HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 06 01 Minutes
A regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County was
held at Casselberry City Hall Council Chambers, 95 Triplet Lake Drive, Cassel-
berry, Florida on June 1, 1988 at 7:00 P.M.
Mayor Bettye Smith, Chairman
Commissioner Lee Constantine
Mayor Owen Sheppard
Commissioner Thomas Mahoney, Treasurer
Commissioner Hank Hardy
Council Member Jane Dees
Commissioner Bill Kirchhoff
Board Member Nancy Warren
Mayor Leanne Grove
Altamonte Springs
Lake Mary
Seminole County Commission
Seminole County School Board
Winter Springs
Ralph Bormet
Phil Kulbus
Citizens Outlook
Winter Springs
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Minutes
Correction - Page 1, "Commissioner" Leanne Grove was corrected to read
"Mayor" Leanne Grove, Winter Springs.
Moved by Commissioner Constantine, seconded by Council Member Jane
Dees to approve the May 4, 1988 Minutes as corrected.
4. Treasurer's Report
Treasurer Mahoney reported no expenditures; balance remains at $366.68.
5. Old Business
6. New Business
a) Host Presentation - Mayor Sheppard welcomed the members to the
City of Casselberry. He said the City is sponsoring a newspaper
drive to benefit the Senior Citizens Center Expansion Program and
the response has been overwhelming. Mayor Sheppard said pick-
up points for the newspapers are at City Hall and the Senior Center.
June 1, 1988
Page 2
b) Presentation: Local Option Gas Tax Distribution Formula for 88/89
by Penny J. Fleming, Director, Office of Management and Budget,
Seminole County.
Ms. Fleming presented the 1989 distribution formula for the Local
Option Gas Tax, which was based on the last five-year expenditure
history of each of the cities. She said all feedback from the cities
regarding the formula was very positive and she expressed her
gratitude for the cooperation that was extended to the County by
the cities. She said the distribution formula would be submitted
to the Department of Revenue for certification by July 1, 1988 and
would then go into effect in January 1988.
The County will continue to present the Local Option Gas Tax
Distribution formula to CALNO on a yearly basis.
c) Legislative Overview
Chairman Smith urged all members to make a last ditch effort in
contacting legislators regarding State Mandates.
d) Members' Discussion of Local Concerns
Mayor Sheppard said the City of Casselberry is in the process of
hiring an outside consulting firm to conduct an extensive employee
reclassification survey. Mayor Sheppard said he would share the
completed survey with CALNO members if they desired.
Council Member Jane Dees said the City of Oviedo has an open
container law, which has been on the books for about six years.
She also stated that Oviedo had a Sign Ordinance that did not
allow billboards of any kind in the City.
e) Discussion of July Agenda Items
Legislative Matters will be discussed. The July Meeting of CALNO
will be held in Lake Mary; the Lake Mary Corridor will be addressed
during the Host Presentation. Marilyn Crotty, Charter Commission,
will be invited to make a presentation.
f) Other Business
7. Reports from Members:
Altamonte Springs
No Report
Casselberry - No Report
June 1, 1988
Page 3
Lake Mary - Commissioner Mahoney reported that Lake Mary was in the
process of studying the issue of billboards. He said they were working
on a new Sign Ordinance and presently have a six month moratorium on
adding new billboards and the repair and maintenance of billboards.
Commissioner Mahoney also stated that Lake Mary anticipates signing an
Agreement with Sanford for transmission of effluent from Sanford to the
Lake Mary Golf Course. Mayor Smith said they have been asked by the
League of Cities to submit this program as an innovative solution to
mutual problems at the League Conference next fall.
Longwood - Commissioner Hardy said Longwood has a new full time City
Administrator on board. He also reported that the City has a new Com-
prehensive Landscape Plan, which is very complex. He said he would
be happy to share the Plan with the cities if they were interested.
Oviedo - Council Member Dees reported that Mitchell Hammock Road was
under construction; that the construction is the culmination of efforts
between the County, the City and the developer. She also stated that
a new bridge over the Little Econ River was completed and in place.
Sanford - Mayor Smith reported the City of Sanford had the KKK march
on their Courthouse, no incidents were reported. Mayor Smith also
reported that Memorial Day festivities in Sanford were spectacular.
Seminole County - No Report
Seminole County School Board - Ms. Nancy Warren reported that the
new school in Oviedo was named the Douglas Stenstrom Elementary
School. She also reported that the School Board is conducting a
Study on Impact Fees which is due on July 6, 1988.
Winter Springs - No Report
Chairman Smith said the meeting next month will be held in Lake Mary
Meeting was Adjourned.
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Thelma McPherson, Recording Secretary