HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 05 06 Minutes
The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments 1n Sem1nole County
wes held et the Sem1nole County Services Building, Senford, Floride, on
Wednesdey, Mey 6, 1981et 1:00 p.m.
Commissioner Lee Constantine ..................
Mayor Owen Sheppard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CouncH mon Chorli e Webster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Commissioner June Lormonn ..................
CouncHmen Jene Dees, Cheirmen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Meyor Bet tye Smi th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nency Werren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Commissioner Bill Kirchhoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Councilman Phil Kulbes .... . ... . .... ... . .
Meyor Ed Meyers, Longwood
Ken Hooper, County Adm1nistretor - Seminole County
Relph Bormet, CiUzen's Outlook
A 1tamonte Sprl ngs
Loke Mory
School Boerd
Seminole County
Wi nter Spri ngs
Mollon by Comm1ssioner Constont1ne, seconded by Moyor Smlth, ond
uneni mous 1 y cern ed, to epprove the m1 nutes of Apri 1 1, 1 981.
In the absence of the Treasurer, at this time, Commissioner June Lormann
reported that she Is still receiving the bank statements and the balance as
of April 30, 1981 is $429.69.
CALNO-MClY 6. 1967
PClge 2
The Chalrman advlsed that when thls subject was discussed at the last
meetlng. no offlclal poslt1on was taken by Calno. to make a recommendat1on
to the County.
Motion by Mayor Bettye Smith. seconded by Mayor Owen Sheppard. to take the
position. at this time. that we are basically satisfied with what we have
heard from the presentation by the County and we are flexible to reconsider
any other options in the future and to ask for support.
Under discussion. it was noted that the CiUes do not want to close the door.
if. in the future. we need to go in Clnother direction with other options.
Further discussion ensued with regard to use of Resource Recoyery Plants in
six Cities in the State of Florida. and that Lake County is opening a plant in
the very near future. It was also noted that a Resource Recoyery Plant was
built in Rochester. New York at a cost of 50 million dollars and is presently
not being used. It was pointed out that according to the Orlando Sentinel.
Orange County j s reYi ewj ng thi s problem and has made some reference to
meetlng wlth Seminole County to discuss cooperat1ye partlclpat10n wlth
regard to resource recovery. The suggestion WClS mClde to review this item
every si x months.
The main motion was then amended to include that the subject of Resource
Recoyery be placed on the agenda for review and discussion every six
months. Motion. as amended. carried unanimously.
The Chtlirmtln tldYised the Seminole County BOClrd of County Commissioners.
on April 28. 1987. established a Citizens Charter Adyisory Committee to
adyi se the Board of County Commi ssi oners of the f easi bi 1 i ty of the need for
a charter form of government for Seminole County. The County has
requested three members be appointed to represent Calno. All Committee
appointments are to be made at the May 26. 1987 County Commission
meet ing.
Commissioner Lee Constantine suggested thtlt the Clctiye members of the
Inter-goyernmental Cooperation Commission be appointed to this
Committee. and recommended the names of Gary Shader. Marilyn Crotty. Ian
McDonald. Pat Southward. John Tracy and Bill Braceland. Another
recommendation was Paul Googleman. Attorney. who worked on the Broward
CALNO-May 6, 1987
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County Charter Study. Commissioner Constantine further advised that in
conversat i on wi th the recommended appoi ntees, he was advi sed that Mari 1 yn
Crotty will be appointed to the Committee by Commissioner Stmdra Glenn,
and Pat Southward and John Tracy were not interested in the appointment.
Dick Rozansky, City Manager of Winter Springs was also recommended for
Motion by Mayor Bettye Smith, seconded by Nancy Warren, to appoint Paul
Googleman, Gory Schader, Bil1 Braceland and Ion McDonald, as an alternate in
the event Mr. Braceland did not accept the appointment.
Discussion ensued with regard to a Charter Advisory Committee versus a
Charter Commission. Commissioner Bil1 Kirchhoff explained the method the
County Commission used to determine what type Committee to establish for
the Charter Government Feasibility Study. Ken Hooper, County
Administrator, further discussed the pros and cons of the Committee versus
Commission. Commissioner Kirchhoff discussed the report submitted by
the Inter-governmental Study Commission, and the reasons for establishing
the Charter Advisory Committee. The County Administrator stated that the
County Commission directed that the task of the Citizens Advisory
Committee is to develop a feasibility study of the need for a charter form
of government for Seminole County. He also advised that the County
Commissioners have authorized a maximum of $10,000 for consultant and
professional assistance, as needed, for development of the study.
Mayor Sheppard stated that he has not had an opportunity to discuss and
review the subject with his Council and would be voting against the motion.
Councilman Kulbis stated that he did not have an opportunity to discuss this
with his Council and he, personally, was against the Charter Advisory
Committee because the Board of County Commissioners have the final soy
wi th regard to a charter.
MoUon carried 7 - 2. Casselberry and Winter Springs representatives voted
Commissioner Kirchhoff was requested to contact Bill Braceland, and if he
does not accept the appointment, Commissioner Constantine will contact Ian
McDono 1 d.
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A 1 tamonte Son ngs - Comml ssl oner Constantine showed a copy of the
Orhmdo Business Joumesl showing the Altesmonte Spnngs ORion the front
Casse 1 berry - Mayor Sheppard ref erred to the 8rt i c 1 e in the Or18ndo Senti ne 1
reg8rding Public Service Commission review of Flond8 Power utllity r8tes
noting th8t we should be 8ppreci8tive of the efforts of the PSC.
L8ke M8ry - Councllman Webster reported the Internal lnYestlgat10n Is
comi ng to es heesd.
Longwood - Deputy M8yor Lorm8nn reported the following:
. Sun B8nte h8S rele8sed the money 8nd Longwood Is re8dy to proceed
with hookup to the County sewer system.
. Cay Attorney, Ann Colby, has resigned for personal reasons and Is
1 eesYi ng eff ecti ye June 15, 1967.
. Police Lt. Jack Bisland was selected by the Jaycees as South Seminole
Officer of the Year.
Oviedo - Councllm8n Dees noted there will be an adverse 8rticle in the
newspaper tomorrow.
Sesnford - Mesyor Smith reported on the progress of the Urbesn Renewesl Design
proposed for the blighted Goldsboro 8rees. Members of the Urbesn Renewesl
Design Group of the University of South Florida, T8mp8, are in town to study
the 8re8 8nd come b8Ck with 8 propos81.
Councllm8n Webster reported he serves on the Community Development
Block Grant Committee and 41 houses In the Goldsboro area will be
remodeled. He noted that Sanford was the only cay to recelye block grant
CAlNO-MlIY 6, 1967
PlIge 5
School Board - Mrs. WaITen reported that the Board is meeting with the City
of Sanford in their ongoing attempts to cooperate with other governments in
the County. She noted that County people haye at tended Board meetings and
appreciates the cooperatlon with regard to the use of the Impact fees.
Oviedo High School will be completed with the use of impllct fees. The
existing plons for Seminole High School will turn out 0 school equolly os
good as Ovi edo Hi gh School with 1 ess problems.
Seminole County - Commissioner Kirchhoff reported the County libraries
are under construction. Bids received for the other libraries were good and
the County was able to go back and add addltlonalltems, such as automatlc
doors, to the libraries already under constructlon. Permits for the
ClIsselberry librllry hllve been lIpproved by the City of ClIsselberry. The
Wekivo and Greenwood lakes librories will be under construction sometime
in February of next year.
Discussion then ensued with regard to the availability and use of Community
Development Block Grant funds.
Chal rman adyl sed the next meet 1 ng will be held on June 3. 1967 at the
Seminole County School BOllrd. It hlls been requested the meeting be held lit
the Museum so members who hove not been there con toke 0 tour of thi s
interesting place.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.