HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 12 02 Minutes COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY DECEMBER 2, 1987 The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County was held at the Oviedo City Hall, 20 E. Broadway, Oviedo, Florida on Wednesday, December 2, 1987 at 7 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Lee Constantine.................Altamonte Springs Mayor Owen Sheppard..........................Casselberry Commissioner Thomas K. Mahoney...............Lake Mary Commissioner June Lormann....................Longwood Councilperson Jane S. Dees...................Oviedo Mayor Bettye Smith...........................Sanford MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Bill Kirchhoff..................Seminole County Board Member Nancy Warren....................School Board OTHERS PRESENT: John Sowinsky................................Orlando Mayor Ed Myers...............................Longwood Jim Bible....................................Seminole County Ralph Bormet.................................Citizens Outlook Councilman Gary Gotwalt......................Oviedo Councilman E. P. Bruce, Jr...................Oviedo Councilperson Judy Stout.....................Oviedo City Clerk Nancy Cox.........................Oviedo 1) Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dees. 2) Pledge of Allegiance 3) Approval of Minutes There being no corrections to the minutes of November 4, the minutes stood approved as received. Mayor Sheppard asked for a correction in the spelling of his first name on the agenda. 4) Treasurer's Report Treasurer June Lormann stated the report remained the same. The last statement was dated 9/30/87. Treasurer Lormann stated the books were here just as they had been turned over to her from Phil Kulbes. Chairman Dees stated the treasurer's report would be filed for audit. Commissioner Lee Constantine arrived at the meeting. 1 COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY, DECEMBER 2, 1987 Page 2. 5) Old Business a. State Taxes. Chairman Dees stated they still didn't have anything to talk about. Mayor Smith questioned what had happened to the service tax she has been paying monthly on such things as pest control? It was generally agreed that the State had already spent it. There was a short discussion on whether the service tax would be amended. Commissioner Constantine reported the Municipal Finance and Taxation Committee will have a meeting in Orlando at the Municipal Airport at 9 o'clock on Friday. b. Solid Waste. Commissioner Constantine introduced John Sowinsky, Senior Aide to the Chief Administrator, Orlando, to speak on newspaper recycling. Mr. Sowinsky made a presentation on the newspaper recycling program which began in November in Orlando. The City of Orlando's interest in this program dates back to the adoption of the State's Comprehensive Plan which proposes to reduce the tonage going into landfills by 55% by 1995. The first step in the program was a survey of the people. Of the response, 85% agreed to participate. Service level was then decided to be residential curbside pickup once a week. They secured a contract for the purchase of the newspapers collected. The company chosen agreed to pay $20 per ton for newspaper, $60 for computer paper and $5 for mixed paper. The City of Orlando purchased three new trucks and operates three two-man crews. The City also purchased newspaper containers for each participant at a cost of $3.99 each. Mr. Sowinsky stated the key to succes for a program of this type is the initial and on-going PR campaign. Mr. Sowinsky reported the major costs were the trucks and containers - $180,000 to $190,000 to start the program. They expect $130,00 and $145,000 annual revenue for a loss the first few years until they reach approximately 40% participation. He stated that a family subscribing to the daily Orlando Sentinel will throwaway 1/2 million ton of newspaper a year. The next step for the City of Orlando will be multi-family residential collection, commercial collection and then other collectibles. Mayor Sheppard reported that the City of Casselberry had approached their franchise refuse collector about collecting papers to help fund the Senior Citizen Extension Fund, and they have agreed to pick up the newspaper separately, take it, sell it, and return the check to the City. Upon discussion of the recycling program, all members shared an interest in this program and felt it should be pursued. 2 COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY, DECEMBER 2, 1987 Page 3. Mayor Owen Sheppard left the meeting at 8 p.m. Commissioner Mahoney questioned if anyone else had received a letter from the North Orange County Improvement Association asking that the cities support the bottle bill. Commissioner Mahoney reported that he lived in Michigan when a bottle bill was passed, and al though it was a pain to separate the bottles, it was the best thing that happened to clean up the state. A copy of the letter was available for those who had not received it. 6) New Business a. Name/Identity. Chairman Dees stated that she felt there was nothing wrong with the name Council of Local Governments in Seminole County (CLGSC), but they needed to begin using that name. She added, however, that it seems to have been a year of not really focussing on anything, and if they do not have a focus, perhaps they should give way to the Council of Mayors. Commissioner Constantine disagreed citing the following from a document written when CALNO was originated regarding the powers of the Council: "To initiate, advise and aide in the establishment of cooperative arrangements including interlocal agreements among local governments in the region. To make recommendations to any local governments or to any other appropriate agencies or entities." Mayor Bettye Smith stated that as a member of this group and the Council of Mayors, there was a great need to keep this group together. Commissioner Constantine reported on the number of things this organization had accomplished over the years. Chairman Dees reported that Oviedo's Mayor wants to resign from the Council of Mayors. He feels it has gone from an informal meeting to one which requires the attendance of the Clerk to take minutes and that this is a duplication of CALNO. Chairman Dees stated that for a small city, all of these extra duties add up. Mayor Smith stated she did not want anyone to feel that the Council of Mayors in any way takes the place of CALNO. There was discussion on the early stages of the Council of Mayors, how and why they became more structured. b. New Officers. Commissioner Constantine nominated Mayor Smith as Chairman of Council for the new year, seconded by Commissioner Mahoney and motion carried. Oviedo will make up the agenda and send it out for January. Commissioner Constantine nominated Commissioner Mahoney as Vice Chairman and Treasurer for the new year, seconded by Councilman Dees and motion carried. Commissioner Lormann will transfer the records over to Commissioner Mahoney. 3 COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY, DECEMBER 2, 1987 Page 4. c. Areas of interest for next year. 1) Extend invitation to Winter Springs to reJoIn CLGSC. 2) Coordinate use of County/City bidding & buying systems. 3) Coordination of wastewater treatment facilities. 4) Host of CLGSC meeting to put on program. Chairman Dees reported that she was offended by the editorial this past Sunday regarding the County Charter Government which hinted that the cities were not smart enough to know the difference. She had been asked that all cities write letters to the editor complaining about the editorial but she felt this was something for each city to decide. d. Appreciation Certificate/Plaque. Chairman Dees presented a certificate of honorary membership to Ed Myers in appreciation of his support over the years by his attendance at the meetings. Chairman Dees presented a plaque of appreciation to June Lormann for her years of leadership and service. Commissioner Lormann stated she had enjoyed every year on the Council and working with each and every member during those years. Mayor Smith stated that June had always represented local government to her, and any time she had a question she knew that June would have the answer. Chairman Dees also had a plaque of appreciation for Dick Fess, which she asked Commissioner Mahoney to deliver. 7) Reports: Altamonte Springs: Commissioner Constantine offered good wishes to June, stating she had been an elected official since 1975. He reported Lt. Governor Brantly would attend the tree lighting ceremoney at Florida Hospital on the 7th. Each one of the lights have been bought by an individual in Seminole County in remembrance of a loved one. Commissioner Constantine reported he had a copy of their annual work program if anyone wanted to review it. These are the top ten programs they want to accomplish each year. Lake Mary: No report. Longwood: Commissioner Lormann reported Longwood's Christmas parade would be at 10 a.m. this Saturday morning and invited all to attend. Oviedo: Chairman Dees reported the Ci ty would light a new tree this year at the Lawton House on Broadway. The Lawton House is being restored for use as a Chamber of Commerce office and meeting room. The Lawton House is on School Board property, which is being developed into a park in a cooperative effort between the City and the School Board. 4 COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY, DECEMBER 2, 1987 Page 5. Sanford: Mayor Smith reported that Sanford was having a Christmas concert on the grounds at City Hall at 7 p.m. on Saturday, December 5th. Their Christmas party would be on the 12th at 10 o'clock. Seminole County: No report. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9 p.m. 5