HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 04 06 Minutes
April 6, 1983
The regular meeting of Council of Local Governments in Seminole County was
held on Wednesday, April 7, 1983, at City Hall, Sanford, Florida.
1. Call to Order.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lee Constantine.
Members Present: Commissioner Lee Constantine - Altamonte Springs
Mayor Robert Whittier - Oviedo
Commissioner Eddie Keith - Sanford
Commissioner Bill Kirchhoff - Seminole County
Commissioner Buck Adkins - Winter Springs
Others Present:
W. E. Knowles, City Manager, City of Sanford
Gary Gotwalt, Oviedo Councilman
Pat Southward, League of Women Voters
Marian Adams, League of Women Voters
Jay J. Bolton, Building Official, Oviedo
Donna Estes, Evening Herald
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the united States Flag.
3. Approval of Minutes, March 2, 1983
The minutes of the March meeting were approved on a motion by Mr. Whittier,
seconded by Mr. Kirchhoff and carried.
4. Treasurer's Report.
Treasurer Adkins reported a balance of $453.69 plus $2.02 interest in the
savings account and a balance of $4.52 in the checking account. Mr. Whittier
moved to approve. Mr. Kirchhoff seconded. Motion carried.
5. Report from Members:
Altamonte Springs. Commissioner Constantine reported that the City of
Altamonte Springs is still interviewing applicants for the position of
City Manager and has concluded one interview with a very good applicant,
with four more interviews scheduled. He said the earliest date for filling
the vacancy would be April 19, 1983.
Oviedo. Mayor Whittier introduced the new Building Official oh.the City
of Oviedo, Jay J. Bolton to the members and said they are advertising for
two new paid Firefighters, a Police Chief and a Patrolman. He said they
also need a Class C Water Plant Operator.
Sanford. Mr. Keith said the only news he had to report was the announcement
in the newspaper that Mayor Moore will not be running in the next election.
seminole County. Commissioner Kirchhoff said the old Seminole Memorial Hospital
will be used for Administrative Offices for the County and work is under way
on renovations, with August, 1983 tentatively set for partial occupancy and
the rest after the first of the year.
MINUTES - CALNO - April 6, 1983, 7:30 P.M. - Sanford, FL
Page 2
winter Springs. Commissioner Adkins reported that the City of Winter Springs
is taking bids on a new Municipal Complex and will be needing a full time Public
Works Director.
Mayor Lormann, Longwood, Mayor Walter Sorenson, Lake Mary and Mayor Charles
Glascock, Casselberry, were absent from the meeting.
Mr. W. E. Knowles, City Manager, City of Sanford was present for a report on
legislative action and told the members that he is filling in as Engineer for
the City of Sanford and is interviewing applicants for the position of Utility
Director due to the resignation of Mack LaZenby.
He gave each member a copy of a Memo to the City Commission reporting on the
Bills that have been filed in the House and the Senate and said that over
3,000 bills will be filed. The list he gave the members are the ones he feels
will pertain to cities and counties.
He said the things of greatest impact is the Federal Revenue Sharing which will
expire on Sept. 31, 1983, and the Constitutional Amendment to constrict all
Florida government budgets. The material he distributed to each member included
things vital to each city and county and he said the public must be educated in
order to keep some of these bills from becoming a reality once they are placed
on the ballot. He said a task force should be formed at local, county, and
state levels by the FL League of Cities, the County Commission Association, the
University System, the P.T.A., the teachers unions, various labor unions and
specialty associations and work groups in order to educate the public because
of the natural desire of people to avoid additional taxes and the apathy of
eligible voters.
Mr. Knowles said there are about 45 days left before they will discontinue
testimonies from various cities and counties so it is important to get a
package together from CALNO before that time.
Mr. Kirchhoff moved that each representative take the information back to the
respective councils and compile a list of important issues and then call a
special meeting of CALNO in two weeks, on April 20, 1983. Mr. Whittier seconded.
Motion carried.
Commissioner Constantine said he would get a notice out to the members regarding
the special meeting on April 20th if it is agreeable to all members, and if not
it will be taken up at the regularly scheduled meeting on May 4, 1983, at the
Seminole County Courthouse. If the special meeting is held it will be in lieu
of the May 4th meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.