HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 12 16 Letter Re: Impact Coal Trains to Proposed Stanton Power Plant STATE OF FLORIDA OFFICE OF GOVERNOR BOB GRAHAM December 16, 1982 Honorable June Lormann Mayor 175 Warren Avenue Longwood, Florida 32750 Dear Mayor Lormann: Thank you for your correspondence concerning the impact coal trains to the proposed Stanton Power Plant of Orlando Utili- ties Commission might have on traffic in your city. The impact of the trains was a concern of the Cabinet and me. We approved construction of the plant only after receiving assurance from the Orlando Utilities Commission's attorneys that they would work with you and the railroad to minimize that impact. We do not control the railroad, but want to do whatever we can to keep your traffic flowing as smoothly as possible. Our approval also came after full assurance that the plant's environmental impact would be minimal. We required that the plant continue to meet the present air quality standards even if they are lowered by the Federal or State Governments. If in solving these problems you think I might be able to help, please feel free to let me know. With kind regards, Governor BG/jd LONGWOOD ALTAMONTE SPRINGS r-.. N 7 . a:: S.R.434 . ClJ > c::( -0 C CO Horatio Ave. Fairbanks Ave. ~ ~,1AITLMD WI NTER PARK N 0> "'~ r-.. .--< . >, 3 :::r:: . en :::> S.R.50 GENERAL AREA FIGURE 1 ORLANDO RAILROAD/STREET CROSSINGS l. Long\Jood ? Altamonte Springs ~ . 3. t" a i t 1 and 4 . l~ i n t e r Park 5. Orlando iJunber of At- Grade Crossin9s 7 3 a -' 10 22 Total 51 FIGURE 2 r10 j 0 r Crossino Sta to Rel. 434 State Pd. 436 I!oratio /\ve. U.S. Route 17-92 State Rd. 50 f\verage Daily Traffic Count 33,225 47,197 Nj^ 25,021 29,672 . . 0 to 3 cars ... . III oX: U .' 0 ... ..... ~ cr > " <t cr "0 c: 0 ;: 0 ~ . 560' ~--~---. ..~_._--_..- 38 Cor Storage Horatio Ave. c: ....J I Q] ~.. C\J <1'l ....... I"- ;>.. J I (f) ::j CITY OF MAITLAND AT END OF 2 - MINUTE RED LIGHT AT HORATIO a HWY 17 a 92 " ~ "0 c: " ~ ~ "0 C ~ FIGURE 3 25 to 35 cars traffic liqht . 560' 38 Cor Storage f:j CITY OF MAITLAND AT END OF 1- MINUTE GREEN LIGHT AT HORATIO a HWY 17 a 92 FIGURE 4 . . 560' .4 --'-'~- .. 38 Cor Storoge . . . 50 to 70 cars . . Horatio Ave. fQl . . traffic -III c: light C\l en .~ Police ~ "- .e Q) I'- .1- Station i >- t.i .~ D ~ !: > c I <( .0:: & en " . r ]Fire ~ :j c E. 0 . ;: Station '0 . ~ . Packwood Ave. ; 1 I I l.!) N (11 N o \- +J(1j U l.!) .-I IMPACT OF 100 CAR NORTHBOUND TRAIN AT PEAK TRAFFIC TIME AT HORATIO a HWY 17 a 92 FIGURE 5 50 to 70 cars 560' 38 Cor Storage Horatio Ave. 01 ll) s- m ., ( ) .-: u LD 0 N .= 0 ex: .p <f "- ex: LD r-i "0 c: 0 :0: .0 2 c: ..J traffic l.ight (\J en "- ,.... GI ~ "0 c: t1 0- GI "0 C >. ~ ::r: (f) :::5 f::j TRAFFIC SITUATION AT HORATIO a HWY 17 a 92 IMMEDIATELY AFTER PASSAGE OF NORTHBOUND TRAIN FIGURE 6 POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS ~ Alternative Routing of Trains ~ Limit Passage of Trains to Low Traffic Periods ~ Limit Length of Trains (Number of Cars) ~ Provide Overpasses at Major Roads (S. R. 436) FIGURE 7 Blv'd. <;j- I OJ > c:::( Vl V ~ C U 1"0 n:l s... 4-' I-- n:l (X ~ .......... (X N m ~ r--... ...--< >, 3 ::c V> ::J Horatio Ave. ~1aitland Fire Dept. & Police Dept. -Independence Ln . Ave. MAJOR ROADS CITY OF MAITLAND FIGURE 8 F==j