HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 06 03 Minutes
Jtnle 3, 1981
The regular meeting of Cmmcil of Local Goverrnnents in Seminole Cmmty
was held on Jtnle 3, 1981, in the City Comnission Chambers of the Longwood
City Hall.
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7: 40 P.M. by Chainnan Owen Sheppard.
Present were: Mayor Ow'en Sheppard - Casselberry
Deputy Mayor Jtnle Lonnann - Longwood
Deputy Mayor John Torcaso - Winter Springs
Ccmnissioner Sandra Glenn - Seminole Cmmty
Ccmnissioner Dolores Vd.ckers - Altam:mte Springs
Ccmnissioner Edwin O. Keith - Sanford
Ccmnissioner David Brashears - Oviedo
Absent 'were: Lake Mary
2. Approval of Minutes of May 6, 1981
Moved by Edwin Keith, seconded by Sandra Glenn, carried tmanirnously to
approve the minutes of the meeting of May 6, 1981.
3. Treasurer's Report
Jtnle Lonnann stated that all checks had been received from CAl.NO members
and the present balance is $675.38. Moved by Dolores Vickers, seconded
by David Brashears that Treasurer's Report be approved as submitted.
Motion carried tmanimousl y.
4. Report on DCA Survey Project
Mayor Sheppard briefed the members on the progress of Mr. Bob Keesee
of the Department of Cormnmity Affairs and stated that Mr. Keesee was
assisting Casselberry and Longwood on Pay and Classification Plan
studies. The Department of Cormnmity Affairs is also providing assistance
to other cities in other areas such as Affirmative Action Plans and
Persormel Policy and Procedures Manuals. Ccmnissioner Vickers stated that
Altannnte Springs had recently completed a comprehensive revision of their
pay entitlements plan. Carmissioner Glenn advised that Seminole Cmmty had
. a comparative pay plan study and copies were available.
5. Reports from Members:
Altam:mte Springs - Corrmissioner Vickers reported that Altam:mte Springs
was considering an "Economy Village" concept in an effort to make housing
more affordable for ymmger couples. She stated that Cardinal Industries
type housing was being considered and the plan would involve reevaluation
of building requirements and making zoning more flexible. Ccmnissioner
Vickers reported that Altam:mte Springs had declined to participate in an
AllOP (Area wide Housing Opportunity Plan) due to the complex requirements
of the plan. Ccmnissioner Vickers reported that Altam:mte Springs has com-
fonned a Citizen's Advisory Board and given them responsibilities that
were fonnerly held by six other boards, i.e. Civic Affairs Board, Recreation
Board, Camnmity Affairs Board, etc., and that this board has proven very
helpful in strengthening lines of carmmications between the City government
and the citizens. Ccmnissioner Vickers reported that Altarronte Springs has
requested members of the insurance industry to review the City's insurance
plan and she believed the review would prove beneficial to Altarronte Springs.
Ccmnissioner Vickers also reported that Altarronte Springs was considering
establishing a Historical Ccmnission to assist in the preservation of
historical sites. Ccmnissioner Glerm reported that there was an opening on
the Seminole County Historical Corrrnission and asked if the cities had any
Casselberry - 'Mayor Sheppard reported that Casselberry had rejected the AHOP
plan for reasons similiar to Altarronte Springs. 'Mayor Sheppard reported that
Casselberry had fonned a Codes Enforcement Board and the board would be used
to enforce the current water ban. 'Mayor Sheppard reported that Casselberry
had canpleted a Senior Citizen's Center which would open in mid-July. He
stated that three members were required and requested that the County appoint
persons that were not Casselberry residents.
Lake 'Mary - Absent
Longv;rood - Deputy 'Mayor Lonnarm reported that Longwood had prepared a
canprehensive anti-nudity ordinance in an effort to prevent establishments
fran coming to Longwood.
Oviedo - No Report
Sanford - Ccmnissioner Keith reported that Sanford was experiencing some
problems in obtaining DER approval for their 201 Sewer Plan and there was
sane objection to dumping 9,000,000 gallons of affluent in Lake Monroe.
Seminole County - Ccmnissioner Glerm reported on a study being made by
JoArm. Blackmon, Purchasing Agent for Seminole County. '!he plan would
create a regional purchasing agency and would result in lower costs to
participating counties and cities. Ccmnissioner Glerm reported that
Seminole County would be required to increase fees to cities for grading
roads. Fee increases would be effective on October 1, 1981 as follows:
Winter Springs - Fran $628.00 to $1430.00 per month
Oviedo - From $188.00 to $430.00 every other month
Altarronte Springs - From $251.00 to $575.00 per month
'!he increases were due to the fact that present costs did not provide
for fuel and maintenance costs or replacement of equipment.
Ccmnissioner Glerm also reported that funds for allocations to the 7
nuxnicipalities would be reduced from $53,000 to $27,000 for the Road and
Bridge Funds for fiscal year 1981-1982. Ccmnissioner Glenn stated that she will
be attending the National Regional Planning Council meeting in Buffalo,
New York as a representative from Central Florida.
Winter Springs - Deputy 'Mayor Jom Torcaso reported that the 13 member
Charter Advisory Ccmnittee had completed its review. Two major changes
recannended for November ballot will be to change the name of the Council
to Ccmnission and to increase the tenus of membership to 3 years. Winter
Springs is considering the purchase of the North Orlando Water & Sewage Co.
A new Bamett bank will be built on a ten acre site on SR 434 and Moss Road.
Deputy Mayor Jo1m Torcaso reported on a problem with the increasing
lot rentals for trailer parks. Winter Springs has now received their own zip code
but Casselberry is the preferred address.
Mayor Owen Sheppard distributed sample copies of a proposed proclamation for
Clown's Week on 1- 7 August 1981
Moved by Vickers, seconded by Glenn, carried un.an:irrously to adjourn. at 10: 00 P.M.
D. ~ L. Terry /