HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 05 12 Letter Re: List of 1983 Proposed State Legislation CITY OF AL T AMONTE SPRINGS 225 NEWBURY PORT AVENUE ALTAMONTE SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32701 May 12, 1983 Representative Bobby Brantley 1843 S.R. 434, Suite 107 Longwood, Florida 32750 Dear Bobby: Enclosed is a list of the 1983 proposed state legislation which the Council of Local Governments of Seminole County unanimously voted to either support or oppose. ,~.'~ The Council feels strongly that this legislative package, which we support as adopted, would be a tremendous asset to Seminole County. We also feel that if the legislation which we oppose were enacted into law it would place an undue hardship on both county and municipal governments of Seminole County. If you would like this legislative package to be presented formally to the Seminole County Legislative Delegation, Calno would be happy to do so at your next scheduled meeting. If you or any member of the delegation has any specific questions concerning our support or opposition of these legislative bills, please feel free to contact me at any- time. S~z-y~ ~ D. Lee cons~e Chairman, Calno CC: Seminole County Legislative Delegation Members Calno Members · WE ARE PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT PEOPLE · SJR 5 (Langley) .- HB 28 (Brantley/Grindle) SJR 82 (Myers) SB 173 (Jennings) SB 178 (Stuart) SB 233 (Dunn, Hill, Fox, Meek, Weinstein, HB 353 (Bell) - SB 248 (Jennings) HB 183 (Cosgrove) PCB 16 PCB 17 HB 66 (Burrall) HB 216 (Pajcic) HB 260 (Hollingsworth) SB 139 (Myers) CALNO Supported Legislation Local Revenues; proposes to amend state constitu- tion to require that any provision of law which would result in increasing expenditures or reducin revenues of a county or city shall provide for financing such increase in expenditures or reduc- tion in revenues. Homestead Exemption; proposes amendment to Florida Constitution to provide for taxing homesteads at no more than 65% of assessed value and to repeal homestead exemptions. Actuarial Soundness of Public Retirement Systems; provides minimum methods and procedures for valuin assets and actuarial evaluation of all public retirement systems. Sales Tax Exemption; provides for exemption from sales tax for materials bought to go into local government public works projects. Carlucci, Mann, Girardeau, McPherson) Death Benefits for Firefighter and Law Enforcement Officers; provides death bene- fits for firefighters and law enforcement officers killed in line of duty. Provides that said bene- fits are the responsibility of the Department of Law Enforcement. Public Employees; broadens the prohibition of strikes by public employees; makes certain penal- ties for violation of the prohibition mandatory; limits suspension or revocation of certification to a 2 year period. Reimbursement to Utilities by D.O.T.; Provides the state shall reimburse city or county for removal and relocation costs of water and sewer facilitie~ within state's right of way necessitated by the state. SUNCOM; (House Governmental Operations Committee) will be scheduled for action by the full house soon. This bill extends SUNCOM long distance telephone service to cities that meet certain minimum usage requirements and their wholly owned associations. FLORIDA RETIREMENT SYSTEM; (Personnel, Retirement and Collective Bargaining) would authorize cities a one-time opportunity to withdraw from the Floric Retirement System for future employees. Unemployment Compensation; provides that nonprofit corporation, upon proper notice, will not be re- quired to reimburse the unemployment compensation trust fund for benefits payed to any employee where the employee voluntarily left work or was discharged for misconduct. Firefighter; provides that a firefighter while performing his duties is an invitee, rather than a licensee. County and Municipal Prisoners; limits standards which Department of Corrections can adopt for keeping prisoners to no greater than federal standard. Transportation Funding; directing that first gas tax revenue be distributed to counties and muni- cipalities for reimbursement of.funds ~s~d . . on state highway system. Allowlng mUDlclpalltles to participate for first time. SUPPORTED LEGISLATION (Con't) CS for SB 94 (Transportation & Margolis) Relocation of Utility Services, State Highway System; provides for reimbursement to cit~es and county for relocation of utilities caused by expansion of state road. Proposed: Legislation to resolve the City/County double taxation problems on the basis of equity so that "fair and equal" will replace "real and substan- tial". Support local legislation on proposed library referendum changes. ~ SB 59 (Gerstein) CALNO Opposed Legislation School Transportation: Upon request for review to superintendent of schools concerning perceived hazardous condition for walking to school, repre- sentatives of school board and local gov't to in- spect condition and local gov't to correct condi- tion if found to be hazardous, defines hazardous. SB 231 (Stuart ~ Jennings) Firefighters Disability; extends presumption that certain diseases are job related for firefighters even where there was no preemployment physical. SB 297 (Myers) HB 195 (Webster) SB 308 (Fox) HB 155 (Woodruff) HB 162 (Martinez) HB 200 (Smith G Stewart) HB 251 (Cosgrove) HB 282 (Wetherell) HB 301 (Hodges) HB 397 (Liberti) HB 807 (Ward, Gardner) State Highway System; provides for transfer of cer. tain municipal connecting links and feeder roads to state highway system. Waives requirements that certain secondary roads be repaved prior to state transferring to cities. Transportation; provides for addition of certain municipal roads to state highway system; provides that section requiring resurfacing prior to trans- fer shall not apply to secondary roads. Workmen's Compensation; provides schedule for max- imum medical reimbursements to be uniform through- out the state. County G Municipal Prisoners; authorizes counties G municipalities to establish reduced custody housing areas for prisoners. Conflict Between Collective Bargaining Agreement and Other Local Regulations; provides adoption of collective bargaining agreements will supersede existing regulation where public body that has right to amend rule is one that ratifies contract. Water Supply; provides that Water Management Dis- trict may unilaterally determine whether to es- tablish water production and transmission faci- lities for municipality or county. Contraband Forfeiture Act; extends definition of contraband to real property and further widens definition. Provides that law enforcement officers may transfer forfeited property to H.R.S. for use in drug abuse programs. Requires that if property sold, ~ of money be used for drug treat- ment programs. Ad Valorem Tax Exemption; specifies that homes for the aged financed through public entity bonds shall be exempt from ad valorem taxation. Traffic Control; exemptes traffic control of count road within municipalities from the jurisdiction of such municipalities; provides that maintenance costs of railroad crossing signals be shared equal ly between railroad company and public authority having juriSdiction over highway system at the crossing; provides for the installation, opera tien, and maintenance of traffic control devices i the State. Mandated Certification; requires the State to cert gy building code personnel and prohibits engaging in inspection or administration without this cer- tification (without municipal immunity). Vogt Committee Recommendations; requires all build ing permit fees to be used exclusively for funding the cost of building inspection mandates state certification of building inspection person- nel; provides that a city is exclusively responsib for plans and specifications required by fire safe ty requirements or building codes. ~ OPPOSED (Con't) PCB 4 Uniform Municipal Election Dates; requiring uni- form municipal election dates within each county. Mandates that county supervisors of elections con- duct all municipal elections and be reimbursed by the cities for the expense of the elections. HB 331 (Williams) Sales Tax; removes municipal exemption from sales tax among others.