HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 11 02 Minutes
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The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole
County was held on Wednesday, November 2, 1983, in the Oviedo City
11, Oviedo, Florida.
1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
and Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Chairman Constantine.
Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs, Chairman
Mayor Robert Hhittier, Oviedo
Commissioner Eddie Keith, Sanford
Commissioner Bill Kirchoff, Seminole County
Mayor Charles Glascock, Casselberry
Commissioner Buck Adkins, winter Springs, Treasurer
City Manager Phil Penland, Altamonte Springs
Councilman E. P. Bruce, OViedo
Councilman W. A. Ward, Jr., OViedo
Councilman Ralph H. Neely, Oviedo
Councilman Gary H. Gotwalt, Oviedo
Ann Moore, Orlando Sentinel
Mary Ann Conner, Assistant City Clerk, OViedo
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion made by Commissioner Kirchoff
to approve minutes of October 5, 1983, seconded by Commiss-
ioner Adkins, and motion carried unanimously.
3. TREASURER REPORT: Treasurer Adkins gave the report of the
checking account of $4.18 and savings accounts $4.64 and
$405.79, as of 9/30/83. Motion made by ~ayor Whittier to
accept report and seconded by Commissioner Keith and motion
carried unanimously.
members were reported as: David Chacey, Longwood; Buck
Adkins, Winter Springs; Roger Harris, Seminole County School
Board; Jim Eas~on, Board of County Commissioners; Steve
Harriett, Sanford; Nancy Cox, Oviedo; and Linda Zike, Cass-
elberry with Altamonte Springs City ~anager Penland as Chairman.
There will be a meeting set up soon to get started.
5. PROPOSITION I: Mayor Whittier suggested that CALNO should
glve guide lines to committee so that all cities will be
figurering impact of Proposition I on their cities revenue
using the same formula.
Chairman Constantine suggested as discussed at the previous
meeting that the committee try to put figures on the table
and see what exactly would happen to each city, county and
school board if Proposition I passed. The suggestion was
made that the committee not have any chains or bounds on
their suggestions.
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AI tanonte Springs; Corn:nissioner Constantine reported that they had an
election Tuesday with a 2 seat race.
Casselberry; Mayor Glascock reported that they would have their election
in December with Mayor and 2 Council seat race. They have also been negotiating
with three unions and hope they are nBking sone headway with all.
Oviedo; Mayor Whittier reported the Rossmm PUD project is progressing
normally, and hope conclusion will be quite soon. Mayor Whittier also urged
the State and County to look forward to purchasing roWs along 419.
Sanford; Comnissioner Keith reported the auto train was again caning into
Sanford; that there was a 2.5 million dollar fire Saturday night and that
the Star of Sanford was fack for the winter.
Seminole County; Conmissioner Kirchhoff reported that the County had been
holding rreetings with rrost of the cities as to their road needs. When all
the information is in, they will sit down and, on a need basis, make a decision
on road priori ties. The County received favorable corrments on these meetings
with several suggestions that they do this each year.
Corrmissioner Kirchhoff reported on the selection of Howard, Needles, Tarrmen,
and Bergendoff as the consulting firm to review the corridor which Orange
County's Expressway Authority said they thought should be where the road
soould go; which is the corridor between Winter Springs and Oviedo. Their
projections now show that if the road is built by 1990, the segrrent fran the
Orange County line to 419, between Winter Springs and Oviedo V>Duld have
30,000 cars per day using it. The section from 419 across Lake Jessup to
Lake Mary Boulevard would have 35,000 cars per day. This is not the only
corridor being considered.
Corrmissioner Constantine reported that the Expressway Authority decided to
include the County's transportation study with the expressway corridor study,
so that firm will be doing both studies. It was felt this was cost saving as
well as avoiding duplication.
Winter Springs; Corrmissioner Adkins reported a letter was received from oor
that they had received their resolution on improvements on 419 and that "it had
been put in their process."
Lake Mary; Absent
Longwood; Absent
School Board; Absent
7. Next Meeting: The next rreeting of CALNO will be held on Wednesday, Decerrber 7,
1983 at 7:30 PM at Sanford City Hall.