HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 10 07 Minutes
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Octobe r 7, 1987
7:00 P.M.
Lake Ma ry Ci ty Hall
I . Call to 0 r de r
The meeting was called to order by
Commissioner Jane Dees at 7:06 P.M.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs
Hayor Owen Sheppa rd, Casselber ry
Commissioner Tom Mahoney, Lake Mary
Commissioner June Lormann, Longwood
Commissioner Jane Dees, Oviedo
f1ayor Bettye Smith, Sanford
Seminole County Commissioner Bill Kirchhoff
Ralph Bormet, Ci tizens Outlook
IV. Approval of Minutes
Motion was
Lormann, to
s u bm it t ed .
Comm is s ione r
minutes as
Vote on Motion:
Voice Vote: Yes
Hotion Carried.
V. Treasurer's Report
Commissioner Lorrnann said the latest balance was $429.59.
VI. Old Business
A. New State Taxes
Mayor Sheppard said nothing conclusive has been done
so far, and the County is bearing all the burden
because the ballots are already printed and are all
se t to go.
Commissioner Kirchhoff said the County is allocating
just enough to cove r expenses through next Tuesday
(October 13, 1987) but after that date, the County
will have to start spending money. Commissioner
Kirchhoff said if the County has no decision by next
Tuesday, then they will have to proceed as if there is
going to be an election.
Hayor Sheppard said it appeared the option as far as
the cities are conce med is the S-1/2-cent state tax
and the 1/2-cent County tax, which will be a total 6-
cent tax with the City and County sharing the 1/2
cent, which is about half of the anticipated amount.
Mayor Smith asked if there was anything they could do
as a body.
Commissioner Kirchhoff said he didn't know of anything
that can be done and hopefully the County will come to
some agreement.
Mayor Sheppard said the cities are concerned about
thei r reven ues.
Commmissioner Dees said she is distressed that the
burden is being put back on the vote rs.
r-1ayor Sheppa rd said all the heat is on the County
because if they go with the 5/-1/2-cent and then the
1/2-cent for local, then it would be passed by
ordinance, not referendum.
Commissioner Dees said she felt everyone
better off if it comes down so the County
imposes the tax.
would be
Comm is s ion
New Business
Mayor Sheppard asked about the Charter meeting at Hr.
Hoope r' s home next we ek.
Mayor Smith asked if the various ones present were
representing their city at that.
Mayor Sheppard said at first t1r. Hooper asked that each
representative of each city speak, and he told Mr. Hooper
he didn't wan t to spe ak if he had noth ing good to say, but
felt each city should have representation there.
Hayor Smith said she had another commitment and would not
be able to attend and another representative would be
discussed and decided Monday night.
Mayor Sheppard said the absence of a city has a message in
Commissioner Dees said she knew nothing about it but would
have s omeon e repre sen t Ov i edo .
Commis sioner Constan tin e sa id they have not chosen a
delegate. Commissioner Constantine said they had a
Commission Meeting that evening and their City Manager did
not feel comfortable going to it and would probably send
their City Attorney, but at the same time this is an
individual question more than a collective question.
Commissioner Constantine said he thought what the Charter
Study Group needs to know is the city's point of view,
what would the city expect to have and not to have if
there was a Charter, such as appointments of positions,
and what sort of safeguards would the city would like to
see provided.
Commissioner Dees said even though the cities more or less
started this, it doesn't necessarily mean they have to
support it.
Commissioner Kirchhoff said the thing with charters is
that you have to look to see what it says as to whether
it's something you would want to support or not.
Commissioner Dees said until you have the document, you
can't really say if you support it or not, but would
attend the meeting.
Mayor Sheppard asked the latest on the litigation on the
moratorium on impact fees.
Commissioner Kirchhoff said the courts have to deliberate
on things and would neve r anticipate what the court system
is going to decide.
Commissioner Kirchhoff said Geneva has solved the problem
of guns at the convenience store at the corner by posting
Commissioner Constantine asked to go back to the charter
discussion and said that committee was established by the
County only to study the possibility of whether the County
should consider a charter. Commissioner Constantine said
the latitudes and opportunities it gives the County to be
independent in certain gove rnment al aspects is appealing
and possible because it would be bringing governments back
down to the basic group it is governing and are saying to
them "establish your rules". Commissioner Constantine
said if Seminole County had a charter and it was made too
complicated, it would be thrown out by the voters,
however, if there were a "vanilla" charter with a few
minor changes, it would probably pass and then add things
later along in years.
Mayor Sheppard said what may be "vanilla" to one city may
mean "chocolate" to othe rs.
Commissioner Constantine said the County is not sitting
down now and writing the charter but is simply saying
does self reliance and self government make it the closest
you can get which is allowed by the legislature for
counties to write a charter government to decide things
within the county without having to run to the state
legislature, or if you're going to have the county
charter, what things don't you want in it to make it bad.
Commissioner Constan tine said he fel t that question could
be tackled separately.
Commissioner Kirchhoff said a lot of people think if the
county or city gets a charter, then they will be able to
do away with certain offices, and the advantages and
disadvantages need to be looked at.
Commissioner Lormann said she received a call the
night from someone who said he was told the County
to take over all the cities.
o th e r
f\1ayo r Sheppa rd asked Commis sio ne r Maho ney if and when
Lake Mary builds a new city hall, would the present city
hall be retained, and Commissioner Hahoney said it would.
VIII. Reports from Membe rs:
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Commissioner Kirchhoff said at the State Association of
County Commissioners r'1eeting, he learned Mrs. Glenn was
running for an office.
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f'layor Smith said they got through their budget
with only one citizen coming out to complain
complaints were not too loud.
and his
Mayor Smith said shortly after her return from the Soviet
Union, Lonnie Groot had sent her some excerpts from the
Soviet Constitution and they are guaranteed freedom of
speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom
of assembly, etc. which shows that words on paper do not
mean a thing and was extremely happy to back in the
country and eve ryone should do eve rything they can to
protect it.
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Commissioner Dees said Oviedo had their budget hearings,
the rolled back millage rate had to be advertised, and due
to growth the ad went into the paper saying the tax rate
had gone up 30%. Commissioner Dees said the tax rate did
not go up 30% and the tax rate remained exactly the same
and it was distressing trying to explain this to the
citizens. Commissioner Dees said the citizens were not
concerned about the budget but about the 30% that was in
the paper and thought it was ludicrous that since they no
longer have to follow the trim bill as they used to, that
they even have to go through that advertising.
Commissioner Dees said she had no problem advertising what
the rate is and what the rate was last year but the actual
things the people pay are what they are concerned with and
unde rs tand.
Commissioner Kirchhoff it wasn't mandatory to advertise in
the Orlando paper and elimination of these advertisements
would be a budgetary cut.
Commis sio ne r
the Sanford
diffe rence.
Lormann said they went from the Sentinel to
Herald because there was a tremendous
I4ayor Sheppard said the only requi rement was the size of
the ad and the contents in a paper of general ci rculation.
Commissioner Dees said she would appreciate anything to
change the rules regarding the advertising of the budget.
Commissioner Dees said Oviedo was very excited about
having the first ever re-surfacing program and have re-
surfaced all or part of 14 streets. Commissioner Dees
said yesterday morning (October 6, 1987) in st.
Petersburg, they signed $3.5 million worth of bond
commitments to build roads and were ve ry excited about
getting on with that project too.
Commissioner Dees said they have been visiting city halls
and are in the process of planning theirs, and it was very
interesting to see the different approaches to the use of
space and have learned a lot doing it.
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Commissioner Lormann said they have passed thei r budget
and had no complaints from any citizens, although two
Commissioners had voted against it.
Commissioner Dees asked if there were specific reasons,
and Commissioner Lormann said one was confused and one was
against the swat team.
Commissioner Constantine asked about Longwood's gun law,
and Commissioner Lormann said they did not allow any guns
inside any municipal buildings or on any municipal
pro pe r t y .
r-layor Sheppard
the re will be no
is a meeting in
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said the State law as it stands now
guns allowed in public buildings if
session, so you could post a sign
tbe re
Commissioner Lormann said their law restricts firearms all
the time.
Commissioner Lormann said she and the Mayor are up for re-
elect ion on Novembe r 3, 1987.
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Commissioner Mahoney said he was happy to serve on CALNO.
Commissioner Mahoney said tomorrow night (October 8,
1987), the Lake Ha ry City Commis sio n wi 11 have a wo rkshop
to discuss the issues of the new city hall and hopefully
be working hastily towards the construction of a new
municipal complex.
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Mayor Sheppard had no report at this time.
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Commissioner Constantine said they have gone through
their first group of Comprehensive Land Plan changes.
Commissioner Constantine said there were 10, of which 1
was the transportation element, 8 were zoning changes
directed by staff, and 1 was a request by development
which was turned down and the other 9 were approved.
Commissioner Constantine said the only thing they have
done about the gun law was to send a wire to their
legislative delegation asking them to please repeal the
gun law as they have it today.
Commissioner Constantine said they have started monitoring
the courts with a computer system which was very
inexpensive and saved the police department about ten
hours per week. Commissioner Constantine said there was
a one-time setup cost of $3,000.
Hayor Sheppa rd said he thought the State would be
requiring much more recording in the police departments.
Commissioner Constantine said Orlando and Titusville both
have the picking up and savings of newspapers and are re-
cycling, and the original cost was about $6,000 to get
this implemented but over time will be saving money.
Commissioner Constantine said residents send in a card
provided by the city, either through the water bill or
whatever ways the city communicates with the citizens,
then the garbage collectors pick up the baskets on a
regular trash pickup, keeping it separate, and they take
it down and collect the money. Commissioner Constantine
said he thought it was something the cities should look
in to.
Hayor Sheppard said in the new Mobile Auto Club Directory,
Altamonte Springs and Sanford were named as the two cities
of interest in Seminole County.
IX. Next Hee ting
The next meeting will be held November 4, 1987 at Longwood
City Hall.
x. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 7:59 P.M.
City of Lake Mary, Florida