HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 09 03 Minutes
SEPl'EMBER 3, 1981
The regular meeting of Council of Local Governments in Seminole County was
held on Thursday, September 3, 1981, in the City Hall of the City of Sanford,
1. Call to Order.
The meeting was called to order at 7:45 P. M. by Chairman Owen Sheppard.
Mayor Owen Sheppard - Casselberry
Deputy Mayor June Lormann - Longwood
Deputy Mayor John Torcaso - Winter Springs
Commissioner Dolores Vickers - Altamonte Springs
Councilman David Brashears - Oviedo
Commissioner Milton Smith - Sanford
Lake Mary
Seminole County
2. Approval of Minutes of July 1, 1981.
Motion made by John Torcaso, seconded by June Lormann to approve the
minutes of the meeting of July 1, 1981. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Treasurer's Report.
June Lormann reported that $600.00 was transferred from the checking ac-
count to an interest bearing savings account, with $75.38 remaining in
the checking account. The Council approved same.
4. Open Forum.
John Torcaso reported that Seminole County requires businesses licensed to
do business in Winter Springs, to obtain a Seminole County Occupational
License, in addition to the City license, so they have to pay for two li-
John Torcaso reported that Winter Springs had asked the Seminole County
Public Library to send a mobile library unit to Winter Springs, but their
request was refused. Steve Harriett, Assistant to the City Manager, San-
ford, suggested they contact Roger Neiswender, Seminole County Adminis-
Mayor Owen Sheppard reported that Casselberry has a new Senior Citizen
Center, open to all Seminole County residents, which serves congregate
noon meals during the week, and which can be used for various functions
and meetings. Also, the center is run by a seven member Board of Direc-
tors, three from Seminole County and four from Casselberry.
Milton Smith asked about the status of the Double Taxation Suit. Owen
Sheppard reported that Casselberry is going to be the lead applicant,
and that their attorney had advised them to rely on exp~rts in that field.
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5. Reports from Members.
Dolores Vickers reported that on November 3, 1981, the City will hold an
election to elect a Mayor for a three year term, and Commissioners in
districts 1 and 3, for two year terms.
Altamonte Springs sewer bills are computed based on metered water con-
sumption. The minimum sewer bill is calculated on a conservative, low
amount of water consumption, to help those living on fixed incomes; and
sewer bills above the minimum are calculated on a sliding scale to en-
courage conservation.
No report.
June Lormann reported that Longwood's Code Enforcement Board has imposed
a fine on a business which has reached the amount of $1,320.00, the busi-
ness has not paid the fine, and their attorney is coming before the Com-
mission to ask that the fine be reduced. Also, that Longwood has sent
about 100 warnings of violations, but this is the only one that has had
to be taken to the Code Enforcement Board.
The City is trying to get a 150 bed hospital in Longwood.
There has been a 50% reduction in water consumption in Longwood.
David Brashears reported Oviedo has raised water rates from:
$4.50 for 1 to 3,000 gallons of water
$ .50 for each addition 1,000 gallons of water, over 3,000
$4.50 for 1 to 3,000 gallons of water
$ .75 for each additional 1,000 gallons of water over 1,000;
and increased the utility tax cap from $7.50 to $15.00, and that the ad
valorem taxes should decrease, since they will no longer have to be used
to subsidize utilities.
The City will hold an election on September 8, 1981, to elect a Mayor
and two Councilmen, and to decide whether or not the Mayor's job should
be full-time.
Milton Smith reported on the case City of Sanford vs. City Chemicals In-
dustries, Inc., that the judge had ruled in the City's favor, and the
City is hopeful that action will be begun in the near future, to clear
the storage site.
Sanford City Manager W. E. Knowles reported that the chemical company is
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being ordered to remove all wastes within 90 days, or as soon thereafter
as technically possible. Also, that the City had filed a motion of de-
fault, which the court granted.
The City Manager reported that Sanford's 1981-82 Budget has been tentatively
approved, that over 47% of the property in Sanford is tax-exempt, which will
necessitate a roll-forward millage rate of 5.875 mills.
He reported that ad valorem taxes will become useless, the public will
do everything possible to eliminate ad valorem taxes, the state legisla-
ture may eliminate them, and Florida could become a user tax state.
Also, the state legislature is thinking about a state revenue tax.
wrnTER SPRrnGs.
John Torcaso reported that the budget is finalized, which includes a 10%
raise and a ~ merit increase to employees, not including department heads.
Winter Springs 1981-82 millage rate will be 2.05 mills, and there will be
a 4% utility tax.
There will be an election to elect a Councilman to Seats 2 and 4, and
to elect a Mayor, and to consider Charter Revisions as follows:
"Council" change to "Commission"
2 year terms change to 3 year terms
Mr. Torcaso asked if any cities received franchise fees from private
refuse companies operating in the city. Mrs. Vickers reported that Al-
tamonte Springs receives $90,000.00 annually, plus a percentage of the
gross profits, from private collectors on commercial accounts.
6. Next Meeting.
The Council's next meeting will be October 7, 1981, at the Seminole County
Court House.
The meeting adjourned at 9:35 P. M.
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