HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 06 03 Minutes
The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole
County was held at the Margaret Reynolds Student Museum, 301 West 7th
Street, Sanford, on Wednesday, June 3, 1987 at 7:00 p.m. After a tour of
the Museum, Jane Dees called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.
Commissioner Lee Constantine . . . .
Mayor Dick Fess
Commissioner June Lormann
Councilman Jane Dees
Mayor Bettye Smith
Commissioner Bill Kirchhoff . . . .
Board Member Nancy Warren
Commissioner Philip Ku1bes
A1tamonte Springs
Lake Mary
Seminole County
School Board
Winter Springs
Paul Gouge1man, Member of Charter Advisory Committee
Charles Webster, Lake Mary
Mayor Ed Meyers, Longwood
City Manager, Eugene Williford, Oviedo
Ralph Bormet, Citizens Outlook
Mark Andrews, Orlando Sentinel
Motion by Mayor Bettye Smith, seconded by Mayor Dick Fess and unanimously
carried, to approve the minutes of May 6, 1987.
Treasurer Phil Ku1bes reported a balance of $429.69 with no transactions
for the month of May. Commissioner Ku1bes requested that the Treasurer's
books be turned over to a new Treasurer since the City of Winter Springs
has withdrawn from CALNO. Chairman Dees stated that this item is to be
discussed later.
Chairman Dees introduced Mr. Paul Gougelman,
County Citizens' Charter Advisory Committee.
everyone for the opportunity to serve on the
evaluate as to whether the Charter is really
County and, if so. what form it is to take.
a member of the Seminole
Mr. Gougelman thanked
committee which will
necessary for Seminole
Commissioner Constantine
stated that Mr. Gougelman is an excellent choice for the Charter
Committee for he has a great deal of experience to bring to the
committee. Members shared with Mr. Gougelman some of the concerns being
voiced within their respective communities.
WINTER SPR~NGS R~SIGNATION: Mayor Fess moved to accept the resignation
of Winter Springs from CALNO. Commissioner Kulbes seconded the motion.
Discussion followed. Commissioner Kulbes stated that the reason for
withdrawing was a duplication of efforts inasmuch as the Mayors Council
was meeting, they felt that the Mayors could conduct the business. It
was the consensus of members present that Winter Springs should be
encouraged to remain within CALNO and Commissioner Kulbes agreed to carry
that message back to Winter Springs. Mayor Fess suggested that CALNO
change its name to better describe the organization especially in dealing
with the Legislature. Mayor Fess recommended that all members of CALNO
attend the Winter Springs Commission meeting on Monday, June 8 and
encourage them to re-evaluate their decision. Inasmuch as resignation
from CALNO, as stated in the Bylaws, is by written notification only,
Mayor Fess withdrew his motion and Commissioner Kulbes withdrew the
second. The members agreed that each would send a letter to Winter
Springs encouraging them to reconsider. Commissioner Constantine agreed
to attend the meeting and invited everyone to attend. Mayor Fess asked
that we postpone the transfer of the Treasurer's books for one month.
Everyone was in agreement.
There was no Old Business to be conducted.
There was no New Business to be conducted.
Altamonte Sprin~s - Commissioner Constantine stated that Altamonte has
appropriated $175,000 to begin a program of clean-up of the Little Wekiva
river. This program is designed to regulate flow of water and some
restoration of the banks. The insurance settlement from the destruction
of the Westmonte Civic Center has been received and plans are underway to
redesign a facility more suitable to city use. They hope to have the
center back in operation by August or September of this year. Altamonte
Springs has started a policy of polling the residents. Whenever a
resident has a transaction with a department within the city, they are
asked to respond to the poll.
~ake M~ - Mayor Fess announced that Lake Mary has two new
subdivisions: Hills of Lake Mary and Cardinal Cove. Lake Mary is
hopeful of having an agreement with a service provider for effluent
disposal within the next 30 days. The internal problems will be solved
very soon. Lake Mary is attempting to acquire additional land for parks
and there is a possibility of buying 7.3 acres for a City Hall complex -
a decision will be made soon. (Everyone was reminded of the barge going
up and down the East Coast and to look into ~esource recovery." Mayor
Fess introduced Commissioner Webster who will be the new representative
for CALNO.
Lon~woQd - The Longwood City Attorney is resigning as of June 15 and they
have asked Paul Gougleman to serve as attorney in the interim. Longwood
has received the official designation as a bi-centennial city and they
are planning a bi-centennial celebration. (Lake Mary and Oviedo are in
the process.)
Oviedo - Councilman Dees announced that, contrary to rumors, the City of
Oviedo did not buy the Lawton Grove property, the School Board did. The
City is leasing the Lawton House from the School Board to be used
initially by the Chamber of Commerce. Councilman Dees introduced Eugene
Williford III, the new City Manager in Oviedo.
$anford - Mayor Smith thanked Mr. Bill James, Altamonte Springs, for his
assistance in developing a program to hire the handicapped. She
announced that Sanford will soon be hiring a curator for the Henry
Shelton Sanford Museum/Library.
~eminole County Commissio~ - Commissioner Kirchhoff announced that they
had a ground breaking for the two-story library bUilding in Casselberry
which will be approximately double the size of the present library.
Construction on the library in Sanford is progressing. The other two
libraries, Wekiva and Lake Mary, will be started later this year. When
all of the libraries are open, there will be uniformity in hours. The
Impact Fee Study Committee voted to not fund the libraries with impact
fees. All libraries are expected to be in operation by August 1988.
School Board - The School Board will be talking about impact fees at an
up-coming worksession. Nancy Warren, in response to a question, stated
that impact fees are not being used as a part of our bond issue
projects. Impact fees are being used on some school construction
projects such as parking lots, paving turn lanes, etc. She stated that
the bond issue will build one new elementary school and that the growth
in Seminole County is such that more than one school will be needed.
Winter SprlQ&2. - Commissioner Kulbes stated that with the growth in the
area there is a real need for baseball fields and they have started a
survey to look at possible sites. The Tuskawilla area is being
considered. The Commission is discussing x number of dollars to develop
a Senior Center. There are 2,600 residents in the central core area who
could use such a facility. He stated that no funds were available from
Federal agencies and they were attempting to put it in the budget or
solicit funds from private organizations. Commissioner Constantine
suggested that Winter Springs look at the cooperative agreement with the
School Board such as Altamonte Springs and Lake Brantley worked out for
use of the high school facilities. Nancy Warren stated that there was
some land at Keeth Elementary they may want to look at. Commissioner
Kulbes stated that traffic on Hwy 434 in front of Winter Springs
Elementary was a big concern. The speed limit is 45 mph with no signs to
slow traffic at the school entrance. They have approached the
Department of Transportation and requested flashing lights, etc. but with
no response.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.