HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 09 02 Minutes COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments County was held in the City Hall Council Chambers, Florida, on Wednesday, September 2, 1987 at 7:00 P.M. in Seminole Casselberry, PRESENT: Commissioner Jane Dees Commissioner Lee Constantine Mayor Owen Sheppard Commissioner June Lormann Commissioner Charlie Webster Ms. Nancy Warren Commissioner Bill Kirchhoff Commissioner John Mercer Oviedo Altamonte Springs Casselberry Longwood Lake Mary School Board Seminole County Sanford ALSO PRESENT: Mayor Ed Myers City Manager Ron Waller Budget Director Penny Fleming Senior Analyst Jean A. Kassab Ralph Bormet Mark Andrews Longwood Longwood Seminole County Seminole County Citizens Outlook Orlando Sentinel CALL TO ORDER: The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Dees. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Ms. Warren moved, Commissioner Constantine seconded, and motion carried unanimously to approve the minutes of August 5, 1987 as submitted. TREASURER'S REPORT: No Treasurer's Report was given; Commissioner Lormann said a complete report would be available at the next meeting. LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX: Ms. Penny Fleming, Budget Director for Seminole County, handed out the Local Option Gas Tax distribution formula that had been previously sent to all the cities. She said each of the municipalities were asked to submit, to the Office of Management and Budget, their 1984/85 and 1985/86 eligible expenditures. After the eligible expenditures were received from the cities, the distribution formula was calculated and sumitted to each of the cities. No concerns were expressed with the distribution formula after a followup with City Clerks and Finance Director's of each of the cities. CALNO September 2, 1987 Page 2 LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX (Continued) The Department of Revenue had expressed some concerns regarding the distribution formula but with followup conversations with the County Attorney's Office, they will honor the Interlocal Agreement and the distribution formula to become effective January 1, 1988. Ms. Fleming said a package will be sent out to each of the cities beginning February 1988 for the following year. There were no questions and the distribution formula will become effective January 1, 1988 as submitted. OLD BUSINESS: Voter Registration Problems Mr. Ken Hooper, Seminole County Administrator, said the Supervisor of Elections, Sandy Goard, has been meeting with City Clerks regarding the election slated for November 1987 and the County will be supplying poll workers for this election. Mr. Hooper said this is the first time this has been attempted and if this works, the County will be pursuing this in future elections. He said the exact funding and how the voter registration will be accomplished has not been resolved; additional space is being sought in the south central area of the County for voter registration. Commissioner Constantine said one possible solution to the problem of voter registration was the utilization of the different civic organizations such as Board of Realtors, Chamber of Commerce, Homebuilders Associations, etc. which would take some of the impact of the registration crunch. Mr. Hooper said the Supervisor of Elections was pursuing this idea, but her main goal was to open an office in the south central area. Chairman Dees said there should be a more concerted effort to enlist the help of volunteers, such as Senior Citizens, etc. Mr. Hooper said he would relay all suggestions to the Supervisor of Elections. One Cent Sales Tax Mr. Hooper said the Seminole County Board of Commissioners advertised an Ordinance that allows the creation of up to a one-cent Local Option Sales Tax. The Legislature, at the last session, allowed this to be placed on the ballot in 1/4 penny increments. The Ordinance is scheduled to be heard on September 8, 1987. The referendum will be on the ballot November 3, 1987. Mr. Hooper said each of the cities have submitted a listing of all improvements that would be anticipated with CALNO September 2, 1987 Page 3 One-Cent Sales Tax(Continued) the tax. He said that Seminole County and Altamonte Springs have indicated their improvements would go strictly toward roads; the other cities have indicated a mixture of either road improvements, drainage improvements, water/sewer drainage; these will be considered in resolution form by the Board at the September 8, 1987 Public Hearing. Mr. Hooper said the revenue discussed was approximately $19 million gross; on a split of $12 million for the County and $7 million divided among the cities. This revenue formula is based on the 1/2 penny distribution formula that is currently on the existing sales tax. The intent of the tax was for implementation for a period of up to fifteen years. Mr. Hooper said every city has at least endorsed putting the sales tax on the ballot for vote and this is a major accomplishment; this is the only County that has had every city participating, agree to the referendum. Mr. Hooper said he appreciated the cooperation of all the cities. NEW BUSINESS Chairman Dees solicited suggestions and/or items for the Agenda. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS Altamonte Springs 1. Approved a change in City Elections Ordinance to allow County poll workers to work the General Election in November, 1987. 2. Approved annual work program; the number one work item for 1987/88 was the continued implementation of the Transportation Plan; the number item was the West Town Center implementation; number three being completion of Urban Design Plan for Central Altamonte. 3. Also on phase with our Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility and our reclamation Facility which is going from 7 1/2 to 12 1/2 million gallons. 4. The DSJ Development Corporation, Owner of Ramada Inn on Douglass Road, has donated to the City the building which was known as the Racquet Club. This will be moved to City Facility off Lorraine Drive to be utilized for fleet maintenance, etc. 5. Approved the purchase property on Westmonte Drive for construction of a road between Douglass Road and Montgomery from S.R. 436 up to Center Street using part of Westmonte and Franklin. CALNO September 2, 1987 Page 4 Altamonte Springs (Continued) 6. The road on the west side of Altamonte Mall when proper right-of- ways have been obtained; money is available and the project should be completed by the end of this fiscal year, depending on prin- ciples of the Mall. The City has been negotiating with the prin- ciples of the mall and estimate of renovations to the Mall, both interior and exterior - no expansion, will actually be more than original cost to build the Mall. Casselberry No report from Casselberry. Lake Mary 1. Lake Mary signed a Sewer Agreement with Seminole County to work with the Green Lakes Sewer Disposal System and eventually with Yankee Lake. 2. The new City Hall will be put on hold. 3. As a result of recent election, Lake Mary will hold elections in November instead of September; a strong City Manager form of government was approved; Commissioner Webster was defeated. Lon~ood 1. Mayor Ed Myers invited all to Longwood's Bi-Centennial on September 19, 1987. Mayor Myers said they hoped to set up a booth to register voters at the Centennial. Program will originate at the Longwood Hotel. Oviedo 1. Oviedo is also having a Constitutional Bi-Centennial Celebration on September 19, 1987. 2. Oviedo will be resurfacing roads, the first in five years; twelve scheduled. Sanford 1. Sanford has proposed an increase in the millage to 4.8 percent. 2. The proposed use of the one-cent sales tax would go for infra- structure projects to include sewers, drainage and wastewater treatment facilities. CALNO September 2, 1987 Page 5 Sanford (Continued) 3. The County Library in Sanford is scheduled to close on Sept. 19th and the new one is scheduled to open on October 31, 1987. 4. Cities should lobby the legislature to exempt cities from the sales tax on services; this would heavily impact cities building new city halls, sewer plants, etc. 5. Sanford will be having a Bi-Centennial Celebration on 9/17/87. 6. The United Way Campaign will kickoff its fund raising drive on September 17, 1987, and all cities are urged to participate. 7. On September 20, 1987, Sanford will have "Sunday in the Park" which is a celebration of the cultural arts. 8. A celebration in connection with the Constitution is planned for March 1988. Ms. Mildred Kaski, poet/ex-ballerina and past curator of the General Sanford Museum, has written a ballet in honor of the Constitution and hopefully this will be performed in the area under City Hall sometime in March 1988. 9. The proposed Expressway route is scheduled to go through and will destroy about $20 million worth of taxable real He asked the cities to help oppose the route as it scheduled. Sanford estate. is now Board of County Commission 1. The County has been doing an update of the Comprehensive Plan and had the first Public Hearing last week; it will go to the State and come back to the County in December for final hearings. 2. The Libraries are under construction, Casselberry is ahead of schedule and work is being done on the one in Oviedo. 3. Reported on Expressway Authority routes and/or alternate routes of the expressway and the impact it would have on the cities and their traffic concerns. CALNO September 2, 1987 Page 6 School Board 1. The School Board is in the process of trying to purchase land to build an addition to Jackson Heights School. 2. There are four schools at the Elementary School level with over 1,000 student enrollment. The School Board is in the process of trying to purchase land for new schools at the Elementary level. 3. September 16, 1987 is Bi-Centennial Week in the Schools; respond favorable if asked to participate in any special programs. NEXT MEETING The next CALNO Meeting will be held October 7, 1987 in the Lake Mary City Hall. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M. Submitted By: C~.rd' ~