HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 08 05 Minutes
Pursuant to due notice and meeting thereof the regular meeting of the Council of
Local Governments in Seminole County was held on August 5, 1987 at 7:00 p.m. at
Altamonte Springs City Commission Chambers, 225 Newburyport Avenue, Altamonte
Springs, Florida.
Commissioner Lee Constantine
Mayor Owen Sheppard . . . . .
Commissioner Charlie Webster
Commissioner June Lormann . .
Commissioner Jane Dees
Commissioner Bill Kirchhoff .
. . . . Altamonte Springs
. . . . Lake Mary
. . . . Longwood
. . . . . . . Oviedo
. . . Seminole County Commission
Mayor Bettye Smith .. . .
Board Member Nancy Warren .
. . . Sanford
. Seminole County School Board
Mayor Ed Meyers
Mark Andrews
Ralph Bormet
. Longwood
. . . . Orlando Sentinel
. . Citizens Outlook
1) Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Dees.
2) Pled~e of Alle~iance
3) Approval of Minutes
Moved by Commissioner Webster, second by Commissioner Constantine to approve the
minutes of July 1, 1987. Carried unanimously.
4) Treasurer's Report
The Treasurer's Report was unavailable for approval.
Moved by Commissioner Constantine, second by Mayor Sheppard to nominate
Commissioner Lormann as Secretary/Treasurer/Vice-Chairman. Carried unanimously.
5) Voter Re~istration Problems Near National Election Time
Commissioner Dees explained that there have been problems in voter registration
prior to national elections because of lack of staff to provide this service.
She said Oviedo feels the County should be responsible for providing extra staff
to handle the increase in registrations; however they were informed by the
Supervisor of Elec tion that there is not adequate funding in the County's
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Commissioner Constantine said the Federation of Senior Citizens and the League
of Women Voters have helped in Altamonte Springs in the past however the City's
request to the County to provide assistance was turned down.
Mayor Sheppard suggested that the County' s libraries be utilized for voter
registration. Most Cities have a problem with space and City Staff is tied up
with registrations for long periods at the time.
Commissioner Constantine pointed out that the County and City books will now be
combined and notations will be made indicating whether a voter is in the City or
in unincorporated Seminole County. He added the Cities' ordinances may have to
be changed so that City residents can handle both City and County books because
some Cities' ordinances read that City residents can only handle City books.
Commissioner Kirchhoff said Sandy Goard, Supervisor of Elections, is looking at
the possibility of having a voter registration office in the area S.R. 434 and
Red Bug Road. The possibility of using libraries can be looked into. This
year's County budget does not allow extra staff.
Commissioner Dees said this will be put on an agenda at a later date after
further information is received from the County.
6) Old Business
Mayor Sheppard complimented Commissioner Constantine and the City of Altamonte
Springs on their innovativeness, creativity and leadership in solving problems
that would have affected other Cities in the area.
7) New Business
8) Reports from Members
Altamonte Sprin~s
1) Welcomed everyone to Altamonte Springs.
2) Reviewed the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council's quarterly
report and growth rates of Cities 1n Seminole County.
3) The budget will be presented 1n September with no increase in taxes or in
the number of City positions. An ordinance will be considered raising the
utility tax from 6% to 8%.
1) Pointed out that although Casselberry's utility tax is 10% there is a $5.00
cap on the amount of tax paid.
2) Said he feel the sales tax referendum needs to be reviewed closely by the
City to determined how the monies generated will be spent.
Lake Mary
1) Signed a sewer contract with Seminole County.
P ag e 3
2) The new City Hall will be built on the corner of Lake Mary Blvd. and Country
Club Road.
3) He is up for re-election this November.
4) Lake Mary has joined the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council.
5) Their millage rate is 3.9 however they are considering lowering it.
6) The Council of Local Mayors is in the process of establishing by-laws.
7) A referendum on changing the City's Charter to have a city manager will be
on the ballot 1n November.
1) Their millage rate is 3.15 however it may change in upcoming work sessions.
2) Asked for input on the advantages of joining the East Central Florida
Regional Planning Council.
Commissioner Constantine explained that being a member allows Cities to be part
of the decision making process in the entire Region whether it be on aging
programs, transportation programs or Developments of Regional Impact.
Commissioner Kirchhoff said City's are provided with statistics and information
that area readily available from the Council.
3) Asked if other Cities I have ordinances regulation fireworks as they are
considering an ordinance allowing fireworks only on certain days.
In Casselberry, Lake Mary and Oviedo they are prohibited completely.
Ov i ed 0
1) This is the first year the City Manager has presented the budget and he did
an excellent job in preparing it for adoption. The millage rate is set at 3.37
however residents have voted for a 1 mil increase for funding for Mitchell
Hammock Road improvements.
2) Plans are underway for Mitchell Hammock Road improvements.
3) A bicentennial celebration of the Constitution will be held on September
19th. Fireworks will be held at the Alafaya Woods Shopping Center.
Seminole County
1) The library 1S scheduled for completion 1n the fall.
Longwood Mayor Ed Meyer invited everyone to attend Longwood's Constitution
bicentennial celebration on September 19th.
2) Commissioner Kirchhoff each City needs to compile a list of of projects to
be funded by the one cent increase which will be attractive to the voters so
they vote in favor of the increase.
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Commissioner Constantine questioned why this
the tax on services was just put into effect.
later time.
is being done at this time since
He feels this could be done at a
There was a general discussion on the public's perception of the increase 1n the
sales tax.
It was decided that this will be put on the next agenda for further discussion.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.