HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 02 04 Minutes COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County was held in the City Hall, Lake Mary, Florida, on Wednesday, February 4, 1987, at 7:00 P.M. PRESENT: Nancy Warren, Chairman Commissioner Lee Constantine Mayor Owen Sheppard Mayor Deck Fess Deputy Mayor June Lormann Commissioner Jane Dees Commissioner Bill Kirchhoff Commissioner Philip Kulbes School Board Altamonte Springs Casselberry Lake Mary Longwood Oviedo Seminole County winter Springs ABSENT: Mayor Bettye Smith Sanford CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nancy Warren at 7:10 P.M. Chairman Warren announced that Mayor Bettye Smith of Sanford was ill and would be unable to attend. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR MEETING OF JANUARY 7, 1987 Commissioner Kulbes suggested that the date for next meeting on last page of minutes be corrected to read February 4, 1987, instead of February 9, 1987. Motion by Commissioner Constantine, seconded by Commissioner Kirchhoff that minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried by voice vote. TREASURER'S REPORT DepMayor June Lormann reported that the savings account had a balance of $92.69 and the checking account had a balance of $112.00. DepMayor Lormann said Freedom Bank had been charging $1.00 per month as a charge to the savings account since it was under $100.00 and she said that she would have the funds returned or she would transfer sufficient funds from the check account so there would be a minimum of $100.00 in the savings account. Motion by Mayor Fess, seconded by Commissioner Constantine that Treasurer's Report be accepted. Motion carried by votce vote. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Chairman Warren requested nominations for the office of Chairman. Commissioner Constantine nominated Commissioner Jane Dees for Chairman, seconded by Mayor Fess. Motion by Commissioner Kirchhoff, seconded by Commissioner Constantine that nominations be closed. Motion carried by voice vote. Chairman Warren congratulated Commissioner Dees on her election as Chairman. Chairman Warren requested nomination for the office of Vice-Chairman. Nomination by Commissioner Constantine, seconded by Commissioner Kirchhoff that Commissioner Phil Kulbes be elected as Vice-Chairman. There were no, further nominations and Chairman Warren declared the nominations closed. The nomination was approved by voice vote and Chairman Warren congratulated Commissioner Kulbes on his election as Vice-Chairman. DUES COLLECTION FOR 1987 Deputy Mayor Lormann suggested that due to small expenditures made the past year that dues for calendar year 1987 be waived. Commissioner Constantine suggested that dues mj,ght be needed to purchase plaques, etc. Commissioner Kulbes suggested that dues be collected and said he thought there was a need for a lobbying effort to help have laws enacted. Motion by Commissioner Kulbes, seconded by Mayor Fess that dues in the amount of $25.00 be collected from all members. Motion approved by voice vote. LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES A. ITEMS TO BE PRESENTED TO SEMINOLE'tOUNTY LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1987. Following a general discussion, the following legislative priorities were selected for presentation to the Seminole County Legislative Delegation: 1. Support legislation which provides for additional local govern- ment taxing authority and taxing flexibility. 2. Support legislation which reduces the exposure of local govern- ments to tort liability. 3. Support the sunsetting of state mandates on local government and support a constitutional amendment to prohibit legislative or administrative statewide mandated programs without sufficient funding. 4. Support designated transportation revenue sources and eminent domain reform. 5. Support legislation which would exempt the lawyer-client relationship from the government in the sunshine and public records laws. 6. Support legislation that would enhance and promote cooperation between governments. B. SELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVE TO PRESENT PRIORITIES Motion by Commissioner Kulbes, seconded by Deputy Mayor Lormann that Mayor ,Dick Fess be selected as representative to present legislative priorities. Motion carried by voice vote. Mayor Sheppard objected to dropping annexation from CALNO's legislative priorities. Chairman Warren said CALNO had previously agreed that a unanimous vote was required to determine legislative priorities. Com- missioner Constantine said CALNO had established this policy five (5) years earlier and 'said the policy had not been included in the bylaws 2 and could be suspended. Commissioner Dees said she thought the policy was good and helped provide for a concise list of priorities and spoke for the nature of the organization. Commissioner Kulbes said he agreed with Mayor Sheppard and Chairman Warren suggested that the matter be discussed at a later date and she said she agreed with Commissioner Dees. Deputy Mayor Lormann agreed with Mayor Sheppard and Commissioner Kulbes that a legislative priority should be established for annexation. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR SEMINOLE COUNTY EDUCATION 1987 - 1993 BY DR. BILL DAILEY Dr. Bill Dailey distributed copies of the plan and reviewed the five goals of the plan and the 19 annual priorities. Chairman Warren said the School Board wished to determine what all groups of citizens wanted. Chairman Warren cited the excellent cooperation existing between the City of Oviedo and the School Board by sharing facilities used for parks and recreation. Motion by Mayor Fess, seconded by Commissioner Dees that CALNO endorse the Comprehensive Plan for Seminole County~ducation 1987 - 1993. Motion carried by voice vote. OLD BUSINESS - none NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Phil Kulbes suggested that members of CALNO consider a joint waste recovery system and he said his visits to the McKay Bay Refuse Center has been very enlightening. Commissioner Kulbes said representatives of the firm would attend a CALNO meeting and brief the members if desired. Commissioner Kirchhoff said members of the Board of County Commissioners had visited the plan and he said the low costs of the earlier recovery plants had been due to lack of controls and he said present plants are much more expensive and complicated. Commissioner Kirchhoff said the County had 1,000 acres in land fill and he did not foresee a critical problem in the future. Commissioner Kirchhoff said location of the plant would be a key consideration due to its impact on transportation. Commissioner Kirchhoff said that Seminole County was required to consider various resource recovery systems and he said to date no system was economically feasible. Com- missioner Kirchhoff suggested that CALNO members look at the Tampa plant. Mayor Fess suggested that Commissioner Kulbes arrange to have a person from McKay Bay Refuse at the next meeting on March 4, 1987. Mayor Sheppard discussed the rising percentage of budgets required for personnel costs and he urged that cities review salary surveys before increasing salaries. Mayor Fess stated that Lake Mary had eliminated cost of living increases and said they were being more selective in awarding merit increases. REPORTS FROM MEMBERS Altamonte Springs 1. Have resurfaced 100,000 lineal feet of roads. Resurfacing costs are $6.00 per foot as compared to $35.00 per foot to construct new roads. 2. Salary study resulted in some salaries being reduced as well as increased. 3 Casselberry 1. Council is considering 6th draft of impact fee ordinance for roads. Lake Mary 1. Announced that new City Manager Bob Morris from Richmond, Kentucky was on board and doing well. 2. Stated that costs of resurfacing could be reduced to $4.50 per lineal foot by reusing reclaimed asphalt. Longwood 1. Introduced new City Commissioner Lynette Dennis. Oviedo 1. Mayor Bob Whittier has resigned which w~'ll require a special election. 2. Selection of first City Manager will be made soon. Salary range is $30,000 - $40,000. Seminole County 1. Construction of libraries for Oviedo and Sanford is proceeding. The Board of County Commissioners have agreed to increase hours of operation. School Board 1. One bond issue - out for bids. 2. VIP day for Seminole County Schools - February 12, 1987. Winter Springs No report NEXT MEETING The next CALNO meeting will be held March 4 in the Oviedo City Hall at 7:00 P.t4. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Submitted by: ~~~ City Clerk City of Longwood 4