HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 10 06 Minutes mUNCIL OF lOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMIIDLE mUNIY MEEI'ING WEDNESDAY, OCIDBER 6, 1982 'Ihe meeting was called to order by Chainnan Jl.ID.e Lormarm, Mayor of the City of Longwood, Florida. Present: Comnissioner Lee Constantine, Altammte Springs Mayor Walter Sorenson, Lake Mary Mayor June Lormarm, Longwood Mayor Robert Whittier, Oviedo Comnissioner Eddie Keith, Sanford Comnissioner Sandra Glenn, Seminole County Deputy Mayor Jom Torcaso, Winter Springs Also Present: Mr. Jon Martin, Director of Ccmrnm.ity Development, Altammte Springs Mr. Woody Price, Plarming Director, Seminole County. Approval of Minutes: Motion by Comnissioner Sandra Glenn, seconded by Corrmissioner Lee Constantine that minutes of September 1, 1982 be approved. Motion carried by voice vote. Treasurer's Retort: As of August 3 , 1982 there is a balance of $636.79 in the Savings Account and $74.13 in the checking account. Motion by Deputy Mayor Torcaso, seconded by Corrmissioner Sandra Glenn that Treasurer's Report be approved. :Motion carried by voice vote. Carrrnissioner Lee Constantine introduced Mr. Jon Martin, Director of Conmmity Development, Al tanxmte Springs and Mr. Woody Price, Plarming Director, Seminole County and said they would discuss current transportation studies made conceming State Road 436 and the Lake Mary Boulevard Transportation Corridor Study. Mr. Jom Martin reported that the City of Altarrxmte Springs had recently completed a transportation study conceming the State Road 436 Corridor and he discussed the highlights of that report. He stated that SR 436 use was now at 231 percent of designed capacity and that improvements exceeding one quarter of a billon dollars would be required over the next 18 year period. Mr. Martin explained - the organization of the Transportation Study Corrmittee and how vital their work was to the success of the study. Mr. Martin distributed copies of the transporta- tion study to all members. Mr. Woody Price also discussed the transportation study and he said he was encouraged at the interest and concem of the various cities and he said it was imperative that prompt action be taken to provide for the transporation needs of the future. He stated that -the Lake Mary Boulevard study was an example of the advance plarming that should have been accomplished for SR 436. Mr. Price asked that the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County nominate two representatives to serve on the Seminole C6unty Expressway Authority. He stated that the Seminole County Expressway Authority was authorized by Chapter 348.95 et.seq.F.S. 1981 and had been a complete success. Mayor Lonnann thanked Mr. Martin and Mr. Price for their excellent reports and the copies of the transportation studies. Reports from members: Ccmnissioner Constantine - Altaroonte Springs, said the reports of Mr. Martin and Mr. Price had been his reports Mayor Sorenson - Lake Mary. No report. Mayor Lonnann - Longwood, said that Longwood now has a new traffic signal at the intersection of County Road 427 and Church Avenue. She said that preliminary site plans for two new hospitals to be Duilt by Hospital Corporation of America would be reviewed by the Land Plarming Agency on October 27, 1982. Mayor Robert Whittier - Oviedo, said that the City of Oviedo would like to join other groups in transporation studies involving State Road 434 and State Road 419. Ccmnissioner Eddie Keith - Sanford,asked about progress of the CAlNO carmittee studying rezoning and armexation. Ccmnissioner Glerm. reported that next meeting would be held next week. Carmissioner Sandra Glerm. - Seminole County, reported that Mr. Lee Moffett, Speaker of the House has appointed a Statewide Transportation Study Carmittee and that two representatives had been in area. Ccmnissioner Glerm. advised how important that various agencies receive updates of studies since their decisions may be based on outdated and incorrect infonnation. Deputy Mayor Jom Torcaso - Winter Springs, stated that Winter Springs also had a new traffic signal on State Road 434; an exit sign on Interstate 4 and SR 434. Deputy Mayor Torcaso said that Winter Springs had 9 candidates for the Carmission. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County will be held in the City of Altaroonte Springs on Wednesday, November 3, 1982. The meeting was adjourned at 9:17 p.m. Mayor Owen Sheppard of Casselberry arrived after meeting adjourned and stated that he was tmable to attend due to labor negotiations with employees. - - Respectfully submitted: Don Terry City of Longwood