HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 11 03 Minutes (2)
Canmissioner Lee Constantine, Al tarronte Springs
Mayor Walter Sorenson, Lake Mary
Mayor June Lonnann, Longwood
Gary Gotwalt, Oviedo
Canmissioner Eddie Keith, Sanford
Seminole County, Wcxx1y Price, Plarming Division
Mayor John Torcaso, Winter Springs
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The meeting was called to order by Chairman June Lonnann, Ma~, rr/~, the Ci#1J
of Longwrood, Florida. \IX
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Also Present:
Bobbi Floyd, City Clerk, Al tarronte Springs
Approval of Hinutes: MJtion by Constantine, seconded by Mayor \'Jal t Sorensen
that minutes of Oc:tober 6, 1982 be approved. MJtion carried by voice vote.
Treasurer's Report:
As of September 30, 1982 there is a balance of $639.54 In the Savings Account and
$75.38 in the checking account.
MJtion by Gary Gotwalt, seconded by Mayor CMen Shepard that Treasurer's Report
be approved. MJtion carried by voice vote.
vJoody Price of Seminole County gave a report to the board on the progress of the
"Plan Coordination Canmittee" for CALNO.
Nr. Price discussed two areas the comni ttee would address:
1) annexation of areas using the cooperation of not only county-city but city-
city relations.
2) policies on the division of services between county-cities and city-city.
[;1r. Price then fielded questions posed by members of the board as to ho,v the carrnittee
would propose to address specific problems. Mr. Price replied that the carrni ttee
would always attempt to ccme up with the ITDst cost effective answer while not diminish-
ing services to the tax payer.
The board then addressed the nomination of Mr. Lee Constantine and Mr. Dave Farr
to the SEminole County Expressway Authority. MJved by Mayor Torscano, seconded by
Mayor Shepard to approve the nanination of Mr. Constantine and Mr. Farr. Carried.
City Reports
Altarronte Springs - Constantine
1) Reported to the board on the tapings of Altarronte' s Canmission Meetings by
2) Reported on the recent selection process by the City for a general engineering
consul tant.
Wednesday, November 3, 1982
Page 2
Lake Mary - Sorenson
1) No report
Longv;ax1 - Lonnann
1) Reported on recent attendance at Florida League of Cities Convention.
OViedo - Gotwalt
1) Reported that OViedo has applied for Federal grant (Carrnunity Developnent
Block Grant) rronies for purpose of streets improvement, drainage and recreatio:
1) No report
Seminole County - Price
1) Thanked Calno for creation of Planning Ccmnittee.
2) SEminole County also applied for funds fran Ccmnunity Developnent Block Grar'lt.
Winter Springs - 'Ibrscano
1) Reported on recent election of three new ccmnissioners in his City.
There being no further business it was rroved by Constantine, seconded by Sorensen
to adjourn. Carried.