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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 07 01 Minutes . , -- MINUTES OF COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY JULY 1, 1981 The regular meeting of Council of Local Governments in Seminole County was held on Wednesday, July 1,1981, in the City Hall of the City of Oviedo, Florida. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Chairman Owen Sheppard. Present were: Mayor Owen Sheppard - Casselberry Deputy Mayor June Lormann - longwood Deputy Mayor John Torcaso - Winter Springs Commissioner Sandra Glenn - Seminole County Commissioner Dolores Vickers - A1tamonte Springs Councilman David Brashears - Oviedo Absent were: Lake Mary Sa nford 2. Approval of Minutes of June 3, 1981. .- Motion made by John Torcaso, seconded by Dolores Vickers to approve the minutes of the meeting of June 3, 1981. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Treasurer1s'Report. June Lormann reported a present balance of $675.38. A discussion followed putting this money in an interest bearing account. Motion made by David Brashears, seconded by John Torcaso, that the treasurer investigate the possibil ity of an interest bearing account, and if that is unsuccessful, the treasurer withdraw $600 from the checking account and put it in a savings account. The motion carried unanimously. 4. Open Forum. Mayor Owen Sheppard reported Mr. Bob Keesee of the Department of Community Affairs was studying job descriptions in Casselbery and that Mr. Keesee would be present at the next CALNO meeting to give a progress report. John Torcaso reported Winter Springs had adopted a new ordinance which required businesses selling alcoholic beverages to close at 2:00 a.m. prompt 1 y. -- ,- Page 2, Council of Local Governments in Seminole County, July 1, 1981. Dolores Vickers reported Altamonte Springs was reviewing their anti- nudity ordinance for effectiveness. They are presently working on the budget. John Torcaso reported Winter Springs was attempting to purchase the North Orlando water and sewage business. Dolores Vickers reported attending an ECFRPC meeting regarding the Areawide Housing Opportunity Plan (AHOP) in which the Executive Board passed the AHOP proposal. Seminole County and all cities, with the exception of Winter Springs, turned the AHOP program down. Sandra Glenn reported that Seminole County had appl ied for a grant in the Winwood section; however, since theproposalforttlat area was 2/31$ for paving and drainage and only 1/3 for housing, they were minus points and the extra 50 points proposed under AHOP would not have helped them obtain the grant. June Lormann reported Longwood is getting a traffic signal installed paid one-half by Longwood and one-half by the County. Owen Sheppard reported they were participating with the County and the School Board in a bicycle path to a school. - 5. Reports from Members. ALTAMONTE SPRINGS. Dolores Vickers reported they had recently received a presentation on their special 208 grant study of two lakes in Altamonte. They have completed the citizen input portion of the program and the next step will be a publ ic hearing. The city is going into an extensive street .and drainage improvement program along with this grant. In budget considerations, Altamonte wi 11 go with the roll-back millage rate of 3.43. They are increasing pol ice and fire personnel, bringing the publ ic safety salaries in 1 ine to be competitive with Orange County and Orlando, proposing an average 8'J6 cost of living increase and a program to reward highly skilled personnel. A supervisory professional training program will be conducted by UCF and a program to rotate personnel attending seminars and conferences instituted. A transportation study is being sponsored by the city in which the businessess have contributed $25,000. They propose drawing together all of the existing studies, designating the gaps to be filled, and coming up with a comprehensive plan. The first meeting will be held this month. /""...... ~ Page 3, Council of Local Governments in Seminole County, July 1, 1981. CASSELBERRY Owen Sheppard reported on problems with pollution of lakes and the lake-front dwellers refusing to accept responsibility. The City will try to hold the millage rate at the present level and hold existing services, bring personnel salaries up to compare with others in the area, propose an 8% cost of 1 iving increase and change the pay scale for employees to reach the top in eight years instead of five. Casselberry has designated July 31st as Chief Karcher day in honor of retiring Chief George Karcher. The Transmission Authority will meet on July 15 in Casselberry. LAKE MARY Sandra Glenn reported that Lake Mary had plan~ed a grei:LtJlJly 4~.h celebration with the highl ight of the day to be a tar and feathering of the mayor. -- LONG\~OOD June Lormann brought up a question of why the Highway Patrol would work an accident when the Sheriff's deputy \'ias there. Sandra Glenn reported through state statute the Highway Patrol was charged with writing up accidents in unincorporated areas if they can respond within fifteen minutes and there are no injuries requiring immediate attention. Upon further discussion, John Torcaso suggested this be brought up at a legislative session. Longwood will receive their budget Thursd9y. They are presently reviewing an emergency ordinance on water conservation. The city has planned a picnic for the employees on the 4th. OV I EDO David Brashears reported Oviedo is in the process of sol iciting firms for engineering services. In electing to retain a city fire department they have hired one full time fireman and the fire chief works twenty hours per week, which solves the major problem of daytime coverage. The city is revie\'iing changes to the Charter to bring it up to date. Oviedo protested the increase in cost of county grading of city streets. Oviedo is denying new requests for permit of mobile homes at this time amirenewa-lsa-re beiR9- Issued only to t-lw-s.e owRers.regJdln,gln t.he~r mobile home. It was reported a horse training track is being built less than a mile east of Oviedo. ,- SEM I NOLE CDUNTY Sandra Glenn reported the three mill ion dollar road bond issue had been placed at 9 3/4% interest, and they could now proceed with the Lake Howell road project. At the MPO meeting of June 15 the Board approved a five- year plan with the postponement to 186-187 the acquisition of rights-of-way on Maitland Boulevard. A question sti 11 remains regarding sidewalks on 436 from 1-4 to Roston Avenue. The Silver Star interchange is back in the five-year plan. MPO released the requirement of 5,000 population for participation in the technical portion of the MPO. Oviedo has requested membership. Updating the Resource Recovery Plan was presented for discussion. Seminole's Director of Publ ic \.Jorks, Jack Schuder, would accept the same people as on the original committee. ~ ,- ~ .. Page 4, Council of Local Governments in Seminole County, July 1, 1981. Motion made by Sandra Glenn, seconded by Dolores Vickers, to get the resource recovery plan committee back together to update this plan as required by EPA. Motion carried unanimously. WINTER SPRINGS John Torcaso reported resigning from the Seminole Community Development, Inc., because he was involved in so many other organizations and just did not have time. Winter Springs will appoint someone else to this agency. Charter changes were being considered to change the name from commission to council and to change the term of office from two years to three. A traffic signal has been requested at Edgemon Street. Prel iminary work on the budget is in process. Retirement programs are being reviewed. The city is finding it difficult to locate vdlunteers for appointment to the Draft goard. The recreation program at the YMCA area was proceeding nicely. The homeowners association had requested a training program for those wanting to run for city office. It was suggested that the best training groundW3s to be involved with the various boards of the city and attend city meetings. 6. SUMMER RECESS. Upon discussion of a summer recess it was decided not to hold a meeting in August. Motion made by Sandra Glenn, seconded by Dolores Vickers, to hold the next meeting in September in Sanford. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting ~djourned at 10 p.m.