HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 05 04 Minutes COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY Pursuant to due notice and meeting thereof a regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County was held at Altamonte Springs City Hall, 225 Newburyport Avenue, Altamonte Springs, Florida on May 4, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Altamonte Springs Casselberry Longwood Sanford Seminole County Commission Winter Springs Commissioner Lee Constantine Mayor Owen Sheppard Commissioner Hank Hardy Mayor Bettye D. Smith Commissioner Bill Kirchhoff Commissioner Leanne Grove MEMBERS ABSENT: Lake Mary Oviedo Seminole County School Board Commissioner Thomas K. Mahoney Councilperson Jane Dees Board Member Nancy Warren OTHERS PRESENT: Citizens Outlook Ralph Bormet 1. Call to Order Mayor Smith announced that the agenda will be changed; the Host Presenta- tion will be after Item 6d "Other Business". 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approval of Minutes Moved by Commissioner Constantine, second by Commissioner Grove to approve the minutes of April 6, 1988. Carried unanimously. 4. Treasurer's Report No report available. 5. Old Business 6. New Business b. Members discussion of local concerns. Mayor Sheppard said he feels the meetings on the interlocal impac t fee agreements have been very productive. Ken Hooper has been very cooperative in attempting to come up with something acceptable to the Cities. c. Discussion of June Agenda items. Commissioner Constantine suggested that someone be in attendance to give an overview of the current legislative session. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY. MAY 4. 1988 Page2 Mayor Sheppard said there is a bill in the House that says if firefighters, paramedics and EMT's contract a communicable disease it is presumed that they contracted it in the line of duty. He feels this is unreasonable. Another bill pending is that four-way stops can't be installed without the Department of Transportations permission. Mayor Sheppard pointed out that 60-70% of a Cities total budget is for personal services and this percentage will get higher year after year. Commissioner Kirchhoff said he does not support the pending bill that if someone appeals an appraisal done by the property appraiser, there is an equal burden on the property owner and the property appraiser to prove their case. By current law the burden of proof lies solely on the property owner. d) Other Business Beth Bridgers, President, Seminole County Mothers Against Drunk Driving, said on April 12th Seminole County adopted an open bottle law. She asked the Cities to consider adopting a similar ordinance. She provided copies of the County I s ordinance. The law is pretty enforceab Ie because of the inconsistency of unincorporated areas. She urged the Cities' support. Commissioner Kirchhoff pointed out that the ordinance also addresses boats and affects the passengers as well as the driver. Over 1/2 of the deaths in Seminole County last year were alcohol related. Mayor Smith said MAnD needs members and that hopefully ~n s~x months all Cities will have some form of open container law. a) Host presentation. Commissioner Constantine introduced Don Newnham, Altamonte Springs Director of Public Works, who gave the history of water and a the history leading up to the development of Project APRICOT which is the only complete dual distribution system in the Country that he is aware of. Mr. Newnham introduced Allison Marcous, Information Liaison for the City of Altamonte Springs, gave a slide presentation on Project APRICOT. Commissioner Constantine said the City is raising water rates by 18% this year with a commitment for a 4 1/2% increase every other year for the next four years. This will enable the City to have Project APRICOT in line in 3/4 of the City by 1991. Ron Grasha, Deputy Director of Leisure Services for Altamonte Springs, gave a slide presentation on the City IS program for employing members of the special population. He reviewed the training program, evaluation system and support section of the program. Commissioner Constantine said this is a tremendous benefit because it is cost efficient to employers and is emotionally uplifting for the employee. Altamonte Springs is in the leadership role in employment training of the handicapped. COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY. MAY 4. 1988 Page3 Reports from Members Altamonte Springs 1. Adopted an ordinance establishing a $100.00 fine for illegal parking m handicapped areas. 2. Two weeks ago the Spring Oaks Homeowners Association requested that the City enforce parking regulations in their subdivision. Residents were upset because they were not notified in advance; however, a notice was put in the Association's newsletter warning homeowners that parking regulations would be enforced. 3. The pilot program for recycling began this week. The Commission delivered the bins last week. 4. The City's Annual Report, Central Business Urban Design Plan and Activity Centers Policy Summary is available to anyone who wishes review them. 5. The City received the First Grand Award of Excellence at the ECFRPC Awards Banquet. Longwood 1. Has signed a contract for a part-time City Administrator who will become full time in two weeks. 2. Said the old water tower has been removed. Sanford 1. Has installed a four-way stop sign at 20th and Melonville. 2. The Police Department caught the people who robbed the Florida National Bank and who are responsible, they believe, for the credit union robberies around Central Florida recently. 3. The Memorial Day Celebration put on by the Seminole County Veterans Advi- sory Council begins with a parade at 10:30 a.m. 4. The proposed Winds Project cost to the City of Sanford is three to four million dollars with a total project cost of twenty-one to twenty-two million dollars. Seminole County 1. They have a developer who has wetlands in his project and a State program allows mitigation where a developer can do something to one wetland if in mitigation another wetland is given. The developer's mitigation for this project will be to dedicate another wetland in his corporation's control to a nature conservancy. Some organizations feel this is wonderful; however, Seminole County has to ask what they are getting in mitigation, which is nothing because the County has a conservation easement over property that COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY. MAY 4. 1988 Page4 2. Passed around a revised draft of the inter10ca1 agreement on assignment of pollworkers for elections. 3. The County library recently opened in Lake Mary is availab Ie as a polling place as will the Casselberry branch when it opens. 4. The Sanford Women I s Club is donating 2.4 acres to the State to be mal.n- tained by the County in Spring Hammock for preservation. There being no further business, the regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County adjourned at 8:35 p.m.