HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 02 03 Minutes MINUTES OF COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY February 3, 1982 The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County was held Wednesday, February 3, 1982, in the City Hall of the City of Lake Mary. 1. Call to order The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p. m. by Chairman Owen Sheppard. Present: Commissioner Lee Constantine - Altamonte Springs Mayor Owen Sheppard - Casselberry Mayor Walter Sorenson - Lake Mary Mayor June Lormann - Longwood Mayor Bob Whittier - Oviedo Commissioner Eddie Keith - Sanford Commissioner Sandra Glenn- Seminole County Deputy Mayor John Torcaso - Winter Springs Others Present: Donna Estes, Evening Herald Geri Throne, Seminole Little Sentinel W. E. "Pete" Knowles, Sanford City Manager Connie Major, Lake Mary City Clerk Marian Adams, League of Women Voters Patricia Southward, League of Women Voters Tim McCaulley, Florida State Employment Service 2. Approval of Minutes of January 13, 1982 Motion was made and seconded to approve the Minutes of January 13, 1982, as written. Carried unanimously. 3. Election of Officers Motion was made by Mayor Bob Whittier, seconded by Deputy Mayor John Tocaso, to nominate Mayor Lormann for Chairman of the Council. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Mayor Lormann to nominate Mayor Sheppard for Chairman of the Council. Mayor Sheppard declined the nomination. Motion was made by Commissioner Glenn to close nominations. Motion seconded and carried unanimously. Mayor Lormann accepted the nomination to serve as Chairman of the Council. Motion was made by Commissioner Glenn, seconded by Commissioner Keith, to nominate Deputy Mayor John Torcaso for Vice-Chairman of the Council. Carried unanimouslYt making Deputy Mayor John Torcaso Vice-Chairman of the Council. Motion was made by Mayor Lormann, seconded by Commissioner Glenn, to nominate Commissioner Constantine for Treasurer of the Council. Carried unanimously. 4. Treasurer's Report Mayor Lormann reported the balance of the Savings Account is $614.92, and the balance of the General Account is $75.38. She said dues were paid by Lake Mary and Oviedo and asked the remaining members to bring their dues to the next meeting. Commissioner Glenn recommended dues not be collected until the Council decides to undertake a project for which the funds will be necessary. Motion was made by Commissioner Glenn, seconded by Mayor Whittier, to refund the dues paid by Lake Mary and Oviedo. Carried unanimously. Motion was made by Commissioner Constantine, seconded by Commissioner Keith, to approve the Treasurer's report. Carried unanimously. 5. Florida State Employment Service Presentation by Mr. Tim McCaulley Mr. Tim McCaulley, Manager of the State Employment Office in Sanford, informed the Council of the services provided by his office for placing unemployed persons in Seminole County, pointing out that there is a possibility that the office could be abolished if Federal budget cuts are made. He asked the Council members for support by opposing a House Bill proposed by U. S. Representative Bill Nelson, that would reduce Federal funds going to the State and provide funds to private employment agencies which would cost increase the cost to the taxpayers. Mr. McCaulley said Seminole County employment offices placed 2,404 persons in jobs in 1981, and as of December, 1981, the rate of unemployment in Seminole County was 8.2 percent. He said if the Sanford office is closed, persons seeking State employment services will have to go to Winter Park or Daytona Beach to apply. Council members discussed the matter with Mr. McCaulley and indicated they would support his position, however, they requested a copy of the proposed Bill and would then consider adopting a formal resolution at the March 3rd meeting. 6. Report by Sanford City Manager Mr. Pete Knowles reported the various legislation that may affect City and County governments if enacted. He said he would be back in Tallahassee February 14, and volunteered to take any ideas the cities had to offer back with him. He agreed to attend the next Council meeting and report further. 7. Reports from members Altamonte Springs - Commissioner Constantine reported resignation from Chief of Police was received and the position is available. Transportation study is on schedule. Initial draft of land development code has been completed. Funding study for sewer plant has been completed. Casselberry - Mayor Sheppard submitted copies of newspaper article by Lee Dancy regarding the double-taxation study. As a result of action taken by the Code Enforcement Board, a problem has resulted in that the violator has not complied with the fine he received and the amount due is becoming excessive. Lake Mary - Mayor Sorenson suggested the County consider reducing the cost of dump fees for the general public as a method of reducing the amount of trash that is being thrown on public property, roadways, etc. Page 2 Commissioner Glenn said she will present the suggestion to the County Commission for discussion. Longwood - Mayor Lormann reported that City Manager, Dave Chacey, is going to Tallahassee to suppor a Bill being presented by Senator Jennings which would allow experimental installation of individual graywater disposal systems, Oviedo - Mayor Whittier reported the City's engineering firm has suggested the City consider revising land development ordinances to be more in line with the Seminole County land development plan. Seminole County - Commissioner Glenn reported Seminole County passed an ordinance providing for prepaid sewer connections and monthly service charge. She said an ordinance was adopted to provide for installation of water-conservation plumbi.ng fixtures and she will forward copies of the ordinance to members for information. Winter Springs - Deputy Mayor John Torcaso reported two new schools will be constructed on Tuskawilla Road, ground-breaking will be in June, 1982. Presently reworking C-l zoning regulations. Installed a traffic light at Edgemont and 434. Passed new ordinances relative to voting and attendance of Planning and Zoning Board and Board of Adjustment members. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p. m. The next meeting will be held at the Longwood City Hall. Page 3