HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 12 07 Minutes MINUTES COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY Dec. 7, 1983 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County was held on Wednesday, December 7, 1983 in the Commission Room, City Hall, Sanford, Florida. 1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by the Chairman, Lee Constantine, who opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs (Chairman) Mayor Robert Whittier, Oviedo Commissioner Eddie Keith, Sanford Mayor Charles Glascock, Casselberry Mayor June Lormann, Longwood Commissioner Buck Adkins, Winter Springs (Treasurer) Commissioner Bill Kirchhoff, Seminole County Nancy Warren, Board of Education OTHERS PRESENT: W. E. Knowles, City Manager, Sanford Steve Harriett, Assistant City Manager, Sanford Ann Moore, Orlando Sentinel Marian Adams, League of Women Voters 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Mayor Whittier to approve the Minutes of the last meeting, seconded by Commissioner Keith. Motion carried. 3. TREASURER REPORT: Treasurer Adkins reported a balance of $469.89 and $4.68 in savings accounts and $4.18 in the checking account. Mr. Keith moved to approve. Mrs. Lormann seconded. Motion carried. 4. PROPOSITION I REPORT: Committee member Steve Harri ett was present to report on the organizational meeting of the committee appointed at the Nov. 2nd meeting. He said the committee decided to use the formula suggested by the Florida Advisory Council of Intergovernmental Rela- t ions in order to arrive at a fi gure to be adopted as the one to be used for each city and county and School Board if Proposition I is adopted. The Committee suggested that each city go into the community and solicit input from different groups in order to form a Citizen's Congress from whi ch to arri ve at a method suitable for each un it of government. Mr. Harriett said there was not much said about the educational system, which he feels will be sorely affected. He said the committee was aiming for a dollar figure to be presented at the next meeting, and the aim is to reach a final report in the spring, March or April, but it may be necessary to request an extension. MINUTES - CALNO - DECEMBER 7, 1983 - 7:30 P.M. Page 2 Chairman Constantine said the next meeting will be held January 11, 1984 instead of January 4th, in order to give the committee members more time to prepare. The meeting will be held in Seminole County on January 11, 1984 at 7:30 P.M. 5. DISCUSSION: RE-ALLOCATION OF FUEL TAX. Mr. Knowles presented a copy of Seminole Local Option Gas Tax Report with a total estimated revenue and a breakdown of percentages for the county and each of the seven cities. He said the distribution is not clear and therefore it is difficult to plan beyond the fiscal year and many projects extend beyond one year. He said the intent of the legislature was that the distribution formula adopted would be for the life of the tax. He said the County could clear the issue by stating that the 65% would stand for the County and might avoid future problems. Mr. Kirchhoff stated that the reason for changing the percentages is to avoid any unit getting locked in with a small percentage which would not be ample in the case of unusual expenditures for improvements. His feeling is that the 65% would remain stable for the county and the percentages for the various cities would fluctuate to meet the changing needs. Chairman Constantine requested permission and received consent to present this proposal to Seminole County. 6. REPORTS FROM CALNO MEMBERS: Altamonte Springs: Commissioner Constantine reported that they are working on a comprehensive plan and are determining a central business district for Altamonte Springs. He said the Sentinel Star had a nice editorial about the beautification program along 436 and trees are being planted in the median. Casselberry: Mayor Glascock reported that he won the election for Mayor for a two-year term and the time of election was changed from December to November. He said they are negotiating with union activi- ties in the Police and Fire Departments. Longwood: Mayor Lormann announced her victory in the election and the election of two new Commissioners, Smerlson and Myers. She report- ed a 29% vote and said the bond issue was defeated. Oviedo: Mayor Whittier announced that they have had two representa- tives of a Washington firm hired by a group to obtain funds for the improvement of roads, teari ng down some structures and drai nage im- provement over a three-year peri od. He sai d they are to have some results by December. Sanford: Commissioner Keith reported the problem with the wells and EDB is still present with two of the wells shut down. Mr. Harriett said DER is going to retest the wells and try to resolve conflicting test results from two other sources. MINUTES - CALNO - DECEMBER 7, 1983 - 7:30 P.M. Page 3 Seminole County: Commissioner Kirchhoff said the Health Department is part i a lly funded by the State and the State sent word out to all health departments to test any public service wells located on golf courses but they have not told them what to do in regard to retesting. School Board: Nancy Warren reported they had a reorganizational meeting and are planning two new schools with a new Middle School near Lake Howell. Winter Springs: Commissioner Adkins said they had held their second annual Christmas Parade and they are working on a site selection for the new municipal complexes. They have started a bond issue for purchase of a water and sewer plant in the next few months. Lake Mary: Absent 7. Next Meet i ng: The next meet i ng of CALNO wi 11 be he 1 d on Wednesday, January 11,1984, in Seminole County at the Courthouse. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.