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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 03 04 Minutes COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County was held at the Oviedo City Hall, Oviedo, Florida, on Wednesday, March 4, 1987. MEMBERS PRESENT Councilman Jane S. Dees, Chairman Commissioner Phil Kub1es Commissioner Bill Kirchhoff Nancy Warren Deputy Mayor June Lormann Mayor Owen Sheppard Mayor Bettye Smith Commissioner Lee Constantine Mayor Dick Fess ALSO PRESENT Mayor Ed Meyers Mayor John Torcaso Ralph C. Bormet Mark Andrews Don Boyett Councilman Tom O'Han1on Mayor Elect Charlie Beasley W. Kyle Adams Warren N. Smith CALL TO ORDER Oviedo winter Springs Seminole County Seminole County School Board Longwood Casselberry Sanford A1tamonte Springs Lake Mary Longwood Winter Springs Outlook Newspapers Orlando Sentinel Orlando Sentinel Oviedo Oviedo Waste Management of Florida Waste Management of Florida The meeting was called to order by the Chairman Jane Dees at 7:05 P.M. .PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 4, 1987 Commissioner Kub1es requested that the minutes be corrected in the first paragraph to read that the meeting was held at Longwood City Hall not Lake Mary. Commissioner Constantine made a motion to ap~ove the minutes as corrected. The motion carried by voice vote. TREASURER'S REPORT It was reported that the Checking Account sent out yesterday. to restore the $4.00 Account. the Savings Account had a balance of $92.69, and had a balance of $112.00. Membership bills were Deputy Mayor Lormann reported the bank was going charged because of a low balance in the Savings Commissioner Constantine made a motion to approve the report. The motion carried by voice vote. LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES - UPDATE In the absence of Dick Fess, Mayor Bettye Smith reported that the legislative Delegation gave a very good report to the Legislature who listened politely and left promptly, and that it was too soon to tell what impact they would have. Mayor Smith reported that the Tri-County League,coordinated by Mayor Frank Borgon of Belle Isle, would lobby individually for FJorida League of Cities policy statements, possibly on a weekly basis. SOLID WASTE RECOVERY SYSTEM - WASTE MANAGEMENT INC., of FLORIDA Commissioner Kubles introduced Mr. Kyle Adams and Mr. Warren Smith. Mr. Adams presentation gave descriptions of the types of disposal and world wide operations of the company including nuclear waste disposal. Mr. Smith's presentation described the operations of the city owned energy recovery plant at Mc Cay Bay, Tampa, Florida verbally and pictorially. He stated that the electric companies are required by law to buy the electricity produced by the resource recovery facilities and that the water used by the plant is treated effluent and not taken from potable water source. The plant eliminates the need to dump effluent wastes and that virtually no emmissions come from the plant further protecting the environment. He stated that the process can be totally enclosed, making it more aesthetically pleasing and thus control the noise and smell. It was estimated that the time between the initial feasibility study and the beginning of construction was an optomistic time frame of five ~ars, but that land fills are being regulated or legislated out of business. Mr. Adams and Mr. Smith answered questions from CALNO members after their presentation. 2 OLD BUSINESS Commissioner Constantine reported that a meeting was held concerning the County Charter Study and more would be held. NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Kuble stated that he did not think it was premature to consider a solid waste recovery feasibility study at this time. After discussion, the members of CALNO decided to invite the County Adminis- trator Ken Hooper and Jim Bible to again present the information they gave two years ago. The Chairman will contact Mr. Hooper. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS ALTAMONTE SPRINGS 1. A development order for the development of a Regional Impact Fee was presented to City Council for first reading. 2. A pre-application for West Town Center for DRI was presented to the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council, this is not a city project but a large tract of undeveloped land. 3. The Little League will have its opening this saturday and has over 60 teams. 4. A meeting was held on Wednesday regarding an interlocal agree- ment with Seminole County on repairs of some of the city roads. CASSELBERRY - No report. LAKE MARY 1. Road improvements are progressing. 2. The new city manager is doing well. WNGWOOD There is a sinkhole at the back of Rocklake. Borings are being done now to get more information. OVIEDO 1. The new city manager starts two weeks from monday. 3 2. The city has an agreement with one of the developers to pave Mitchell Hammock Road. SANFORD 1. After the Washington Conference, the cities can forget about the Federal Revenue dollars at present. 2. March is clean up month again. 3. The first audit was very comprehensive. 4. The plant festival is underway with the sailing regatta coming up soon. SEMINOLE COUNTY - No report. WINTER SPRINGS 1. The city is now printing a slogan on the water bills to help control drugs. 2. There is a moratorum on collecting road impact fees for Seminole County. SCHOOL BOARD VIP Dividend Day - wishes to thank all participants. NEXT MEETING The next CALNO meeting will be held April 1, 1987 at the Sanford City Hall at 7:00 p. m. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p. m. 4