HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 06 02 Minutes
JUNE 2, 1982
The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in
Seminole County was held on Wednesday, June 2, 1982, in the
Seminole County Courthouse, Sanford, Florida.
The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Chairman
June Lorman
Mayor Owen Sheppard, Casselberry
Mayor Walter Sorenson, Lake Mary
Mayor June Lorman, Longwood
Mayor Robert Whittier, Oviedo
Commissioner Edwin Keith, Sanford
Commissioner Sandra Glenn, Seminole County
Deputy Mayor John Torcaso, Winter Springs
City Administrator, David Chacey, City of Longwood
City Mgr., Jeff Etchberger, City of ATtamonte Springs
City Manager, Pete Knowles, City of Sanford
City Clerk, Don Terry, City of Longwood
Donna Estes, Sanford Herald
Geri Throne, Sentinel Star
Pat Southward, League of Women Voters
Motion duly made, seconded and passed to approve the minutes
of May 5, 1982. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Lorman asked for the Treasurer's Report. No one was
present to give the report. Therefore, it was agreed by
all to have the Secretary contact Don Terry for same and
enter in the minutes.
City Clerk, Don Terry of Longwood, confirmed by telephone
on June 29th, that there is $75.38 in the checking account
and $625.62 in the Savings Account.
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Mayor Lorman noted that all seven cities were represented. She
then asked if Jeff Etchberger was representing Altamonte Springs
and invited him to join the other CALNO members at the Roundtable
Commissioner Glenn commended Jeff for the job done at the Public
Hearing on Little Wekiva.
Commissioner Glenn advised she had written to Mayor Lorman
requesting a specific Agenda Item, "Rezoning". Sandra
added, she is more concerned about Rezoning, personally,
than she is about Annexation. She invited Herb Hardin of
Seminole County Land Management to be at the meeting tonight.
What Commissioner Glenn sees as happening with Rezoning, and
then would like to mention Annexation to a point, is the fact
that we have gotten to the place where many of our Municipal-
ities are joining up together - backing up to each other.
The unincorporated area is always backing up to a city.
Commissioner Glenn continued by saying, what she hears as
an elected official for the County is, the Public doesn't
understand why if you live in a certain area and are within
300' of a Rezoning, you get a notice; but, if you're in
another area, you have to read about it in the newspaper,
or you see the signs, or whatever. In thinking about this,
she thought it would be good to just look at the same
questions regarding Rezonings, (as outlined on the charts she
distributed), and requested staff to go ahead and enter
Seminole County's answers. Having been on the City Commis-
sion, Sandra shared that she is aware that some of the
advertisements are different by City Charters than what the
County is by State Law, as far as the County is concerned.
Commissioner Glenn stated she would go through the chart
and as a point of discussion, make a master copy type thing,
with each of us writing down what the entities are and maybe
get some discussion on how you all feel. Her only concern,
is she wants it to be fair to everyone. If Altamonte is
rezoning something next to Casselberry, let the residents
of Casselberry be aware of what the Rezoning item is. If
the County is rezoning something, even though it is within
a Municipality, don't let the City Limits affect it. Let's
try to get the whole neighborhood involved in what is going
on. Sandra shared that she had found the fear of the unknown,
to be the greatest fear that the public has. After they
realize what a project is, and she stated she had worked
with almost all of the cities on these types of things; after
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they realize what the project is going to be, what the zoning
entails; then it becomes a point of they want to know what
the buffers are going to be; how their property is going to
be affected or protected. Commissioner Glenn felt that CALNO
is the place in her opinion, that they should talk about those
kinds of things, rather than reading about them in the news-
Mayor Owen Sheppard of Casselberry spoke to the issue of noti-
fying the residents in the area that are being Annexed, that
it would be notifying residents of three jurisdictions. For
instance, if there is County property between ourselves, Cassel-
berry, and Winter Springs, we would be notifying those in Cassl-
berry that abut the property; the property itself which is in
the County; and also Winter Springs, because that abuts it on
the other side.
Commissioner Glenn replied, that is the reason she made up the
chart, because she wanted to know if everybody does that, or
do they only notify the people in your unincorporated area; or
do you notify anyone by special mailing - do you just use the
legal advertisement?
Commissioner Glenn pointed to the first item, Hearings. Her
question there is, prior to the time a Rezoning is done, what
Boards in your City hear the question of Rezoning? Seminole
County has one hearing before Planning & Zoning, and one
hearing before the Board of County Commissioners. She then
asked what Altamonte does?
Discussion ensued regarding Legal Ad for Rezonings for Incor-
porated and Unincorporated areas.
Mayor Lorman asked Pete Knowles if he would like to talk about
Annexation at this time.
Pete Knowles stated that the material he passed out, covers a
purposed 1980 Senate Bill having to do with the mandatory
Annexation of Enclaves. The bill was employed for a couple
of reasons; it necessitated a Senate study, and each of you
has received a copy of this study which is by the Staff of
the Senate Economic, Community, and Consumer Affairs Committee.
They did a rather good study; it was pretty well replied to
and return was about 78%, which is good for a survey. Copy
of the Survey Questionnaire is attached at the back of their
report and it is important because the first page of the
appendix, under Section B, gives the definition that the State
is looking at, of the word "Enclave". Due to political activ-
ities, Senate Bill 989 did not come back to life this last
year. We probably will have to wait until after the elections
before it will come back to life. Some of the problems are
addressed in this report. Florida Statutes did not define an
Enclave, and that is why the Senate Committee definition was
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extremely enlightening. Some of the cities have been having
difficulty with the County regarding Annexation. Too many
cities annex property for the sake of being big, and there
is nothing to being big; quality is much better than bigness
and if you cannot service it, then you should not have it.
This is outlined on the Florida Statute, Chapter 171. If you
want to do any Annexing, you must come up with the plans and
a timetable for City Services, etc., and if you can't do it,
then Circuit Court can set the Annexation aside. The part most
used in Florida right now is not that section, but rather the
voluntary annexations where you take it piecemeal by voluntary
Annexation. When 100% of the people who are owners petition,
not the majority of 100%, this seems to help construct enclaves.
The City of Sanford has 15 of these enclaves, and when
they pass the final reading of an Ordinance at the next City
Commission meeting, it will be the first enclave that has been
completely eliminated in the City of Sanford in over 30 years.
Constructing an enclave within city limits is an error. Not
only that, it is bad for the people you are encircling.
while you are taking a convenient and easy way to get around -
and this is how they develop. Three-quarter of the enclaves
are constructed by the people doing the Annexing, and then we
ask the State Legislature - and say, you ought to have a law
doing away with enclaves. If you are careful not to construct
them, you won't need to go to Legislature saying you now need
a law doing away with enclaves.
The County finds it difficult to service them. It will be
particularly difficult if the County gets into Utility busi-
ness. When the people in the enclaves demand the same and
equal services that anybody else in the unincorporated areas
and you have a mile to mile and a half enclave inside some
Municipal boundary - it needs to be approached cooperatively.
Mayor Sheppard replied, we do not create those enclaves, in
most cases the Developer or Landowner have approached the City.
It is not the City looking for it.
Mr. Knowles stated that the Developer cannot bring it in with-
out the Municipality's vote to accomplish it. We have quite
a few enclaves in Seminole County who do not get equal services.
Commissioner Glenn agreed with all Mr. Knowles said, but advised
traditionally Counties had not given services in years past,
that the Municipalities have. That is changing, whether good or
bad, in demand of urban sprawl that we are in. It is not just
utilities, but fire and garbage and all the other types of things.
Having been with the City and County, Commissioner Glenn,
shared what happens at unincorporated meetings with the County,
and particularly since we have come up with this package of
"After the Facts Annexation Requests", for the waiver of the
two year period. That is why she wanted to know what the City
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Law is, particularly on notification, because people are say-
ing, "we were not notified at the time the Annexation occurred",
but if we as elected officials can say, these are the laws
that apply to everyone - the system is equal to all, whether
it is unincorporated or not. The next question we get - what
is the actual difference in requirements? People say they
go into a Municipality because the restrictions are less. It
is time we educated the Public with the Land Management
Legislation we all have under the Comprehensive Land Plan, and
with the procedures that have been set up by the State; in my
opinion there is not that much difference.
Mayor Sheppard felt that, as far as it being unfair to the
enclave, because of same not being serviced properly, he
sees only two areas; normally with mutual aid, you have the
fire protection and utilities or water in Certificated Areas,
the two areas would be police and taxation.
Pete Knowles disagreed, saying normally you do not respond
except in those areas where the Municipality and the County
has a "first out" mutual aid agreement; it is an intergovern-
mental service function, a contract. The second thing we
should consider is the question of Zoning after the fact.
This has been the problem for Sanford and Seminole County.
Our Land Use Plan went beyond the City Limits and laid out
land use. The people who come to the City of Sanford have
a problem, because the County did not Rezone their property,
even though the Land Use may have designated it in the future
for Medium Residential. It was agricultural, so it was left
that way, and when I asked, if your Land Use calls for Medium
Residential, why is this still zoned agriculture? The answer,
well it's easier just to leave it and only Rezone it when the
people ask for it. This creates a terrific burden. Many of
these people then say, it is easier for me to annex to the
City of Sanford. The Land Use Plan fought the Zoning which
is the legal tool following the Land Use Plan and this is
where the conflict comes in on our fringe areas. The County
has a legal tool for Zoning, but they never made it applicable
and only do it piecemeal as it comes in. We have one coming
before the County Commission now that is Medium Class Residen-
tial area, but is zoned agriculture and the County won't con-
sider it, so these people have to wait for two years.
Mr. Knowles continued, it should have been Rezoned to accompany
the adoption of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. This is what
causes a Developer problems. Contrary to what people tell you
as to why they go in, is the fact that 90% of the Developers
that ask for Annexation, want either water or an opportunity
to get their development under way in less than 90 days of
bureaucratic processing. No one seems to have the desire to
match Zoning with Land Use Plans.
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Herb Hardin discussed the Land Use Plan and added that there
are several zonings that may be in conflict. There may be
some developed commercial in the middle of an area that is
supposed to be residential. The Board listed all of those
conflicts on Zonings. If the owners of the property wished
to contest after seeing it advertised, and did not want it
zoned, they would leave it as was. The Land Use Plan is a
long range plan; it would be premature to Zone everything
according to the Plan. Your plan is the first step, the
second step is Rezoning, which you should have zoned if the
services are there - that is the safeguard.
Pete Knowles reflected on the fact that we are sitting here
wrestling with an Annexation problem - what Sandra and I are
talking about is a need for people to work together on a
problem and a function and a service where you can do so,
still as County Government and as Municipal Government. You
can do so cooperatively so it is more cost effective and
better for the people.
John Torcaso, using winter Springs as an example, asked where
you begin? You have a natural dividing line of 17-92, come
down to Talmo road and you are in Longwood, you go to Lake
Hodge on the other side of the street and you are in Casselberry;
go past Lake Hodge and you are in the County; go past that little
section and you are in the City of Winter Springs, etc.
Commissioner Glenn noted, that is a prime example of what we
are all faced with; the city police have to patrol, the
County is getting a benefit because the police cars drive
by the unincorporated areas. Most of the Annexation suits
that the courts have settled have been that point that if a
person is not willing to come in, they have not pushed that
issue and Wethers field in Altamonte has always been the hold-
up. The State Law does not speak, as to what should be done
to waiver the two year requirement. We had done it by just
going to the District Commissioner and if the District
Commissioner didn't have a problem with what was being Rezoned,
then it was all right. We finally wrote some guidelines. Then
we had some Commissioners that were out of that District that
violently opposed that particular type Zoning, so we tried to
come up with some kind of form; because we all need a common
point to tell the Public what the procedure is, and what is
going to happen. It is really cheaper dollar wise for some-
one to go to the Municipality, do the Annexation, and come
before the County and have it Rezoned, and that is not right
ei ther .
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Jeff Etchberger disagreed with Commissioner Glenn, because
when Altamonte Springs came up with the joint process, and
I think Altamonte Springs is the only City in the County
that has one. We are collecting partial fees for the County
to cover that portion of the process which we go through on
yours. Jeff did not remember how much of Seminole County's
total fee his city is giving.
Herb Hardin replied, two-thirds of the Zoning, but the savings,
if there is an amendment required, we don't charge anything
because they are not amending the plan. That is where the big
savings is.
Pete Knowles spoke to approaching the problem from two diff-
erent ways; because the majority of people coming to the
Municipality of Sanford, requesting Annexation is of unde-
veloped land - there are no residences. In all of the cases
for Rezoning that we've had, they have all been undeveloped.
Sandra Glenn advised, that the County is charged with
listening and protecting, not only unincorporated, but in-
corporated residences too. If it is an enclave that you are
Annexing into the City, the only responsible point that
somewhere along the way, I should have input from the surround-
ing property owners if I'm going to make a decision regarding
Pete Knowles used the example of the surrounding property
owners asking to be Annexed, being Annexed, then asking for
a change of Zoning - it was not an enclave. He suggested
turning to the Land Use Plan which already calls for it to
be Medium Residential, yet right now say it is Agricultural,
and requested Medium Residential, yet it was turned down.
Commissioner Glenn stated that our Land Use Plan is five
years old. We are into the process of updating it this year.
Our Plan has been amended at least eighty times.
Pete Knowles stated we get caught up in laws, and we aren't
talking about what the ultimate goal is, and that is to put
the land to the best use it is suited for. We are lost in a
mass of bureaucratic technicalities. It would be simple for
adjoining, abutting units to sit down and come to some kind
of concurrence on Land Use - be it 300' or 1/2 mile from a
boundary line. Just say, as long as we stick to this Comp
Plan and if someone wants to have a change, have the Govern-
mental units settle it between them to avoid putting the
public through the hassle and expense of Public Hearing after
Public Hearing.
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Commissioner Glenn questioned whose Comp Plan would be used.
Pete Knowles suggested concurrence by everyone sitting down
together and agreeing to what the County, Municipalities, etc.
Jeff Etchberger noted, if nothing else, you have given prop-
erty owners where there is a dispute, first hand notice that
before you ever start to process you may as well know that
the County is going to object. Also, they will be forewarned
if they want Annexation it may be a two year wait before they
can do anything. What we hope to do through the Joint Land
Plan Agency, is not only define to a certain area outside the
City our proposed land use, but identify, proposed logical
extension of City boundaries to the maximum and propose to
our City Commission that they not consider anyone outside
those boundaries for Annexation
Mayor Whittier of Oviedo discussed the case of a person who
came to their City Hall and admitted he cannot get anywhere
with the County because of the five acre restriction, so
he wants to come into the City, keep the same Zoning (Agri-
cultural), wants to annex, wants to pay for the cost of a
special election to give the property owenrs in the City a
chance to vote yes or no. He is going to develop 2 or 2-1/2
acres and put twenty-five homes on the 65 acre tract; at
the same time asking the City to take over 9,200 feet of dirt
roads. We asked the County's help in doing that, to see what
they would say. He is willing to keep the same Zoning class-
ification, because under our Agricultural Zoning he can go
in there and put his own Subdivision and we have no control
over it in any way. He is allowed to apply for Annexation
and if Council goes along with it fine.
Mr. Etchberger stated the above example was the typical case
of going into a Municipality where there are less stringent
development policies. Our Council put through an emergency
Ordinance to hold him until we could get the County Land
Development Code adopted, Mayor Whittier added.
Mayor Lorman recognized Dave Chacey who felt that CALNO had
gotten into individual cases.
Mr. Knowles advised sending the matrix around to all the
Municipalities from CALNO to get it focused the way you want
it, to allow all the people a chance to come in on every
Annexation within 300 ft., or 500 ft. in the County, coordin-
ate it and have a uniform procedure.
Mayor Sheppard thought the Comprehensive Land Plan was only
a general Plan having nothing to do with density - it is
either industrial, commercial, residential or agricultural.
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It was noted that Seminole County does have density specifi-
Jeff Etchberger outlined a plan where all should come in and
attempt through a joint Land Planning Agency Resolution and
compare Comprehensive Land Use Planning within a certain
area outside of the City; try to get an agreement upon that
with the County, to be in ultimate agreement that will evolve
to say: if your Comp Plan and our Comp Plan and our Land
Planning Agencies are in agreement - if those people approach
the City for Annexation - then there should be no question
of a two year delay. We should identify where problems have
to be negotiated and streamline the process as much as possi-
ble as to how we get an official action by the County on an
Annexation request. We have a joint form in Altamonte, we
even collect the fees and submit their portion on Annexation
to the County. We are not going to talk consolidation in
Seminole County any time in the near future, and we shouldn't.
Commissioner Glenn observed that because of dollars, more
consolidation of services would be seen. She also advised
that you may have some County Commissioners who don't want
to lose anything because they see a loss of power, and a loss
of tax base.
Mr. Etchberger felt, after discussion of lost tax base, etc.,
we must approach the County and say, we are ready now, we
want to come to an agreement and define these kinds of things.
If nothing else, when we don't come to agreement, at least
we have told the property owner - you may as well anticipate
that you will have a two year wait, but even in that we have
done them a service.
Sandra Glenn further commented, the input we get from the
unincorporated residents, as well as the incorporated residents
at our public hearings, weigh on the decision.
Pete Knowles agreed, the tax property would become less and
less important - where services will be more important.
The biggest problem for the County is the fact that as the
area grows, we become responsible for more of the roads,
whether they are in unincorporated or incorporated areas
was observed by Sandra, to be one of the most frustrating
things to the County. To have to maintain the road within
the Municipality and deal with the type of development
that is going in - we have worked it out with most of them
where you are requiring basically the same kind of tapers
and decel lanes and traffic signal, as well as right-of-way
commitments at the time of rezoning that we are requesting.
The Joint Land Planning Agency you mentioned - do you think
that is a good area to begin?
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It should be a relief to the County that someone else is
taking over the responsibility of a higher level of service
than what they are getting, Pete Knowles commented. People
forget you can never separate authority from responsibility
on any job.
The franchise fee impact on the unincorporated area was
Pete Knowles questioned what was meant by Administrative
Zoning? The key is, Jeff advised, who initiates the request
or action for Rezoning - whether it is Administrative Staff
or whether it is by petition of property owner that is the
Mayor Lorman requested the Annexation discussion be summed up.
She asked if the Cities would like the last word on what was
being discussed.
Mayor Torcaso would like to see all the City Planners get to-
gether with the County Planner and go over the Comp Plan and
see if the little enclaves that are located right in the
residential area of the City could be annexed.
There is no procedure for that in the State Legislature unless
the person who owns the property requests to be annexed,
Sandra Glenn advised.
Pete Knowles suggested CALNO advise all eight governmental
agencies to have a representative, and also suggested it be
an Administrative person employed by that Government Agency
to sit down and arrive at a joint area of coordination of
Zoning in the fringe areas of all these Governmental Agencies.
Jeff Etchberger pointed out, since they are going through
revisions, they can take the spearhead by asking and doing
that coordination as you go through your Revision next year.
The problems can be resolved before you get to the Public
Sandra cautioned, because the only way the County knows
Annexations are taking place in the Cities, is if our Staff
reads a legal notice. We do not get a letter from any Munic-
ipality saying they are Annexing property from the unincor-
porated areas, except Altamonte Springs. Probably, the
notice goes to the property appraiser, Pete advised. The
notice has to be certified in that office.
In reply to Mayor Lorman's request for direction, Jeff
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Etchberger proposed that we all agree that within a week to
send a completed copy of the Matrix to Don Terry of Longwood
so that he can include it with the minutes. In the next day
or two fill out the Rezoning Questionnaire and you will
receive a copy of the completed chart with the minutes.
The decision was unanimous by all members to have the Rezon-
ing Form completed, sent to Don Terry - Longwood City Clerk,
and he will forward same to all CALNO Members.
Commissioner Glenn requested that each member take Dave
Chacey's suggestion back to their Boards and request reinsti-
tution of the Technical Coordinating Committee.
Walt Sorenson of Lake Mary, moved that each of us as an entity
appoint a member, be that Staff or elected Official, to a
group/body to review overlap of Comprehensive Plans along
the general lines of trying to corne to some agreement in
those areas, within our boundaries and without our boundaries,
that we share with another entity.
Mayor Sheppard seconded Mayor Sorenson's above motion - all
were in favor, none opposed.
Mayor Sorenson clarified the discussion by advising we ask
the Committee to review the overlapping areas with an eye to
trying to get them into agreement. It would help a great
deal with the revision of the Comp Plan, he commented.
Mayor Lorman asked if any of the cities had anything they would
like to talk about or bring to the Board?
Jeff Etchberger stated the City of Altamonte Springs is going
out for bids on water conservation packages. We structured
our bids in such a manner that they will be in quantities of
a thousand of base kits, and then the shower head, faucet in-
serts and tanks separately, in a public education package.
We have structured it this way so that if the Commission or
some of the others might be considering same, we will have
those in in about thirty days. Anyone could enter in under
joint Purchasing under CALNO if they wish. Most likely we
will allow them to be billed on the water bill in Altamonte.
We will be happy to share our bids with you.
Mayor Torcaso, Winter Springs, advised that they had just
dissolved a Board that had met for eight weeks on revising
permitted uses in C-l & C-2 Zoning. Winter Springs is going
to have a Public Hearing, etc. It will probably corne up
before the Commission some time next month. There is a
great deal that will have to go to special exception, etc.,
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that we have incorporated in C-l or C-2 in hopes of eliminat-
ing some of those meetings.
Sandra Glenn wished to cover a matter that affects everybody.
The Legislature this year abolished Health Systems Agencies
and in their place created Local Health Planning Organiza-
tions, which is a Planning Body only. It may, or may not,
have Public Hearings. It may give input as far as requiring
when new hospitals are requested. They are based on the
same District as HRS. Those are the boundaries. We are in
the same District with anybody that is in our HRS District.
The guidelines are corning out June 15th as to how many
people each County is allowed to have on this Board. It
is done by population, etc. The only person that has a voice
to the State is the Chairman of the Local Planning Agency.
The major differences that the Cerfificate of Need process,
which has played a major role within the HSA, is now being
transferred to the State. They make the final decision, not
the local agencies. Local Health Agency Plans becomes a
document against which the State mayor may not review those
certificates. Of particular importance to the County, is
the fact that each member of the new Health Planning Agency
will be appointed by the County Commissioners within the
HRS District.
Mayor Lorman asked when the foregoing would take place. San-
dra Glenn was not sure at this time, but thought it would be
sometime in October.
June Lorman announced that Longwood is getting their hospital,
and that it will probably be under construction in three months.
As far as the psychiatric hospital, that is on hold. This is
an acute, surgical, medical hospital having 100 beds, to be
expanded later on.
Mayor Lorman advised that the next meeting which had been sched-
uled to be in Winter Springs, on July 7th would not be held at
that time, due to CALNO taking a leave of absence during July and
August. The next CALNO meeting is scheduled for September 1st,
in Winter Springs.