HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 04 07 Minutes
Apri 1 7, 1982
The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County
was held on Wednesday, April 7, 1982, in the City Hall of the City of
Oviedo, Florida.
1. Ca 11 to order.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman June Lormann.
Commissioner Lee Constantine, Altamonte Springs
Mayor Owen Sheppard, Casselberry
Mayor Walter Sorenson, Lake Mary
Mayor June Lormann, Longwood
Mayor Robert Whittier, Oviedo
Commissioner Edwin Keith, Sanford
Commissioner Sandra Glenn, Seminole County
Deputy Mayor John Torcaso, Winter Springs
Sandy Lingo, Recording Secretary
Marian Adams, League of Women Voters
Donna Estes, Sanford Herald
Geri Throne, Sentinel Star
2. Approval of minutes.
Motion duly made, seconded and passed to approve the minutes of March 3,
3. Treasurer's Report.
Commissioner Constantine gave the treasurer's report stating the balance
in the checking account was $75.38 and the savings account $622.93. Motion
made, seconded and passed to approve the treasurer1s report.
4. Establ ishment of Council of Local Governments.
Mayor Lormann passed out a copy of the reasons for the establ ishment of the
Council of Local Governments in Seminole County and the powers of this group,
since this information had not been presented in a long time and newer
mempers might not be aw~re of it.
5. Solid Waste Report.
Mr. W. J. Schuder, Director, Department of Public Works for Seminole
County, reviewed the report submitted by the Solid Waste Committee. In
the plan submitted to the state and approved in July 1979, was the
provision to have a review every two years. The committee met in the
fall, and this report covers the major revisions and recommendations which
are submitted to this board for their approval. Mr. Schuder stated the
major thrust of this plan was for a heat-energy recovery system in con-
junction with the regional sewage treatment plant. He stated this is
still a val id goal in the county when it is economically feasible. There
was discussion on the present land fill system. Mr. Schuder reported the
other recommendations deal ing with mandatory collection, franchised areas,
and source separation of materials had not progressed very far; however,
these items would have to be resolved as you get into a resource recovery
program. The committee recommended that through interlocal agreements a
Seminole County solid waste management group be established. This group
would primarily be a public awareness group keeping the citizens informed
of this long range problem.
Motion made by Commissioner Constantine to accept the recommendations of
this particular document with the inclusion that the Solid Waste Advisory
Committee membership be the public works director or a ranking individual
in the publ ic works department of each of the municipal ities and the
county, seconded by Mayor Whittier. It was suggested that Mr. Schuder
chair the first meeting and the committee could work out future meetings
and establish their own regulations. The motion passed unanimously.
6. Alternative Community Service Program.
Judge Kenneth Leffler spoke to the members regarding the alternative
community service program. He stated he had recently learned that this
program was faltering. This is a weekend work program limited to those
prisoners who have committed non-violent crimes. Some of the cities
have had success using this program, and he urged those who have not used
the program to look into it. Steve ~nders of the Sheriff's Department
may be contacted for information.
Motion made by Commissioner Constantine that they adopt a resolution
supporting the alternative community service program with a copy to all
judges having jurisdiction in the program, seconded by Commissioner Glenn
and motion carried unanimously.
7. Reports.
Commissioner Constantine reported on Altamonte's building expansion and
the hiring of a new pol ice chief. There was a discussion on the zoning
of Maitland Avenue. Mr. Schuder reported the Seaboard railroad would be
reworking the crossings in the Altamonte, Longwood, Casselberry area
beginning Monday at the O'Brien crossing and working their way north.
Mayor Whittier reported on the progress of the proposed PUD in Oviedo
and that a Code Enforcement Board would be established. Commissioner
Glenn reported two intersections being reworked at Longwood Avenue/SR 436
and SR 436/437. She also reported that Hwy. 520 would become a state
road April 30th. A traffic 1 ight at the post office in Longwood is up
for bids now. Deputy Mayor Torcaso reported on Winter Springs' problem
in trying to get a sign put on 1-4.
A motion was made, seconded and passed that the Chairman of Council of
Local Governments send a letter to DOT requesting they consider Winter
Springs' request for a sign on 1-4.
Mayor Lormann reported Longwood was enlarging their city hall and that
their police chief had recently graduated from the FBI Academy. There
was discussion regarding attending legislative sessions. It was suggested
that a letter be sent to Pete Knowles thanking him for the information he
passed on to the cities and county during the past legislative session.
The meeting adjourned.