HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 10 23 Report of Progress of EMS Division REPORT OF PROGRESS OF EMS DIVISION 10-12-81 to 10-23-81 1. Complete inventory of all Medical Supplies inc1udin~S~pply -' cabinet and all yehicles. . :. 2. Requested and received all certificates and forms for licensing of the City as BLS and ALS Providers. 3. Ordered all softgoods to comply with the State Standards of Ad- vancedLife Support. 4. Requested and received information and specifications on a Portable Medical Radio and Portable Cardiac Monitor/Defibrilla- tor. 5. Drafted request for purchase of Medical Radio under Orange County Bid Contract. 6. Drafted Specifications for preparation of bids on Medical Radio. 7. Drafted job qualifications and job description for paramedic/ Firefighters. 8. Drafted advertisement for the job of Paramedic/Firefighter. 9. Reviewed recent regulations for BLSand ALS Providers from the State of Florida Department of He~lth and Rehabilitative Services. 10. Reviewed City Policies regarding Personnel Procedures and De- partment Operating Procedures. G:Xl~LYt:: Gordon D. S;::Z:~ Paramedic Coordinator .............. ./ l1'!IO~1 .,], ,'1, V'" OJ~..\ IT v; ~ I 6iotek Associates 1671 Blairshire Circle I Winter Park, Florida 327921 Telephone (305) 644-1152124 Hour Answering Service Products for Medicine'" October 15, 1981 Gordan Spencer Director of EMS Services Winter Springs Fire Department 102 North Moss Road Winter Springs, Florida 32708 RE: BIOMEDICAL TELEMETRY EQUIPMENT Dear Mr. Spencer: As promised, I have prepaired a price breakdown of the Orange County Bid which was awarded to Epic Systems,Inc. on April 30, 1981. As the manufacturers representative for Epic, we are pleased to extend this contract to your department at considerable savings. Of course, all purchase orders should be forwarded to the manufacturer which Is Epic Systems,Inc., 1220 Bristol Ave., Westchester, 111.60153. While I believe you will find the pricing to be self-explanatory, please let me know should you have any questions. Very truly yours, ~EK ASSOCIATES,INC. nf'A r ( \ !~,~ ('\kJ JI'j ~~ \)\:1;\\ ~ Louis Hand President LH/phj Encl. , ITEM ORANGE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT BID COST BREAKDOWNl DESCRIPTION , I . l. COST 1 $ 4~938.00 lA 2 3 4 5 6 ESlOOXC BIOMEDICAL TELEMETRY PORTABLE RADIO WITH H}u~SET~ STUB ANTENNA, DUAL BAITERY SYSTEM~ 8 MEDICAL FREQUENCIES ~ 6 TONES~ & 17" CASE. ADD FREQUENCIES 9 & 10 BATTERY CHARGER (~ HR.) AS 100 SCOPE CABLE ( RADIO TO LPK 5 ) AS101 SCOPE CABLE ( LPK 5 TO RADIO ) PC100 PATIENT CABLE WITH WIRES GAIN ANTENNA (HAGNETIC MOUNT) SUB TOTAL SHIPPING TOTAL 1- BID NO. 120-1724 +400.00 495.00 35.00 35.00 58.00 69.00 $ 6,030.00 25.00 $ 6~055.00 ". {:",