HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 08 03 Minutes MINUTES OF COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY August 3, 1983 Casselberry City Hall The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County was held on Wednesday, August 3, 1983, in the City Hall of the City of Casselberry, Florida. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Lee Constantine. Present: Chairman Lee Constantine, Commissioner, Altamonte Springs Charles Glascock, Mayor, Casselberry June Lormann, Mayor, Longwood Eddie Keith, Commissioner, Sanford Treasurer, Buck Adkins, City Commissioner, Winter Springs Bill Kirchhoff, Commissioner, Seminole County Also Present: Richard Russo, Councilman, Casselberry Linda Zike, City Clerk/Treasurer, Casselberry Duncan Rose III, Seminole County Administrator Warren E. Knowles, City Manager, Sanford Woody Price, Joint Planning Committee Ann Moore, Reporter, Orlando Sentinel Donna Estes, Reporter, Sanford Herald Marian Adams, League of Women Voters Thelma McPherson, Recording Secretary, Casselberry 2. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Chairman Constantine. 3. Approval of Minutes, July 6, 1983 Mayor Lormann moved to approve the minutes of July 6, 1983 as received, seconded by Mayor Glascock. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Treasurer's Report Treasurer, Buck Adkins, stated he had not received this month's treasury report. The report will remain the same as stipulated in minutes of July 6, 1983 pending notification of new report, which will be included in the minutes of next meeting on September 7, 1983. Minutes of CALNO Page 2 August 3, 1983 5. Discussion: County Gas Tax - T. Duncan Rose III, Seminole County Mr. Rose, County Administrator, distributed copy of Ordinance 83-22 that was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on July 26, 1983. This Ordinance establishes that the County Commissioners will levy a four (4) cent gas tax for ten (10) years to be distributed based on the formula as specified in Florida Statutes, at least for the first year. Our audit team is working with each municipality to research what the various shares will be and to make sure of consistent and accurate docu- mentation. Mr. Rose presented preliminary figures on the distribution of these shares between the County and the municipalities, which is split 65 percent County and 35 percent municipalities. This distribution formula can be changed over the ten-year period by amending the Ordinance. Mr. Rose said he anticipated the actual collection process of the funds to begin September 1, 1983, assuming none of the cities challenge the distribution formula. At this time, the only condition imposed upon the four cent gas tax is to permit the County to develop a Transportation Management Program -- this means a transportation plan and a realistic implementation schedule that is tied to dollars. The Board of Commissioners wants an extensive comprehensive analysis of our transportation needs to the year 2005. We are looking toward instituting the capabilities of transportation modeling with the use of computers to assess the impact on our transportation net- work of various land use assumptions. This capability is extremely impor- tant in the prudent management of money. The bottom line of the County Administrator's position is to continue to endeavor to work together with the cities to address transportation prob- lems on the County road network. He invited participation and input from the cities in identifying these problem areas, because roads ignore City and County boundaries. Mr. Kirchhoff, County Commissioner, said a portion of the money wtll be spent each year on acquisition of rights-of-way and not all necessartly for construction. Discussion: Joint Planning Committee - Woody Price Mr. Price stated the CALNO Joint Planning Coordination Committee has not made a great deal of progress as a Committee due to circumstances beyond control in the individual jurisdictions. As plans stand now, we are engaging in a three phase approach to achieve some planning coordination. The first phase is with developing maps of potential land use conflicts between the incorporated and unincorporated areas. The second phase is to formulate a more standardized format of listings for public hearing schedules and notification/posting requirements. The third phase is to coordinate master list to analyze alternative ways of accommodating population growth (150,000 new residents are anticipated in Seminole County over the next 15 to 20 years) through dealing with transportation needs and water management needs in long-range inter-governmental relation- ships of planning coordination. Minutes of CALNO Page 3 August 3, 1983 Discussion: Joint Planning Committee (Continued) Mr. Pete Knowles, Sanford City Manager, recommended dissolving the Committee and starting over. The Committee that was formed in June 1982 is going nowhere and has produced nothing. It is staffed inappropriately and more interested in techniques and methodology than accomplishments. Mr. Knowles stated that we are not talking about overall land use, just the fringe areas around the seven municipalities to make County and City efforts compatible so that the people will know what the zoning will be now and in the future to be able to live within the regulations. You do not need a transportation study, a water manage- ment study, etc. to work out a system of making this small band of land compatible in these particular areas. CALNO should recognize the ineffectiveness of present Committee and streamline it to administrative procedures to come to agreement. Mayor Glascock moved to dissolve the Joint Planning Committee as it now stands. Seconded by Mr. Keith. ~ During the ensuing discussion, Mr. Kirchhoff recommended the Committee be redirected and restructured to build on what we already have rather than disbanding and starting over. The motion and second was withdrawn and the Committee stayed in tact and will be discussed at the next meeting to determine a clear goal for the Committee. All members concurred. 6. Report from Members: ALTAMONTE SPRINGS Mr. Constantine said Altamonte Springs had adjourned for summer break and would convene September 6, 1983. He also reported that the Uni- versity of Central Florida had received additional funds to add students. They will be going into the Communities to offer credit courses. Any course that UCF offers can be brought into the Community. Mr. Constantine recommended that the Seminole County School Board be invited to participate in CALNO. Mayor Lormann moved to authorize Mr. Constantine to contact the Seminole County School Board with an invitation to join CALNO. Seconded by Mr. Keith. Motion carried. CASSELBERRY Mayor Glascock reported that Chairman Carl Robertson had suffered a heart attack, had open heart surgery and is progressing well. Minutes of CALNO Page 4 August 3, 1983 LONGWOOD No report SANFORD Commissioner Keith said they had an inverse condemnation study being conducted by the Planning & Zoning Board where they are planning on rezoning part of the City from multi-family residency to single-family residency because some of our residents have converted these old homes into show places. SEMINOLE COUNTY Commissioner Kirchhoff said in view of the gas tax being supported unanimously it was important for the various cities to sit down with the County and look at traffic problems and growth problems. He discussed proposed expressway for Seminole County and recommended cities set up different meetings over the next year to discuss these problems individually. WINTER SPRINGS - Commissioner Adkins said the City of Winer Springs is finalizing its selection of consultants to study possible new municipal complex. The Commission will make its selection at its workshop on Tuesday, August 9, 1983. 7. Next Meeting: Lake Mary City Hall, September 7, 1983 Meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M.