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April 6, 1988
The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments
in Seminole County was held at the City Hall of the
CiLy of Winter Springs, Florida on Wednesday, April 6,
1988 at 7:00 P.M..
Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs
Mayor Owen Sheppard, Casselberry
Commissioner Thomas K. Mahoney, Lake Mary
Commissioner Hank Hardy, Longwood
Councilperson Jane Dees, Oviedo
Mayor Bettye Smith, Sanford
Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board
Commissioner Bill Jacobs, Winter Springs
Commissioner Bill Kirchhoff, Seminole County
Mayor Leanne M. Grove, Mayor, City of Winter Springs
City Manager, City of Winter Springs, Richard Rozansky
Citizens Outlook, Ralph Bormet
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mayor Bettye
Smith at 7:00 P.M.
The minutes of the last meeting were read by the members.
It was suggested that the minutes be sent directly to City
Hall in the future, as it would save time. The minutes of
the March 2, 1988 meeting were approved as presented.
APRIL 6, 1988
Page 2
The Treasurer, Commissioner Mahoney, reported that the balance
was unchanged~ the balance is $366.68.
Appointments to Charter. Commissioner Dees nominated Pete
Knowles to the Charter Committee. Commissioner Hardy nominated
David McIntosh as the second nominee to the Charter Committee.
Nominations of both were seconded. All ayes; motion carried.
Mr. George Elder from the South East Recycling Corporation was
the first speaker. He explained that the purpose of his recycling
business is to buy back old newspapers and make newsprint from it.
He stated that his mill is in south Georgia, but he does about
~ to 3/4 of his business in Florida. He operates recycling centers
in the Orlando area. He explained that his company buys about
150,000 tons of paper a year in the State of Florida, but that
consumption will be raised to about ~ million tons a year. He said
that there is state legislation that has potential for great impact
on local government. The state, he said, has omnibus legislation
that involves mandatory collection,pricing of electricity from
waste energy plants, which is a very critical issue, flow control
(if you pick waste up where do you put it down), and litter control.
There is a lack of funds for this. The accumulation of funds will
probably be based on sales of tangible personal property, gross
receipts, or sales tax. The state legislature intends to 'give
out' 30 to 35 million dollars in grant money to cities and counties
to institute recycling programs. The legislation that will be
introduced formally in the next week from both the House and the
Senate, will probably require local plans, mandatory collection
programs, so the cities might want to try to be familiar with
that legislation. Solid waste legislation is supposed to pass
this year. He said that he is trying to stress the need for markets
for recycling in the legislature.
He explained that most of the recycling needs in this country are
met through charities and other non-profit orginizations. He
encouraged the cities to have church, curb-side, Boy Scout, and
other recycling programs.
Mr. John Evans spoke on the desirability and wa~of accomplishing
a curb-side paper collection program. He stated that this would
reach people who don't go to a church that might sponsor one, or
people who don't have children in a school that sponsors one,
or people who don't want to have to deliver the paper to another
location. If you don't want to have a curb-side program, you can
get boxes, put them around in the community, and encourage people
to recycle. He said that if you don't want it to go through the
city coffers, a charity could be designated for it, or you could
support groups already doing it in your area.
APRIL 6, 1988
The most successful groups in Orlando are those who have their
own collection programs. Private industry has now implemented
curb cycling programs. You could solicit proposals. Find out
what services would be available for private industry. You
could implement a program at a fire station and get a program
going immediately. Mr. Evans said that they would provide the
container if the city would sponser the boxes. He said that
if you find a place for the box, they would provide the box,
and service the containers under the city's sponsorship. The
curb-side program itself, is best operated either by an indep-
endent hauler or by the city. Commissioner Hardy said that
he felt that the question is what is the first step and how
to go about doing it. Mr. Evans said that the first step is
between the city and the contractor. He said that he would
provide the market, some equipment,and some promotional
assistance. He said that if there is a need for printouts,
they could get those printed. Discussion. He suggested that
the community could have a neighborhood collection program,
and that the garbage truck could pick it up every time the
garbage is picked up.
Mayor Smith asked which members
more information on re-cycling.
~inter Springs, and Nancy Warren
were interested in having
Longwood, Lake Mary~ Oviedo,
of the School Board were interested.
Mr. George Martin, Director of Customer Services for the Central
Florida area of the Post Office, spoke. He gave a presentation
on ~ new system which is a sophisticated system of sorting
mail using laser technology very similar to what we have in the
grocery stores. He gave a short video presentation outlining the
total overall sorting process that the service is getting into.
This type of sorting saves much time and is very cost effective.
It gives a very high return on investment. Within a year, Mr.
Martin said, the machines will pay for themselves.
Next, Hr. Hartin spoke about the "cluster Boxes". These, he
said, are of real benefit to customers. They save delivery time,
and enable the post office to add more deliveries. It will
potentially save another rate increase 'down the road'. One of
the advantages of the "cluster box" is security. Mail cannot get
stolen. Also, with a "cluster Box", instead of paying $28 for a
P.O. Box, you can get the same type of secure service, and can
walk to the mailbox. If you're going on vacation, you don't have
to call the post office and ask that your mail be held. The boxes
will hold quite a bit of mail. The post office maintains the boxes.
There is no installation cost. The "cluster boxes" give the post
office the ability to reduce costs or postpone rate increases.
Mr. Hartin explained that even though the city doesn't have any
power over this, he wanted them to understand the concept. He
said that they normally deal strictly with property owners or
APRIL 6, 1988
It has been left up to the local postmaster to try and cultivate
an interest with the Homeowner's Associations. They don't try
to solicit a change in existing neighborhoods because it becomes
Mayor Smith stated that the Florida League of Cities and the
Florida Association of Counties are endorsing the proposed
legislation supporting the constitutional amendment to prohibit
legislative or administrative statewide mandated programs without
sufficient funding. She asked if the Council of Local Governments
would like to make a statement. It was suggested that that be the
legislative slate for this year, and be sent to the Legislature
with a letter on behalf of CALNO. Discussion. All were in support
of this. Mayor Smith stated that this would then be the platform.
She said she would get the letter to the Legislature off 'tomorrow'.
It was decided that Commissioner Constantine would discuss his
APRICOT project. and employing the handicapped.
Altamonte Springs - Commissioner Constantine reported on his city's
recycling program. H~ said that they had an initial response of
237., but that this was normal to begin with, and that after having
gotten started, Orlando and others were up to 507.. Altamonte
Springs' program will start May 1st. He stated that the new Land
Development Code was approved, which put a continued moratorium on
billboards. He said that they were trying to 'get with' the County
to do a greater Altamonte plan for billboards, and would like to
have a uniform program of billboards with the County. He announced
the Pl<1IlTling Council Awards Program this Saturday, nnd said he
would like for everyone to come as it will be an excellent program.
Casselherry - Mayor Sheppard mentioned the fact that Ken Hooper had
had ~ m~eting to discuss an inter~local agreement on impact fees with
the cities.
Lake Hary - Commissioner Mahoney stated that the Commission has
agreed on a site for the new City Hall.
Longwood - Commissioner Hardy reported that no provisions have been
made for resurfacing of streets, or replacement of waterlines and
sewer lines. They are in the process of interviewing a 'semi-finalist'
for City Administrator.
Oviedo - Commissioner Dees announced that Oviedo has gotten a
transfer station.
Sanford - Mayor Smith announced ~'possible. approval of an historic
district. She said that the question is, will there b~
policing and patrols or not. They are working out an agreement
with the City of Lake Mary for the use of effluent. Thpv ~rp
APRIL 6, 1988
sure how it will work out.
Seminole County - The library for the South West corner of
the County was opened last Saturday. Commissioner Kirchhoff
said that all of the libraries have a meeting room which can
be opened after hours, and that they are also a potential
site for voting. They will be opened later this year. Discussion.
School Board - The School Board had nothing to report.
Winter Springs - Commissioner Jacobs stated that Winter Springs
is 'moving ahead' in some concepts for 'super parks', some
ball parks, soccer fields, and possibly a Senior Center. They
will be getting reports at the next Commission Meeting on the
Mayor Smith announced that the next meeting will be held in
Altamonte Springs on May 4, 1988.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.M.