HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 06 07 Memo Re: Newspaper Articles about CALNO
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June 7t 1982
Sanford City Commission
City Manager
Attached are' two newspaper articles covering the Council of
local Governments meeting. Both are correct in what they say but
neither covers the thrust of the particular topic addressed at the
meet i.ng .
Commissioner Keith asked me to attend as their agenda item was
to discuss annexation. During the meeting, I was requested to speak
and I presented the 1981 Senate study on annexation of enclaves.
The purpose was:
a} To point out the legislative definition of enclave that was
used since the Florida Statutes do not define an enclave
and this deficiency has meant several local lawsuits and
considerable misunderstandings between the Seminole County
Commission and most of the municipalities. The logic was
to have all local agencies working with the same understanding
of what an enclave is and for cities to act prudently in their
annexation work.
b} To point out that nearly all enclaves are created by the
municipalities and by municipal actions without due planning
of services; since there are many annexed areas not receiving
all the municipal services although annexed. Municipalities
have brought upon themselves, for the most part, the many
enclaves (Sanford has 15).
c} To point out a frequently encountered problem in municipal
annexation was that developers request annexation to obtain
utilities and to avoid long delays in procedures and technicalities
they usually encounter on the County level. Among these is zoning
since the County developed a land use plan but did not undertake
the zoning to conform to the plan. Instead, it is left to individual
requests' to consider and rezone piece-meal and thus require each
developer to go through 90 to 120 days of expense, hearings, and
d} To point out that, at times, the County will not rezone areas
to correspond to existing uses surrounding the parcel, even
after annexation, and the developer is then held up for two
years. The municipalities having the responsibility to handle
the problems created but not being part of the regulations that
create the problem.
e} To point out the need for a tommittee to coordinate land use
plans on the fringe areas of all local government agencies so
as to avoid conflicts and to let developers know ahead of time
what to expect and, therefor, save time.
f) Requesting a committee be composed of non-elective, technical,
staff people to develop the logic and the recommendation to
bring back to the Council of Local Governments and, they in turn,
to their governments.
Memo to:
Sanford City Commission
City Manager
The Council of Local Governments voted to undertake the
committee study and to request each to appoint a member to the
Reports of "unified land-use maps" never was discussed.
Reports of "consolidation" were due to a remark of one Council
member and had no bearing on the discussions taking place.
C.ounty moves
toward univmed
.Iand-use maps
By Geri Throne ~ / 4- / e 7-
SANFORD - Looking to end zoning conflicts on
the fringes of cities, government leaders from the
county and its seven municipalities have called for a
truce. .
.. The Council of Local Governments in Seminole
County has agreed to form a committee to work
. toward coordinating boundaries of the county's eight
land-use maps.
If successful, the committee eventually could de-
velop a countywide land-use map that for the first
time would mesh city and county land uses and
would spell out zoning expectations beyond city
rful of raising "the old bugaboo" of county con-
8O!...atlon, council members approached the probe
lem of their zoning and annexation conflicts
the eight-member board, with representatives
from each government entity, voted unanimously to
have each member appoint a committee person. The
committee would review city and county land uses,
witb an eye toward getting abutting uses in
The state requires all counties and cities to have
land-use plans as guidelines for future zoning and
development. Until now, most cities and counties
have approved and revised maps with little consulta-
tion with their neighbors.
Conflicts arise among government agencies when
one rezones or annexes property on its boundaries
. without first determining if the county or an abut-
ting city agrees with the change, Seminole County
; Commissioner Sandra Glenn told members.
The proposai to bring all the comprehensive land
uses in line came from Sanford City Manager War-
. ren Knowles. Knowles and administrative staff from
other government agencies were invited to attend
the ~uncil meeting Wednesday night to discuss the
. annexation process.
; _ Knowles objected to the numerous public hearings
, that applicants must go through when a city and the
county disagree on proposed land use for annexed
. property. Government agencies should come up with
. Joi~-'nd.planning areas, he said.
- . "', . not saying there are not going to be points of
conflict, but they can be resolved" before public
bearings are held, he said.
'. Altamonte Springs City Manager Jeff Etchberger
~ strongly supported Knowles' position. adding that
: clties can streamline the annexation process by
; reaching an agreement with the county on the use of
. property it is likely to annex in the future.
. Glenn said county residents often complain to her
that they are not notified of annexations and rezone
lngs. County planning officials find out about annex.
ations by reading legal advertisements, she said.
. The 1974 state law establishing planning acts re-
quires the county to approve the annexation and re-
zoning of a parcel to a higher density use. Without
tba~.pproval, a city can still annex a parcel but it
. m Nait two years before allowing greater density
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Committee Set To Work Out
Seminole Zoning DiHefe~CeS
Lake Mary City Councilman Ray Fox will be nex. ;r. / 4-1:; 2-
looking out for his city's best interests as a Knowles criticized the county's COIl
rr.~mber of an advisory committee to try and prehensive land use plan, saying even thOU!
brmg some .order to the patchwork of Seminole some areas are planned for apartmerJ
County zonmg. residential or commercial development, tl
Representatives of the county's seven city county's zoning designations often do n
governments and the County Commission at a correspond to planning designations.
Council of Local Governments meeting earlier Knowles added that even though lands ml:
this week agreed to create the committee. be designated for certain types of develo1
Its function will be to work out zoning and ment, the county often refuses matchiT
planning differences before controversy arises zoning.
among the individual governing bodies. Knowles cited a specific case where a parc
The Lake Mary City Council Thursday night of property was designated for residentL
named Fox with Councilman Gene McDonald development in the county's comprehensh
as an alternate to the committee. plan, but was zoned agricultural. After U
Sanford City Manager W.E. "Pete" Knowles property was annexed to the city, the counl
originally suggested formation of the com- refused to change the zoning. Since the sta!
mittee, noting that cities should have some law says the zoning, after annexation can't ~
influence in the planning and zoning of county changed without county approval, for t\1
areas which the cities might ultimately an- years, the owner cannot use his land.