HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 11 03 Minutes CDUNCIL OF LCCAL GOVERNMENrS n~ SEMINJLE CDUNTY MEEI'IN:; WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1982 The meeting was called to arder by Chairman Jnne Lonnarm, Mayar af the City af Longwood, Flarida. Present: Carrnissianer Lee Constantine, Al tam::mte Springs Mayor Walter Sorensan, Lake Mary Mayar Jnne Lormann, Longwood Gary Gotwalt, OViedO' Carrnissianer Eddie Keith, Sanfard Seminale Cormty, W:x:xiy Price, Planning Di visian Mayar Jahn Torcasa, Winter Springs AlsO' Present: Bobbi Flayd, City Clerk, Al tarronte Springs Approval af !1ll1utes: M:>tian by Constantine, seconded by Mayar Walt Sorensen that minutes af Octaber 6, 1982 be appraved. M:>tian carried by vaice vote. Treasurer's Report: As af September 30, 1982 there is a balance af $639.54 in the Savings Accormt and $75.38 in the checking accormt. MJtian by Gary Gotwalt, seconded by Mayar (Men Shepard that Treasurer's Report be appraved. M:>tian carried by vaice vote. vibody Price af Seminale Cormty gave a report to the board an the progress af the "Plan Coordinatian Ccmnittee" far CALNO. !-tr. Price discussed two areas the corrmi ttee would address: 1) annexatian af areas using the cooperatian af nat anly county-city but city- city relatians. 2) Policies an the di visian af services between cannty-ci ties and ci ty-ci ty . !-tr. Price then fielded questians posed by members af the board as to hON the carmi ttee would proPose to address specific prablems. Mr. Price replied that the carmittee would always attempt to' ccme up with the ItDst cost effective answer while nat diminish- ing services to' the tax payer. The board then addressed the naninatian af Mr. Lee Constantine and Mr. Dave Farr to the Seminale Cormty ExpresSVlay Authari ty . MJved by Mayar Torscana, seconded by Mayor Shepard to apprave the naninatian af Mr. Constantine and Mr. Farr. Carried. City Reports Altarronte Springs - Constantine 1) Reported to' the board an the tapings af Altarronte' s Ccmnissian Meetings by Starer. 2) Reported an the recent selectian process by the City far a general engineering consultant. CALNO MEETING CITY OF ALTAMJNI'E SPRINGS Wednesday, NovEmber 3, 1982 Page 2 Lake Mary - Sorenson 1) No rerx>rt Longwocx:l - Lonnann 1) Rerx>rted on recent attendance at Florida League of Cities Convention. OViedo - Gotwalt 1) Rerx>rted that OViedo has applied for Federal grant (Ccmrrun.ity Developnent Block Grant) IrOnies for purpose of streets improvement, drainage and recreatia Sanford 1) No rerx>rt Seminole County - Price 1) Thanked Calno for creation of Planning Carrnittee. 2) Seminole County also applied for funds fran Crnmunity Developnent Block Grant. Winter Springs - Torscano 1) Rerx>rted on recent election of three new ccmnissioners in ?is City. There being no further business it was IrOved by Constantine, seCX)nded by Sorensen to adjourn. Carried.