HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 03 04 Minutes \ \ \ \ MINUTES OF COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN SEMINOLE COUNTY MARCH 4, 1981. The regular meeting of the Council of Local Governments in Seminole County was held March 4, 1981, at 7:30 P.M. in the City Commission Chambers of Altamonte Springs City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Owen Sheppard. Present were: Mayor Owen Sheppard - Casselberry Commissioner Dolores Vickers - Altamonte Springs Deputy Mayor John V Torcaso - Winter Springs Deputy Mayor June Lorman - Longwood Commissioner Edwin 0 Keith - Sanford Commissioner Sandra Glenn - Seminole County Absent were: Lake Mary Oviedo Guests present: City Manager George McMahon - Maitland Bruce Berger, Florida Power & Light Company Barry Larson, Longwood District Engineer, Florida Power Fred Stafford, Florida Power, St. Petersburg Gordon Fella, 150 Pineda, Longwood, 32750 /831-2046 MOVED by Keith, seconded by Torcaso, carried unaimously to approve the minutes of the meeting of February 4, 1981, with the change of the treasury total to read $475.38. Treasurer Deputy Mayor Lorman reported that the change in the treasury total was due to the fact that the stationery and checks had not been subtracted, but the total was $475.38 in the treasury. PRESENTATION BY AMATEUR RADIO & CITIZENS BAND REPRESENTATIVE: Gordon Fella, 150 Pineda, Longwood, made a presentation for a Seminole County Civil Defense Auxiliary Radio Service Plan from volunteers in the county, which would be of no cost to the Cities. It was the consensus of those present that he should contact Fire Chief Kaiser and then spread through the communities, working with the fire chiefs, noting that the volunteers would have no authority, but only offer assistance to the cities. The volunteers would sign a release of all liability and would help to set up a plan that would be beneficial to the communities. MUNICIPAL POWER USAGES (Agenda Update) Maitland City Manager George McMahon gave a history on the Local Government Task Force that has been appointed to study the Florida Power Rate Increase. Florida Power is asking for a rate increase of $99 million and the Task Force didn't consider that equitable and fair. The following items were addressed: -problems caused by timing of any increase on existing budgets on rate allocation and rate design matters. -rates and charges for street lighting, etc. 1.86% charge was inappropriate for street lighting. CALNO Minutes Page 2 March 4, 1981. Municipal Power Usages continued -Specific Proposals included elimination of rate schedule M-l entirely and transfer each type of local government use to the appropriate "Charge service" or light rate schedule and combine old lighting - street lighting and private area lighting. Florida Power will be required to rejustify a number of its proposals. The Power Companies were represented by Barry Larson, Longwood District Manager, Bruce Berger, Florida Power & Light Company, and Fred Stafford, efficiency expert from St. Petersburg. Commissioner Glenn pointed out that perhaps we need to consider under- ground vs. overhead lines and notllify each city official of the line modifications on the easements. REPORT ON D.C.A. (IPA) Longwood and Oviedo have not submitted resolutions yet. Mayor Sheppard requested the members submit the names of the contact person. TAX EQUALIZATION Submit the names from the cities for the committee to be se~ected by the Board of County Commissioners. IMPACT FEE INFORMATION The information on impact fees will be forwarded to WaLt Sorensen. REPORTS: Seminole County - There will be a Natural Resource meeting on March 17, 1981, at 7:30 p.m. regarding funding and anticipation next year. All municipalities participated in the meeting on the trim bill this afternoon, Commissioner Glenn informed the members. Winter Springs.- There will be a Blue Grass Festival on May 2nd at Sunshine Park with Sertoma Club and Sentinel Star participating. Longwood - They are adopting an affirmative ac~ion plan and personnel policy. They have mailed out 3,000 letters for drug abuse program and a meeting was held at Lyman with approximately 250 in attendance. NEXT MEETING: WILL BE HELD IN CASSELBERRY CITY HALL ON APRIL 1ST. AT 7:30 P.M. The Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. ~~~MC City Clerk