HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 01 12 Letter Re: Double Taxation G\\'\ 01 Sa~!~,:d. F'loric!q fr" / J j.'-: Cornrnission..manager Plan January 12, 1983 WARREN E. KNOWLES 305/322-3161 CITY MANAGER p. O. BOX 177B 300 NORTH PARK AVENUE Representative Bobby Brantley, Chairman Seminole County Legislative Delegation Re: Double Taxation Dear Delegation Members: -~ During the past eight years, double taxation has been a major problem in the county/municipal relationship of Seminole County and throughout the State of Florida. It has been detrimental to open and close working harmony in many instances. . 1982 brought about a cooperative effort of all eight Seminole County governmental bodies to examine and solve this problem. The work resulted in a Council of Local Government Committee Report of November 19, 1982, detailing'those areas of the County Sheriff's operations in which no real and substantial benefit could be found for residents of the incorporated areas. The County Commission, on January 11, 1983, has responded positively to th~s request for a cooperative solution and their process is now underway to work out the corrective measures with the municipalities of Seminole County. The double tax&tion study brought to light a real inadequacy of the state statutes. This law, and the court cases, rely' on individual interpretations of the phrase "real and substantial". Because this phrase is not measurable qualities; many opinions, court cases, judg~ments, and findings have varied widely throughout the State of Florida. The State Legislature has failed to provide a guide to 'the resolution of the problem. Seminole County and all seven municipalities adopted the Committee Report: -- "The Committee also urges CALNO to send a message to the Seminole Legislative Delegation that there is difference between double taxation and the matter equity and the state legislative body has need to address and resolve that issue." "The Friendly City" Rep. Bobby Brantley, Chairman Seminole County Legislative Delegation Re: Double Taxation -2- 1/12/82 The Council of Local Governments of Seminole County requests the Seminole Legislative Delegation to undertake the necessary legislation to provide that double taxation be resolved on the equity basis of what is "fair and equal" as opposed to the present base of what is "real and substantial". People accept "fair and equal" but the term "real and substantial" is an invitation to multiple lawsuits; costly to the taxpayers, while inconclusive and non-standard in their results. Reaspectp;/fullY' S;;?Ubmit.ted, -. ~ ' / v:;"" .." ....- ,"_"e,:,. I ..-""0 ,. '. ICnowles Chairman, Double Taxation Study Committee, Council of Governments, Seminole County WEK/mjh )