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March 2, 1988
The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments
in Seminole County was held at the district office of
the School Board of Seminole County, Sanford, Florida,
on Wednesday, March 2, 1988 at 7:00 p.m.
Commissioner Lee Constantine, A1tamonte Springs
Mayor Owen Sheppard, Casselberry
Commissioner Thomas K. Mahoney, Lake Mary
Commissioner Hank Hardy, Longwood,
Counci1person Jane Dees, Oviedo,
Mayor Bettye Smith, Sanford,
Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board,
Mayor Leanne Grove, Winter Springs,
Commissioner Bill Kirchhoff, Seminole County
Commissioner Bill Jacobs, Winter Springs
Sanford Herald, Nancy Simmons
Citizens Outlook, Ralph Bormet
Joan Walker, Clerk to The School Board of Seminole Co.
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mayor
Smith at 7:00 p.m.
Council of Local Governments
March 2, 1988
Page 2
The Minutes of February 10, 1988 were approved as
The Treasurer, Commissioner Mahoney, reported a balance
of $366.68.
o L!)___B US I MESS
Commissioner Dees shared with the group a problem that
the City of Oviedo was experiencing with the United
States Post Office and the installation of cluster
boxes within the city. Commissioner Constantine
advised the members that Mr. George Martin, Post Master
of the Central Florida District, requested to be placed
on the April agenda to address the members of CALMO.
It was the consensus of the members to place Mr. Martin
on the April agenda.
Mayor Smith informed CALMO that our Legislators were
invited to attend this meeting but due to various
committee meetings, etc., they were unable to be
present. Mayor Smith inquired as to what CALMO members
would like to do regarding a legislative policy
statement, if any. A general discussion was held
touching on the following: flexible funding, ways of
raising revenue, state mandates without methods of
funding, a poor tax base in Seminole County but large
demands for services. Mayor Smith agreed to contact
the legislators and set up a meeting where CALMO
members could discuss legislative concerns.
HQst Presentation
School Board member, Mancy Warren, introduced Carey
Ferrell, Asst. Superintendent for Business and Finance
and Richard Wells, Asst. Superintendent for Facilities
and Transportation, who presented a brief program on
the future growth and financing of the Seminole County
schools. The following are some of the highlights of
the presentation.
Carey Ferrell shared School Board data dealing with
student projections. He stated that Seminole County
has the highest ratio in the State of Florida of
Council of Local Governments
March 2, 1988
Page 3
students to adults. This means that Seminole County
has an extremely young population.
1. Present enrollment (K - 12): 43,312 students
Projected enrollment for 1992: 54,611 students
Projected enrollment for 1997/98: 72,089
Based on the projected enrollment for 1997-98, 20
additional elementary school will be required, 6
additional middle schools and 2 additional high
schools. The estimated cost of building 28 schools
is $269,197,800 which includes a built-in 5%
inflation factor but does not include the cost of
the land. We anticipate that we will have
$120,000,000 available from local taxes and State
funds for the construction of these 28 schools..
2. Land required for a school: 40 to 50 acres for a
high school site; 25 - 30 acres for a middle school
site; and 15 acres required for an elementary
school site.
3. Possible ways of funding for this anticipated
growth would be to look to the legislature, more
flexibility, additional bond issues, impact fees,
year-around schools, smaller campuses, etc.
Richard Wells briefly explained the process or
procedures involved in constructing a new school. He
stated that at the present time we have 41 construction
projects at various stages of completion. The school
system is committed to bring all elementary schools up
to a capacity of 792 students, the middle schools to
1,300 capacity and high schools to 2,500 capacity.
Ground will be broken on Friday, March 4, 1988 for the
new elementary school in Alafaya Woods. Richard
briefly outlined the following steps in building a
1. Request a School Plant Survey from the State of
Florida. The need for a school must be proven.
2. Rezone or prove to the State that all surrounding
schools are also filled to capacity.
3. Develop a plan for financing the project
4. Write the Educational Specifications
5. Department of Education to approve the site
6. Advertise for an Architect
7. Submit the plans (three times) to the faculty,
staff, School Board and Department of Education
8. Advertise for bids, award bid, sign a contract
9. Begin construction
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March 2, 1988
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The entire process usually takes two to three years.
Some features unique to the Seminole County School
1. We are one of the first school districts in Florida
to do our own School Plant Survey. The State has a
back log of 1 to 1 1/2 years.
2. We were one of the first in the State to engage a
consultant for an impact fee study.
3. At the time that the bond issue was passed, it was
the largest bond issue to be passed in the State
with the exception of Broward County.
Mr. Wells stated that he is a member of the Seminole
County Development Review Committee. This committee
meets weekly and developers are required to present
their plans to the committee. This gives Richard an
opportunity to inquire about the donation of land for
future school sites and/or voluntary impact fees. He
further stated that the School Board will be looking to
the other municipalities within the County for similar
cooperation. Mr. Wells requested that the cities
contact him when they are approached by a developer and
he will advise what impact, if any, the future
development will have on the area schools. He also
asked for support from the cities regarding impact fees.
Commissioner Constantine will be inviting Mr. George
Martin and there will be a presentation on the
recycling of newspapers for smaller cities.
Mayor Smith announced that the new Charter Advisory
Committee will be meeting on Monday night, March 7.
Two members, Paul Gougelman and Phil Hollis, resigned
and CALNO was asked to appoint replacements. Nancy
Warren announced that she is serving on the committee
as a representative of the League of Women Voters.
After discussion, it was the consensus of the members
to place this item on the April agenda.
REPO~J'_ER9M l1~l<1BE.RS
Al t_amonte Spr~.n.g~. - Commi ss ioner Constant ine reported
that Altamonte Springs decided to "opt out" of the
Alternative Sentencing Program as of February 1st as it
was not cost effective. Altamonte Springs is working
Council of Local Governments
March 2, 1988
Page 5
with certain school principals requesting that schools
on the border; namely, Lake Brantley High School,
Teague Middle School, Forest City and Spring Lake
Elementary Schools, be annexed into the city. The
reasons for the annexation are simply a matter of pride
and an opportunity for expanded recreational
facilities. The City of Altamonte Springs signed an
agreement with Orange County Northwest Sub-Regional
Waste Water Treatment plant, prohibiting them from
servicing anything west of Highway 434 in Seminole
The City of Casselberry recently purchased a utility
company and has now "locked up" all utility services in
the southeast part of Seminole County. The City is
still in discussion with the County on the First
Response Agreement.
Lake Mary
Lake Mary will be signing a Joint-Use Agreement with
the School Board for the playground at Lake Mary
Elementary. The city is providing the playground
equipment and will use the facility as a public
playground after school hours. The Lake Mary Finance
Director resigned on Tuesday. The City is diligently
working to acquire a site for a new City Hall.
Commissioner Hardy reports that the City of Longwood is
functioning very well. Dr. Jeffrey Danziger, West Lake
Hospital, will be addressing the employees on the
subject of violence on the highways. Jeff Etchberger
has completed his study of the police department and is
working on a management study for the City.
Ov i e tl<L__
Commissioner Dees presented members with a copy of a
letter she wrote to Mr. Young, Maintenance Engineer,
Florida Department of Transportation, requesting that
all house moving companies be informed that a County
permit is required and that all house moves within the
City of Oviedo be restricted to night time hours.
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March 2, 1988
Page 6
Mayor Smith reported that the City is beginning "to see
the light at the end of the tunnel" regarding
wastewater treatment. She reported that Tallahassee is
being very cooperative and working with them regarding
the grant money. Mayor Smith reported that on March 19
and 20th an original ballet, "We the People" will be
presented at City Hall as the official celebration of
the Bi-Centennial. She reminded everyone of the St.
Johns River Art Festival at Ft. Mellon Park the weekend
of March 4 and 5, 1988 and of the plant sale in the
Nancy Warren expressed her appreciation to the Cities
of Lake Mary and Oviedo for their cooperation in
working out the joint-use agreements for the use of the
school playgrounds. She spoke of the Growth Management
Plan and the cooperation we were receiving from the
County. Before approval for a new PUD is granted, the
School Board is contacted to determine if there is
capacity in the area schools to house the new growth.
By virtue of this, the developer will be asked to make
some arrangements in the form of a land donation,
impact fees or both before the County Commission
approved the PUD. She requested that each city discuss
with their respective commission, etc., what can be
done to help the School Board secure land or funds or
both before future developments are approved.
Winter ~rings
Mayor Grove had nothing to report but announced that
the April meeting will be hosted at Winter Springs.
Meeting adjoured at 8:40 p.m.