HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 01 05 Minutes
January 5, 1983
The regular meeting was held Wednesday, January 5, 1983, at Lake Mary
City Hall
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Chairman June Lormann
Members present:
Commissioner Lee Constantine
Mayor Owen Sheppard
Mayor Walter Sorenson
Mayor June Lormann
Councilman Gary Gotwalt
Commissioner Eddie Keith
Commissioner Bill KirchhDff
Commissioner Buck Adkins
- Altamonte Springs
- Casselberry
- Lake Mary
- Longwood
- Oviedo
- Sanford
- Seminole County
- Winter Springs
Others present:
Donna Estes, Evening Herald Newspaper
Selwyn Crawford, Orlando Sentinel Newspaper
Bill Suber, Property Appraiser, Seminole County
Charles Glascock, Mayor Elect, Casselberry
Sherry Hood, Channel Six Television
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag
3. Approval of Minutes, December 1, 1982
Motion by Commissioner Keith, seconded by Commissioner Constantine,
to approve the Minutes of January 5, 1983. Carried Unanimously.
4. Treasurer's Report
Motion was made by Mayor Sheppard, seconded by Mayor Sorenson to accept
the Treasurer's report given by Commissioner Constantine. Carried
5. Election of Officers - Chairman, ~ice-Chairman, Treasurer
Mayor Lormann pointed out the accomplishments of the Council of Local
Government in the past year.
City Clerk, Don Terry of Longwood, was presented with a plaque by
Mayor Lormann in recognition of his assistance during Mayor Lormann's
term as Chairman to the Council of Local Governments.
Mayor Lormann asked for nominations for Chairman. Motion was made by
Commissioner Keith, seconded by Mayor Sheppard, to nominate Commissioner
Constantine for Chairman of the Council, and by acclamation, he became the
new Chairman of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County.
Mayor Lormann then turned the chair over to Commissioner Constantine.
Commissioner Constantine asked for nominations for Vice-Chairman. Motion
was made by Mayor Sheppard, seconded by Commissioner Kirchhoff, to nominate
Mayor Sorenson for Vice-Chairman of the Council. The motion carried
unanimously, making Mayor Sorenson Vice-Chairman of the Council of Local
Governments in Seminole County.
Motion was made by Mayor Lormann, seconded by Mayor Sorenson, to nominate
Commissioner Adkins for Treasurer of the Council. Motion was made by
Commissioner Kirchhoff, seconded by Commissioner Keith, to close nominations.
The motion carried unanimously, making Commissioner Adkins the Treasurer
of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County.
6. Mr. Howard W. "Bill" Suber, Property Appraiser, Seminole County, presented
a chart reflecting the impact on Seminole County and the Cities as a result of
Supreme Court's decision declaring five year residency requirement for
$25,000 homestead exemption unconstitutional. He said the figures shown
for the projected tax loss are based on present millage rates.
Commissioner Constantine requested copies of the report be sent to him for
distribution to Council members with Minutes of this meeting.
7. Report from members
Altamonte Springs - Commissioner Constantine offered to supply information
to anyone interested in the City's new program "Apricot".
Casselberry - Mayor Sheppard introduced Mayor-Elect, Charles Glascock, who
will assume office in Casselberry next week.
Lake Mary - Mayor Sorenson reported the City received a completed pay and
classification study prepared by Long Associates of Fort Lauderdale. He
invited those interested to contact him to discuss the plan.
Longwood - Mayor Lormann reported State Representative Bobby Brantley
will attend the February 2, 1983, meeting at Longwood City Hall.
Mayor Lormann announced the ground-breaking ceremony for South Seminole
Medical Center will be held at the site January 14, 1983, at 10:00 a. m., and
invited everyone to attend.
Motion was made by Mayor Lormann, seconded by Commissioner Kirchhoff, to
pass resolutions of appreciation for service and support of the Council
of Local Governments in Seminole County for Commissioner Sandra Glenn and
Mayor John Torcaso. Motion Carried Unanimously with the inclusion of
a resolution of appreciation to Mayor Lormann.
Oviedo - Councilman Gotwalt reported the City's consulting engineers completed
a Water System Master Plan including projected expansion for future growth.
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Sanford - No report.
Seminole County - Commissioner Kirchhoffexplained the basic function of the
survey computer for roads used by Seminole County and said he will invite
Jack Schuder, Director of Public Works, to attend a future meeting to
explain in detail the various utilization capabilities of the survey computer.
Winter Springs - Commissioner Adkins reported Martin Trencher was appointed
to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Maureen Boyd.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p. m.
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