HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 10 05 Minutes MINUTES mUNCIL OF IDCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMIIDLE mUNlY The regular meeting of the C01IDCil of Local Governments in Seminole Cmmty was held on Wech1.esday, October 5, 1983, in the Langwood City Hall, Langwood, Florida. 1. CAlL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Lee Constantine. MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT : Conrnissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs Mayor June Lormarm., Langwood Mayor Robert Whittier, Oviedo Conrnissioner Eddie Keith, Sanford Conrnissioner Bill Kirchhoff, Seminole C01IDty Vice Chairman, Nancy Warren, Seminole County School Board Mr. Woody Price, Seminole Co1IDty Conrnissioner William Mitchell, Langwood Conrnissioner Charles Pappas, Langwood 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of September 7, 1983 were not distributed to members; therefore approval was deferred. 3. TREASURER'S REPORT: Treasurer's Report for September was not available; therefore approval was deferred. 4. Mr. Woody Price of Seminole Co1IDty reported on the Joint Plamring Conrnittee for CAI.ID and he advised that members recorrrnended that the carrrnittee be dissolved and refonned as two separate carrrnittees. One carrrnittee, to be known. as the Small Development Conrnittee would discuss areas of carrm:m interest between the cmmty and the cities and between the cities. The second corrrnittee would be known. as the Technical Review Conrnittee and would review major plarming and act as CALNQ's representative on the Traffic and Transportation Study Group established by Seminole Co1IDty. Ccmnissioner Constantine said he agreed with this proposal. Motion by Mayor Lormarm., seconded by Conrnissioner Keith that Joint Plarming Carrrnittee as previously constructed be dissolved. Motion carried by voice vote. Motion by Carmissioner Kirchhoff, seconded by Mayor Lonnann that CAI.ID establish two separate carrrnittees as proposed by Mr. Price. Motion carried by voice vote. 5. Carrrnissioner Kirchhoff stated that Seminole Cmmty' s position on the optional 4 cents gasoline tax had not changed. He stated that the Co1IDty would not request a change in distribution fOrrrn.Ila and he said that any request would probably originate from cities that were growing and only receiving a small percentage of the revenue. 6. Carrrnissioner Constantine suggested that CAI.ID fonn a carrrnittee to study the possible effects of Proposition One and to consider alternatives. He suggested that City Manager Penland of Altamonte Springs be named to chair the carrrnittee. Motion by Carrrnissioner Keith, seconded by Mayor Whittier that a 9 member carrrnittee be appointed to study the effects of Proposition One and consider possible alternatives. Motion carried by 1IDaIlllroUS voice vote. 7. REPORTS FROM CALNO MEMBERS: Altammte S1;>rings. Carrmissioner Constantine reported that Altammte Springs had adopted the1r budget for fiscal year 1983-84 and had reduced millage rate to 2.85. He stated that a revised Comprehensive Plan which included a transportation study had been adopted. He also said that Mayor Ray Ambrose was heading a study group to consider the establishment of a Central Business District. Casselberry. Absent Lake Mary. Absent Longwood. Mayor Lonnann introducted Carrmissioners Mitchell and Pappas who were present. Oviedo. Mayor Whittier reported on the progress of the proposed PUD for Oviedo. He said the PUD would quadruple the population of Oviedo if approved. The name of the PUD is Alfaya. He said the developers would be required to provide all sewer services and said there were some serious environmental problems that had to be answered. Their Carrmission will consider PUD request on 10/24/83. Sanford. Carrmissioner Keith said the City of Sanford was being sued by citizens over the single member districting issue. Seminole Catmtt Carrmissioner Kirchoff offered assistance from the Catmty plarming department to Ovie and Mayor Whittier said he had received excellent assistance from the county. Carrmissioner Kirchoff asked that minimum right-of-ways of 70 feet be established for new developments. Carrmissioner Kirchoff said Seminole Catmty had appointed Mr. Howard Needles of the Tarrm::m and Bergdoff finn as consultant for the Seminole County Transportation Authority. Carrmissioner Kirchoff reported on an illegal dump in Seminole County that was taking hazardous waste. He cautioned cities to be alert to this danger. Carrmissioner Kirchoff said he had reviewed the Department of Transportation Budget and he said it included ftmds for several projects such as Lake Mary Interchange, provisions for railroad crossings in Oviedo, and widening of CR. 426. School Board. Vice Chainnan Nancy Warren said she was happy that the School Board had joined the Council of Local Governments in Seminole Catmty. 8. NEXT MEETING. The next meeting of CALNO will be held on Wednesday, November 2, 1983 at 7:30 p.m. in Oviedo. 9. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.