HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 02 02 Minutes (2)
February 2, 1983
The regular meeting was held Wednesday, February 2, 1983, at Longwood City Hall
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chainnan Lee Constantine
Members present:
Corrrnissioner Lee Constantine
Mayor Walter Sorenson
Mayor June IDnnann
Councilman Gary Gotwalt
COIJ1TIi.ssioner Bill Kirchhoff
Corrrnissioner Buck Adkins
- Altamme Springs
- Lake Mary
- Longwood
- Ovideo
- Seminole County
- Winter Springs
Others present: Representative Bobby Brantley
Corrrnissioner Sandra Glenn, Seminole County Corrrnission
Mayor Jo1m. Torcaso, Winter Springs
Sheriff Jo1m. Polk, Seminole County
Bobby Floyd, City Clerk, Altammte Springs
Donna Estes, Evening Herald Newspaper
Selwyn Crawford, Orlando Sentinel Newspaper
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag
3. Approval of Minutes, January 5, 1983
Motion by Mayor IDnnann, seconded by Conrnissioner Eddie Keith to approve
the Minutes of January 5, 1983 as submitted. Carried unaninnusly.
4. Treasurer's Report
Motion by Corrrnissioner Kirchhoff, seconded by Conrnissioner Keith that
Treasurer's report submitted by Conrnissioner Adkins be accepted. Carried
unaninnusl y.
5. Presentations of Awards:
Conrnissioner Constantine presented plaques to Chainnan Sandra Glenn and
Mayor Jo1m. Torcaso in recognition and appreciation of their support and
leadership of the Council of IDeal Governments in Seminole County.
Corrrnissioner Constantine also presented a plaque to Mayor June IDnnann
in appreciation of her support and leadership of CALID as Chainnan during
the year 1982.
6. Corrrnissioner Constantine stated that City Manager Pete Knowles of Sanford
had submitted a report to the Seminole County Legislative Delegation conceming
CALNO's request on the Double Taxation issue.
7. Representative Bobby Brantley reported on forthcoming legislative issues.
He comnented on the proposed 5 cents gasoline tax and said he was concemed
that flmds might not be used to best advantage, citing examples of certain area
that were requesting construction that did not appear to be essential. He also
said he was concemed that the State did not take too nD..1Ch of the ftmds if
enacted. Representative Brantley also discussed potential bills pending concerning
correcting the problem of prison overcrowding and said if growth continues at
present rate, I additional prison would be required each year.
Representative Brantley discussed the use of State prisoners as a potential
area of savings for rmmicipalities and said the City of Clermont had been
very successful in this area. Sheriff Polk was asked to corrment on a recent
Task Force meeting. He said he was concemed about a proposal that would credit
"good time" to prisoners serving 25 year sentences and pennit them to be released
in l2~ years. Sheriff Polk said persons in this category could have been considered
originally for the death penalty but were given a 25 year sentence. He asked for
support against this proposal. Sheriff Polk said there was a proposal to have
inmates in CmID.ty jails for as long as two years and said the jails were not built
to keep prisoners for two years. Sheriff Polk said the State and County TIU.1St
cooperate together in solving the overcrowding in prisons. Carrrnissioner Constantine
asked Representative Brantley if state prisoners could be used for cormnmity work
proj ects and Mr. Brantley said that the Department of Transportation was already
using state prisoners for road work but said OOT was required to pay the Department
of Corrections for the use of prisoners. Representative Brantley said he would
be pleased to report back to CAI..ID in May/June after the coming legislative session
and he invited members to let him know areas of concem.
8. Reports fran members
Altammte Springs - Corrmissioner Constantine requested that all members pass
resolutions requesting that work in widening SR 436 be accomplished at night
Where possible in order to alleviate traffic congestion.
Motion by Corrmissioner Adkins, seconded by Corrmissioner Keith that the Council
of Local Governments pass a Resolution urging that the Department of Transportation
schedule work in the widening of SR 436 in evening hours Where possible. Motion
carried by unan:i.Irous vote.
Casselberry - Absent
Lake Mary - No Report
Longwood - Mayor Lonnann thanked those cities Who assisted Longwood in fighting
a fire at American Wood Products on January 28. She said that the Carrrnission would
be considering a site plan for a Handy City to be located on Highway 17-92 and
said that work was underway for the two hospitals and the Pioneer Corrrnerce Center.
Oviedo - Corrmissioner Gowalt said their present Building Official was about to
retire and they would be hiring a full time replacement. He said the Corrmission
would review pennit fees at next meeting.
Sanford - Corrmissioner Keith asked that a discussion of the proposal to require
State certification of Building Officials be scheduled for next meeting. He said
that DER. had relented a little in the area of sewage treatment. Corrmissioner Keith
said it was recently reported that Corrmissioner Bud Feather had a Certificate of
Need for a Lifecare Center and said this was incorrect.
Seminole Cotmty - No Report
Winter Springs - Carrrnissioner Adkins said Winter Springs had submitted a list
of priority items to the legislative delegation requesting that the quality of
SR 419 be improved & that action be taken to widen Red Bug Road and he asked other
cities to support this action since Red Bug Road serves 5 cities. Carrrnissioner Adkins
said that Winter Springs had passed a resolution which they had mailed Senators
Childs and Hawkins and Congressman McCullough requesting that ten percent tax to
be withheld fran savings be repealed. He said Winter Springs had also written
Govemor Graham expressing opposition to the Vogt Corrmittee's recomnendations
conceming State certification of Building Officials.
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9. The next meeting of CALNO will be held in Ovideo on March 2, 1983. Corrrnissioner
Constantine said Mr. Jack Schudder of Seminole Cotmty would be guest speaker and
would make a report on Seminole Cotmty' s computerized system for traffic control,
video logs of roads; submit a report on the latest m2eting of the Expressway Authority
and a report of the Public Works Cormti..ttee.
10. The meeting was adjoumed at 8:47 p.m.
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