members who include elected members of each jurisdiction, members from the planning department of each staff, members from the development community (as membe rs of the committee not just submitting advice to the LMB Committee) , and representatives from homeowners or citizens.. .all of which are equal voting membe rs. . .no one jurisdiction having more weight than anothe r j ur isdiction. Comm is sione r Morr is stated that although this is only an advisory group, because it is formally structured with equal voting power all the groups know they a re equally represented, each jurisdiction knows it and each jurisdiction also knows that it has complete representation within its own community. The key here is that politically there is an elected official to carry the banner back ( what eve r the recommendations are that come out of the committee) to its jurisdiction, its commission to fight the battle. From the staff end, the resources from the various staff by economies of scale are being 1 070688.COLG equally spent. From a development end, the people who would normally fight the design principals and things the commit tee are wo rk ing on with the ro ad to make it a parkway type of study with reasonable setbacks, e tc., a re push ing as ha rd fo r s t ro nge r refo rrns and regulations than was originally proposed. From the citizens side their quarter of the membership comes form the homeowners' associations. In other words, every facet of concern has been covered by equal representation and from a planning aspect and political reality it has worked successfully. Mayor Bettye Smith thanked Commissioner 110rris and sa id the commit tee was a go od example of how gove rnmen t scan wo rk t oge the r. b) Review of Legislative Items. Mayor Bettye Smith asked if there was any discussion conce rning leg isl a ti ve items. Ken Hooper, County Administrator, reported that tne Seminole County Expressway Authority obtained the $15 million dollars and is in place with the money corning in soon and contracts being awarded thereafter. He said part of the money was for rights-of-way. Mr. Hooper said the right-of-way design was to take it across the lake and go to 17-92. He pointed out this is not for construction, but for design with some money to buy rights-of-way. Mayor Leanne Grove explained the 1 cent per square foot unde r roof Radon Gas fee being imposed on each building permit issued and collected by each county and city for the State, effective July 6,1988. c) Acceptance of W. E. "Pete" Knowles resignation as CALNO'S appointee to the Seminole County Charter Advisory Committee; appointment of a replacement. Mayor Bettye Smith reported it was not necessary to appoint a replacement since the committee work was done and the public hearings are ready to begin. Mayor Smith said she had already written Mr. Knowles and thanked him. Motion was made by Mayor OWen Sheppard, seconded by Commissioner Hank Hardy, to accept W. E. Knowles resignation as CALNO's appointee to the Seminole County Charter Advisory Canmittee. Voice Vo te: Unanimously Yes Mo t io n ca r r i ed . d) Membe r' s discussion of local conce rns. o Mayor Sheppa rd brought up the impact fee inte rlocal for discussion, and stated that Skip Fowle r of Altamonte Springs had made a proposal. Mr. Hooper said basically the concept was that of an overall fee with about a 60/40 split to the county/city which allows the county to use the money on any road in the coun ty and the ci ty on any ro ad in the ci ty. Mayo r Sheppard added that the nevi preception added by Mr. Fowler where the traffic impact from the county roads adversely affects the city roads. Mr. Hooper said at this point the County is opposed to change at this late date since that would put it back on the improvements driven system, and the County is also opposed to any change until they receive the outcome of the decision of the District Court of Appeals. 2 070688.COLG o Mayor Bettye Smith brought up the Charter and read the section covering a motion concerning governmental disputes. Mayor Smith questioned whether or not they could take advantage of the referenced statute somehow through CALNO to, by interlocal government, set up some sort of procedure for trying to stay out of court with each other as much as possible. Mayor Smith said she asked and was advised by Bill Colbert that this could be used as a starting point for the cities and the co un ty to set up a proced ure fo r disputes resolution; it could be implemented by interlocal agreement as provided for and part of an interlocal cooperation act; such an agreement could give flesh and bones to the mechanism as contemplated by Chapter 164. Mayor Smith asked if this body would be interested in pursuing something along this line, and wondered if eve ryone could start from scratch in an amicable manner and instead of suing each other follow the proposed statute and if need be set up an interlocal agreement to go by. Discussion ensued on such a possiblity, authority, endorcement, balance, etc., with Mayor Bettye Smith to formulate a skeleton proposal as a starting place and agendize for the next meeting. o Commissioner Lee Constantine brought up the Charter regarding preemption and getting the conflict language out of the charter. Commissioner Constantine said that now. .instead of being an ~ctiQ.n.the cities have to take such as if there is a law presented by the county the city could vote on that law...it is a ~~ac~iQn thing that now if the cities do not want to go by the county law they have to vote it down. 7. Report s from Membe rs: o Commissioner Lee Constantine reported that Altamonte Spr ings approved thei r impact fee st ruct ure July 5, 1988. He also reported the city as of July 1, 1988 went city wide with their recycling program. The City Commission authorized a co-signing of the loan for the special population to buy the haunted house located on Hwy 436. The Special Population Advisory Poard has $90,000 banked for the acquisition of this prope rty. o Mayor Owen Sheppard said he had nothing to report; however, in anticipation of the solid waste management to corne he had written a new job description for a Solid Waste Management Administrative Enforcement Officer and placed it in this year's budget. Mayor Sheppard said he did not know how many cities would be ready for this, but each city will need someone to pic k up the ball fo r thei r ci ty and be the coordinator. Hr. Hooper said there is a committee headed by Jim Bible tha t has been formed, and the Coun ty has bought the land for the central transfer station adjacent to the softball/soccer field on 419 and will be going to design on it right away. o Commissioner Thomas Mahoney - no report, but invited any of those present who would like to tour Lake Mary's new administrative facilities to do so after the meeting. o Commis sione r Hank Ha rdy reported Long\vood had hi red a new pe rsonnel director, Lois Markham. 3 070688.COLG o Oviedo - not present. o Mayor Bettye Smith reported that Sanford is in the middle of their budget review. She also reported that on July 20, 1988 the City would be having its appre cia tion dinne r fo r all of its (17) boa rds and commit tees, but would not be spending tax paye rs dolla rs as it is unde rwr itten by the Ci ty' s at to rney and engineering firm. o Mr. Ken Hooper reported that today the County closed on $25 million dollar gas tax local option and the funds have been banked. This will go to do Red Bug Rd., Lake Mary Boulevard, and 427. There are other additional funds that are going out with the second lot with the State that should close the end of August for another $25 million more to pick up additional roads. The Coun ty has finished its budget work session last week and overall it is about a .3 mil increase in the uninco rporated tax. o Mayor Leanne Grove said the city has designated up to $170,000 to build a senior citizen center. 8. Next meeting: The next meeting is to be held in Longwood. Me e tin g was ad jo urn ed at 8: 07 P. M . BETTYE SMITH, CHAIRMAN Lois A. Long, Recording Secretary Approved 4