HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 12 22 Memo Re: End of Year Report DATE: TO: DECEMBER 22t 1983 FROM: SUBJECT: D. LEE CONSTANTINEt END OF YEAR REPORT As Chairmant I believe it is important to give the members an overview and highlight of some of the issues which Calno has addressed this year. These issues are in chronological order to better judge the progress that Calno has made over the past calendar year: 1. SEMINOLE COUNTY EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY At the end of 1982t Calno appointed two representativest Mr. David Farr and myselft to the Seminole County Ex- pressway Authority. These two members along with the Board of County Commissioners constitute the membership of the Authority and over the past year made significant progress toward the establishment of expressway and toll facilities in Seminole County. Most recentlYt the organization has elected Howard Needles Tammen Bergendoff to head up a consulting group which will select poten- tially the best corridors for an expressway in Seminole County. 2. DOUBLE TAXATION ISSUE A select committeet headed up by Mr. Pete Knowles of Sanfordt continued to work with the County on this most delicate issue. The Committeet in March of this yeart came up with a compromise with the County which they believe will be the first step toward alleviating this problem. The Committee continues to meet on call and is the watch dog on the progress of this issue. 3. CALNO LEGISLATIVE PACKAGE For the first time Calno memberst by unanimous consentt compiled a legislative package to send to our local state delegation in which we listed those bills which we were in favor of as well as those bills we were opposed to. This was an excellent tool to show our legislators how their local elected officials feel about certain issues and should be continued in the future. 4. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTORS COMMITTEE Under Calno authority and headed by Jack Schuder of Seminole CountYt this Committee continues to meet on a semi-annual basis to open the lines of communication between the various Public Works Departments in Seminole County. CALNO REPRESENTATIVES December 22, 1983 Page Two 5. FUEL TAX - REALLOCATION In June of this year, the Council of Local Government in meeting with Seminole County representatives decided by a c 1 0 s e vote - t 0 b e 0 p po sed tot h e ins tit uti 0 n 0 f the f u e 1 tax. Subsequently, the County Commission did approve a four (4) cents tax to improve the roads of Seminole County and its City. Calno has been instrumental in 1) the development of the actual formula to allocate the fuel tax through the cooperation of all of its members with the County in organi zing budget figures on previous transporation expenses and 2) in the current issue of stabilizing and freezing of the current fuel tax formula for distribution. Since our December meeting when all t he member s f e 1 t comfort a b 1 e i n my appro a chi n g the Seminole County Commission concerning the freezing of the fuel tax formula, progress has been made and I am confident that the City and the County can come up with an acceptable fuel tax distribution formula which we will be able to depend upon for the term of the tax. (See letter attached). A full report will be made at the Calno's January meeting. 6. JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE/PLANNED COORDINATION COMMITTEE After much di scussion and internal, as well as external, criticism of the Joint Planning Committee which was established by Calno in 1982, we decided in October, to the delight of all concerned, to disband the current committee and establish two separate committees which would be organized when needed. One committee, the Joint Pl anning Committee, wi 11 be concerned with interlocal items such as minor zoning problems, annexation of pockets of unincorporated county property inside our cities and items of internal bureaucracy. This committee will be coordinated by Mr. Pete Knowles. The Planned Coordination Committee will be much broader in scope, concerned with future planning which is an intregal part of Seminole County Transportation Study. This Committee will be coordinated by Mr. Woody Price of Seminole County. 7 . SCHOOL BOARD ,,-,- In October, Calno extended an offer for membership to the only other elected taxing authority in Seminole County which was currently not a member - The Seminole County School Board. The School Board in October accepted the membership offer by Calno and Calno approved the Board's CALNO REPRESENTATIVES December 22, 1983 Page Three membership. Ms. Nancy Warren became Calno's representa- tive for the Seminole County School Board. Since one Qf Calno's main objectives is better communica- tions between governmental agencies, it is important that the School Board has been accepted into the membership and completed Calno's organizational structure. 8. PROPOSITION I COMMITTEE In October, Calno approved the development of a Proposi- tion I Committee to study the dollar effects that Propo- sition I would have, if passed, on each governmental agency. The Committee will propose ideas for better cooperation among these entities today and possible alternatives in budgeting if Proposition I passes next November. This Committee, headed by Mr. Phil Penland of Altamonte Springs, is possibly the most significant committee Calno has instituted. The importance of this committee and its work will be manifested over the next year to wit how the Proposition I issue unfolds. In conclusion, I would just like to say it has been a plea- sure working with each and everyone of you this past year. You have all been dedicated to the point that Calno, for the first time, has not lacked a quorum at any time this year and our organization is no longer considered an organization that just gets together and bad-mouths the County. We have made significant progress this year. It is important to note that this progress is representative of the leadership that Calno has had over the preceding few years which has been the foundation for the strides that we have made this year. Again, each of you are true leaders and it has been a sincere pleasure working with you.