HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 01 07 Minutes 010787.CALNO COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINCLE COUNrY The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County was held in the City Ball, Lake Mary, Florida, on Wednesday, January 7, 1987, at 7:00 P.M. PRESENT Nancy Warren, Chairman Commissioner Lee Constantine Mayor OWen Sheppard Mayor Bettye Smith Commissioner Jane Dees Councilwoman June Lormann Commissioner Phil Kulbes Commissioner Bill Kirchoff School Board Altamonte Springs Casselbe rry Sanford Ov iedo Longwood Winter Springs Seminole County Q1.L I.Q .QlmU The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nancy Warren at 7:10 P.M. PLEDGE Ql ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Commissioner Constantine, second by Councilwoman Lormann to approve the minutes of December 3, 1986, as submitted. Carried unanimously. TREASURER'S REPORT A decision until the seconded by presented. whether or not to bill members for dues was postponed next meeting. Motion was made by Mayor Smith and Commissioner Dees to accept the Treasurer's Report as Carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS {SEMINOLE COUNrY IMPACT ~ Montye Beamer of Seminole County represented the Chairman of the Impact Fee Committee, Roger Neiswender. Ms. Beamer distributed an updated schedule on the Committee's activities, as well as a revised draft of the Seminole County Road Impact Fee Ordinance. The next meeting of the Committee will be next Wednesday. A schedule has been set up to talk with the City Councils regarding the ordinance, which is scheduled for adoption February 24, 1987.. A meeting with City Attorneys has also been scheduled to discuss the ordinance and interlocal agreements. The revised draft contains a new Table 23 and additional land use categories. Traffic zone 143 has been moved from the East to the West collector district. Howell Branch has been changed from a collector to an arterial. The revised ordinance also has a section whereby any mistakes or deletions can be corrected and a lien can be placed on the property. New items are underlined in the draft. Commissioner Constantine asked if the Committee was considering anything other than the proposed service level D at peak hour throughout the County. Ms. Beamer said not at this time. This was not totally acceptable to all, but accepted when it was understood how much it would cost to move the system to level C. Commissioner Dees still thinks OViedo is going to have problems, since it has County Roads which are not included in this ordinance. ,..J<.- Mayor Sheppard asked Ms. Beamer to explain Section 4.06 Municipal Impact Fee Credit, page 35. Will the developer pay a dual fee if the City has a fee also? Ms. Beamer said where the City has the same roads as the County there is a credit arrangement. January 7, 1987-1 010787.CALNO In response to a question from Mayor Sheppard, Ms. Beamer said the impact fees would cover all arterials within a six mile radius of the area of development. Commissioner Dees noted that the County used to collect money for curb cuts only, but now it will collect fees covering all developing in the County. This is because of the Court ruling on fairness, that fees must be charged equitably to all that will use the facility. Mayor Smith commented that all must agree on the level of service for this to work. Ms. Beamer agreed, and said the fees will cover not only growth, but excess capacity. Commissioner Constantine noted that two major components were validatin9 the impact fees: the level of service and the 36 road projects. Ms. Beamer said the fees are only for the 36 road projects, not anything else. The 20 year system is firm for the first 10, but priorities can be changed. Priorities are based on growth patterns, but these patterns might change. Fee calculations are based on 100\ participation by the cities. The fees cannot be readjusted; alternate sources would have to be obtained if the city participation is not complete, such as developer contribution or curb cuts. Ms. Beamer reiterated that it was a County-wide program, and it would have to be used that war. Commmissioner Dees noted that all the roads in Oviedo be onged to either the County or the State, so she didn't feel they needed a local fee. However, there were County roads in her city's system that the City would have to improve. commissioner Constantine said that Altamonte Springs' impact fee structure is based on all roads, based on their own transportation study with different levels of service. All their arterials and collectors are county roads also. The County fee structure is based on only 36 projects, which might not touch certain cities for a long time; so those cities will have to use their own impact fees to fix county roads. Commissioner Dees still has a problem with having only Red Bug Road in the projects list for her City. Ms. Beamer again pointed out that service level D at peak hour is the time a road comes up for improvement. These 36 roads in this project are the ones that met that criteria, and these are the roads the money is being collected for. The program is designed to be fair and equitable and collect and disburse a reasonable amount of money for the desired result. Ms. Beamer explained that there can be impact fees for the County, the City and the School Board. There has to be a formal mechanism in place before you can charge a DRI for its impact on growth. Right now the impact fees are still voluntary. A school impact fee has to be developed. Again, it would have to be a county wide fee to be fair. The impact fees could cover roads, libraries, parks, schools, etc. There was a discussion of the relationship of bond issues and impact fees. Mayor Sheppard pointed out that some feel impact fees lighten the tax load, but this is not so because impact fees cover only growth, not maintenance of present services. Commissioner Constantine reported that Altamonte Springs has transportation, police, fire, recreation, solid waste disposal and water and sewer impact fees. His City is divided into quadrants to make the system equitable. In more established areas, the fees are higher because there is less growth and fewer fees from development. Ms. Beamer reported that Seminole County's fees are not out of line when compared to other counties. Larger developers support the new system because it represents a fair share, and smaller developers will have to pay also. These impact fees are for arterials and collectors and do not take away from local county roads. The developer also has to take care of his own on-site roads, etc. January 7, 1987-2 010787.CALNO Ms. Beamer said that within the study there is a map that ahows the arterial and collector districts. There was a discussion of the calendar. have a conflict. Commissioner Dees may Ms. Beamer reported that the target date for adoption of the road impact fee was February 24. Parks, libraries and fire impact fees are targetted for March adoption. A school impact fee study will be started in the next couple of weeks. Commissioner Kirchoff asked how done. Ms. Beamer replied that system of one book per capita. into account, and there will be a this purpose. In response to a question from Mayor Sheppard, Ms. Beamer reported that there will be a strict accounting of expenditures. For fees that are county-wide there will still be a way of determining how the money was spent. the library impact fee will be it will be a standards driven Existing libraries are taken credit. There is a formula for NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Constantine would like a discussion of Calno's priorities for the upcoming legislative session put on the agenda for the next meeting. Flexible financing for local gove rnments has to be a key issue, i.e., opportunities to raise funds. REPORTS lBQM MEMBERS Altamonte Sprinqs 1. Last night was the first reading of Land Development Code and zoning compliance to the new Comprehensive Land Plan. 2. Tomorrow at the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council the Central Development Plan Development of Regional Impact will be going before the Project Review Committee. This will be the first area wide DR! that has ever been completed in this region. Casselberry No report. ~~ Absent. Lonqwood 1. Bave two new commissioners and a new Mayor, Ed Myers. Mrs. Lormann was elected Deputy Mayor. 2. Recently signed an agreement with the County for sewer service at the Greenwood Lakes Plant. Bope it will be on board shortly, because it will free up 20 acres of park land. 3. Bave a lake maintenance program that has been very successful. Recently added another lake to this program. A private firm provides services including spraying to kill weeds, etc. 4. Bave approved paving of six streets. Sun Bank is handling financing. Oviedo 1. Bad 88 applications for City Manager position. Screening Committee is reviewing them and expects to narrow them to 10 by next Monday. Anxious to get position filled. Sanford January 7, 1987-3 Ol0787.CALNO 1. Last night had organizational meeting of the new Commiaaion. 2. This coming week Sanford has a series of four programs to celebrate Martin Luther King'a birthday. Sunday at 2 P.M. a religious service, Wednesday at noon Pearl Bailey will speak at a luncheon, Thursday night is youth night, Saturday night there will be a banquet with the President of Florida A' M as the speaker. These programs were funded with private donations. Proceeds from these activities will go to a scholarship fund. All events will be at the Civic Center. Seminole County No report. School Board 1. Bad work session today on Comprehensive Planning. Would like input from CALNO regarding what you feel education s~ould be in Seminole County. Appreciate public opinion input. Want to be more in touch with city and county government. Planning over a five year period--curriculum, issues--is education meeting needs. (A high school for Altamonte Springs and improvements for Seminole High School were discussed.) Perhaps add to agenda for next meeting. 2. Today and tomorrow interviewing architects for Phase 2 projects, 20 presentations total. One will be selected to do Seminole High School. Originally had 53 applicants. From the 20, 5 will be selected for each project, and presented to the Board for a final decision. 3. Peat Marwick is conducting a salary study of administrative personnel and will make recommendations in view of this year's budget. Results due in March. 4. Bond issue is in good shape. While we haven't broken ground yet, we will shortly have our bids out for contractors. Will be very careful not to use any more money than it alotted to each project. Money is earning interest. (There was a discussion of priorities of phases 1, 2 and 3.) Improvements will be made ~r the amount of money allotted. Any changes will be covered wlth the contingency or interest fund. The Capital Outlay Committee decides priority of the phases. Winter Sprinqs No report. ~ MEETING The next CALNO meeting will be held February 9 in the Longwood City Hall at 4:00 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M. Submitted by: Jean Stacy, Recording Secretary CITY OF LAKE MARY Approved: January 7, 1987-4