HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 05 07 Letter Re: List of 1984 Proposed State Legislation
May 7, 1984
Representative Bobby Brantley
1843 S.R. 434, Suite 107
Longwood, Florida 32750
Dear Bobby:
Enclosed is a list of the 1984 proposed state legistlation
which the Council of Local Governments of Seminole County
unanimously voted to either support or oppose.
The Council feels strongly that this legislative package,
which we support as adopted, would be a tremendous asset
to Seminole County. We also feel that if the legislation
which we oppose were enacted into law it would place an
undue hardship on both county and municipal governments
of Seminole County.
If you would like this legislative package to be presented
formally to the Seminole County Legislative Delegation,
Calno would be happy to do so at your next scheduled meeting.
If you or any member of the delegation has any specific
questions concerning our support or opposition of these
legislative bills, please feel free to contact me at any-
time at 830-3804.
D. Lee Constantine
Chairman, Calno
CC: Seminole County Legislative Delegation Members
Calno Members
CALNO Supported Legislation
HB 39 (Hanson) Confidentially of Appraisals; which creates
an expemtion from public records law for
municipalities and counties involved in
purchasing property.
HB 323 (Community Affairs)
Public Water System; requires all public
water systems to annually conduct a water
sample analysis of water leaving distrubution
HB 440 (Tobin, Murphy, Healey)
Bottle Bill; requires a deposit law on all
beverage containers.
HB 818 (Burke) Code Enforcement Boards; authorizes a Local
Code Enforcement Board to require community
service in lieu of a fine.
SB 352 (Senate Transportation Committee)
Transportation: Signalization; Current
practice essentially requires local govern-
ment to install and maintain traffic signals
on state roads which are in city limits.
SB 70 (Langley)
Public Records Exemptions; provides for the
confidentiality of records relating to the
purchase of real property by local government.
HB 169 (Allen)
State Mandates; prohibits the adoption, amend-
ment, or repeal of any rule by an state agency
that would require additional expenditures by
local government unless sufficient funds are
appropriated by the Legislature.
HB 20 (Hollingsworth)
Inmate Labor; requires the Department of
Corrections to enter into agreements wtth
cities to provide for the use of state prisoners
in public works projects at no cost to the city.
PCB 84-15
HB 52 (Hazouri)
HB 345 (Lawson)
.A- HB 363 (Liberti)
SB 352
HB 162 (Deratany)
CALNO Opposed Legislation
Little EPA; This bad bill would give standing
to any party to sue a state, regional, or local
agency to enforce land, water or air regulations.
The bill also removes safeguards against the
filing of frivolous lawsuits presently in the
En vir 0 n me n tal Pro t e c t i on bill . The bill a 1 so
has a provision which can be interpreted to
allow the awarding of damages against a local
government for failing to enforce these measures.
This measure is too far reaching in scope and
would subject local governments to alot of
unnecessary lawsuits and costs. There are better
ways to deal with the problems addressed by this
bi 11. The meas ure is now in the full commi ttee
Firefighter Disfigurement Benefits; would provide
a lump-sum disfigurement benefit to a firefighter
suffering a permanent bodily disfigurement as a
result of an accident in line of duty.
Cable Television; provides for the regulation
of cable television companies by the Florida
Public Service Commission only.
Building Inspectors; requires the State to
mandate state certification of building in-
Transportation: Railroad Crossing Maintenance;
The DOT has recommended that cities and railroad
companies be mandated to share the cost of main-
tenance for railroad crossing.
Mobile Homes; There is no bill on prohibiting
local governments from regulating the place-
ment of mobile homes through zoning and there
probably will not be. However, ther~ are a
dozen or so bills that deal with mobile homes
and manufactured housing and we fully expect
attempts to amend these bills during the 1984
session. If a specific amendment is offered
or a specific bill is introduced we will
immediately notify all cities.
Municipal Utilities; prohibits a municipal
utility from refusing utility service to a
new tenant of a unit for failure of a previous
tenant to pay the utility bill.