HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 01 27 Letter Re: Tri-County Veterans Employment Advisory Council
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fJ''i-i- rioant/l i"JIe'el"a,'It~
tSmfi/~~n.e",,1 J'td,,,.i~()I'/JJI f{fOUH{)"
(305) 2952631 "
.J ,lllU:II"Y 27. 1982
The Honorablu 'Lio\wton Cluies
i?ed~ral Offic~ Buildinl$ .
L~kehmd, Florida 33801 ".
Dear -Sena.tor Chiles:
Recently, rcpl'e:jl.~ntative::; of the TI'I'(~ollnty (Ut',tnto'.l', ();..('~(Jla., ..nd
Scminol~) Veteran~ Employm\.~nt Advbot"y Council Iud (ll (kvdop <.lilt! l1h,dntuinthc
deliv.ry of ~et'viceS rH:~edl~d in on;h~I' to Iwlp k\~I:~I' t1w V dVI'.tn in tht' Itminstrcam
ot ihe. world of work and employment.
Much of the discusslOn at OUI' nWI,.~ting centt't',~d :lI'ound tht:' ~t4H cuts
in the local emploYQ.1cnt <;ffices. Th..~Sl' Cllb have ,drl':ld y o.lllt~ckd I.:rnployment
services for veterans and the b~neral public, bincl,.' applic;"nts will hav~ to drive..
farther to seek work or file for unemploymt'l1t bendit claims and thi;;::; wi n sedously
hamper those groups that traditionally hav~ found tl'OLibh: ubtaining jub~. It als()
means that this lack of assistanc,~ for the unemployed wi 11 ~entl:t"ah' longt:r claims
which, in turn, means employc!'s will have to contribute as lIluch ur nlOrl.:.' than they
would if the employment service:.> were in full operation, You ,ll'\'~ wI:ll ;.lware that
the l:itate employmt.'nt ::H.~rvic~':::; ,Lre funded llll'ough 1\'(1-:r.,d Illlt'nq.d\.l} III L.'Tl t t "X\:lS pa.id
by the employer. But, are you aware that d1.'u'inJ,; Fi~;,:dl Yl':H" l()~l only ':i(l,9\i)of
the money l-><1id by Florida employers for the _tdm.nbu"atiul' uJ the Emplllynllo::nt
Security (Employment S<:.~rvjces and Unelllploymt.'l,t Cornpcn:')<:1tJun) System W9~
. .:.. : ... c.- .;'". _, ~
returned to the State of Fhll"ida hy the U . S, T)t:Pdl.trlll'nt of I.o.l'\;; >I' ? ;Il\d thillt
~.ny ~tatc:;i n:cdved 1ar won' lunch; than tlll'V cllntnlHl LI'(,I':
~, ':,
\Flol'itl"" will uc t1a~ Il)LH'lh 1.1t"},.!.l,:.t :>tat,: III t1I1.,~ II.JtIOII (,n 1')',I(J) wilh it
population of 12.3 million. The state will continw' to grow hy ;1l:Jdtnf~ ul/l~l' OfH:
quarter of <.l million pcrsunt; a ye<.lr. By the yeal" 2000 it J:, t:stintak,J tIFt!. tl'lt.~
State will h;1ve doubl..'d its present population, Although the sL:lte h,ts contirn"ed
to 6row, the employn\t:mt ::;el'vicl,.~S has been frozerl at jqlJu staffing It::Vt..b.. Tht:'
Florida State Employment St,'l'vice had 1470 i;i.uthori :led staff dUI'ing Fiscal Y e~l.l:
1981 to provide services to the public; their staffillg was l'I;duc(.d to I! 17.
effective October I, 1981. Additional budget cuts now hVll1g illlplcm"Hlt\~d by
Washington wi II furth(~r reduce that level to appruximately 872. or 59';,01 thcil'
~'fP.Dle~~iDnal 1I6leltana. :/tell";"',!1 1/elelj,a "",/'
~..~.~ ._..........~.l.,.n"
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former staffing level. ~ith nearly 9.5 million Americans out Of work, more
than at any time since IT939, and considering the expected in,creq~e, in popula-
tionfor the State of Florida, it would seem logical that the Employment Service
would increase instead of being reduced down to a "skeleton crew."
There is strong talk of private employment agencies bidding for federal
monies. The Findley Bi)l, HR 4738, proposes that 25% of the funds allocated to
the states to operate the public employment offices would be diverted to priva~e
, employment agencies'. The Florida State Employment Service ranked first in cost
effect'iveness nationwide, with a totp1 cost of less than $79.00 per each incii'/;;-
. dua 1 placed in. a job, nearly twi ce a's effi ci ent as the na ti ona 1 average of $15,,2
per placement;' there is no; private employment agency that could do better without
eitherchargin'g the applicant, the employer, or both. They are in business fd,r'
one thJng -- to make money.
~Je'are sending this letter to you to indicate our strong feelings about
the inequities in the distribution of federal unemployment taxes; our disapproval
of the proposed reduction in the Employment Services, and to express our disfavor
of the passing of the Findley Bill, HR 4738. Any assistance that you can provide
through pending or future legislation will be greatly appreciated by the members
of this Council.
$i ncerely yours,
,..; ., J < ' "-. ;'7.... (
Geor,ge F. Case
Cha i rman
Ho,norable Paula Hawkins
Honorable Bill Nelson
Honorable Robert Graham
Honorable Bill McCollum