HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 03 02 Minutes MINUTES OF COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY March 2, 1983 The regular meeting of Council of Local Governments in Seminole County was held on Wednesday, March 2, 1983, at Oviedo City Hall. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lee Constantine Members Present: Others Present: Commissioner Lee Constantine Mayor Charles Glascock Mayor Walter Sorenson Mayor June Lormann Mayor Robert Whittier Commissioner Eddie Keith Commissioner Bill Kirchhoff Commissioner Buck Adkins - Altamonte Springs - Casselberry - Lake Mary - Longwood - Oviedo - Sanford - Seminole County - Winter Springs Jack Schuder, Seminole County Public Works Director Gary Lester, Seminole County Traffic Engineer Gary Gotwalt, Oviedo Councilman Jane Dees, Oviedo Acting Chairman of Council Pete Knowles, Sanford City Manager Nancy Cox, Oviedo City Clerk Connie Majors, Lake Mary City Clerk Selwyn Crawford, Orlando Sentinel Newspaper Donna Estes, Evening Herald Newspaper Marian Adams, League of Women Voters 2. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. 3. Approval of Minutes, February 2, 1983. The minutes of February 2, 1983 did not reach members 1efore this meeting. Chairman Constantine postponed approval of the minutes to the next meeting. 4. Treasurer's Report. Treasurer Adkins reported a balance in the savings of $650.96 plus $2.90 interest and a checking balance of $893 less $1.25 service charge. Both accounts have been consolidated to the Longwood ComBank and they have agreed not to charge any further service charge. Motion made, seconded and unanimously passed to accept the Treasurer's report. PAGE 2, MINUTES OF CALNO, MARCH 2, 1983 5. Double Taxation. Sanford City Manager Pete Knowles reported on double taxation and the fact that they are seeking statewide legislation to use "fair and equal" instead of "real and substantial" as the criteria in double taxation. However, it could take a year or two to get this passed. Mr. Knowles reported One of the things that grew out of the double taxation meetings was a spirit of cooperation. He asked that CALNO follow through and support the County Commissioner's stand on their legislative program, which includes wanting a broader use of the 1 cent optional sales tax, support of renewal of Federal Revenue Sharing funds, opposition to the constitutional amendment to limit local budgets to a 5% increase, and also the loss of revenue due to the 5-year residency requirement on homestead exemption. Mr. Knowles reported the bill proposed regarding certified building inspectors would create a financial burden on government and suggested they fight it. Chairman Constantine reported Mr. Knowles had done an excellent job of representing the municipalities and CALNO in Tallahassee. 6. Seminole County Video Logging System Presentation. & Expressway Authority. Seminole County Public Works Director Jack Schuder reported that the public works directors have not been able to meet on a regular basis as had been suggested, but they have met on various occasions on specific problems. Mr. Schuder reported that on December 15, 1982, the Seminole County Expressway Authority held their second meeting. The first meeting was held in 1974 when the Authority was created. The reactivation of this group came about due to the corridor study, and the Authority was asked to look at feasible projects for expressways in Seminole County. The group consists of the five county commissioners and two other elected officials from cities-Lee Constantine, A1tamonte and Dave Farr, Sanford. Dave Farr was elected chairman, Bud Feather, vice chairman and Nicki Clayton, Secretary/Treasurer. Mr. Shuder was appointed as the acting executive director. The Authority has requested an initial grant of $109,000 from DOT, which is now being processed in Tallahassee. The Authority has established goals and objectives that they want to pursue during the initial phase of identifying feasible corridors. Support for the Authority is being given by the county at this time. This support is reimbursable. Mr. Gary Lester, Traffic Engineer, gave a presentation of the video logging system used by the county. Mr. Schuder stated this system is a very useful tool and is available for any of the cities to use. PAGE 3, MINUTES OF CALNO, MARCH 2, 1983 7. Reports. A1tamonte Springs. Commissioner Constantine reported their City Manager's resignation was effective March 25, and they will appoint an interim City Manager. They hope to have a new manager by May. Commissioner Constantine also reported the second reading of their Land Development Code scheduled for Tuesday. Casselberry. Mayor Glascock reported passing the resolution supporting A1tamonte's request for DOT to do road work at night on SR 436. They had advertised for a city clerk and finance director. However, they have decided their requirements are too stringent so the Civil Service Board is meeting to write a new job description reducing the number of years experience required. Dedication ceremonies for the new City Hall will be held this month and all officials will be invited. Lake Mary. Commissioner Sorenson reported that the property at the northeast corner of 1-4 had recently changed hands at a price of 3~ million dollars, and the second phase of Cardinal Oaks had opened. Longwood. Mayor Lormann reported they had adopted an ordinance pertaining to garage sales. They were having problems with mini-flea markets in residential areas. Oviedo. Mayor Whittier reported the city was in the process of hiring a new building official/inspector. He introduced Jane Dees, the acting chairman of council, and Councilman Gary Gotwalt. Sanford. Commissioner Keith reported he would postpone his request for a discussion on building safety inspection reforms to the next meeting which will be held in Sanford. Seminole County. Commissioner Kirchhoff reported the legislative delegation will support and introduce a bill to try to correct a defect in the advertising for the library referendum. If all efforts fail, they will have to go back and have another referendum. Commissioner Kirchoff reported the County reached a mi1stone with the retirement of Cami Bruce. Sandy Goard was appointed as her replacement. He also reported the County would build a new building rather than renovating the old hospital. He and Sandra Gienn voted for renovation. 8. Winter Springs. Commissioner Adkins reported the city had lost the grant money for connector to tie into the Iron Bridge facility because they did not own a utility company. They are now in the final stages of buying a utility company. April Meeting. The next meeting is in Sanford on April 6. They will discuss the building safety inspection reforms and the legislative package Seminole County has brought forth. The meeting adjourned at 9 p.m.